Finding Optimism for Becoming an Avid Reader | Teen Ink

Finding Optimism for Becoming an Avid Reader

January 26, 2021
By dylanrecker SILVER, Austin, Texas
dylanrecker SILVER, Austin, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When it comes to reaching one’s goals, optimism plays a very important role in the Journey. One has to be hopeful about their future and take the correct steps to reach their goals. My goal has always been to become an avid reader. When I was younger, I despised the idea of sitting down with a book and slowly flipping through every page, forcing myself to comprehend what I just read. Why would I do that, when I could’ve been watching TV or playing on my tablet. Finally, when it came to highschool, in my freshman year english class, we were to read Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. I was completely sucked in by the story of Scout Finch and her curiosity for Boo Radley and Tom Robinson’s court case. From that day forward I decided to make it my goal to become an avid reader. 

My plan is to take certain steps to be able to become a reader that’s able to be sucked into every story. I will start off small with becoming more of an avid news and magazine article reader to get me started. Once I become comfortable with that, I will move on to going to the library and to read multiple synopsis to find novels I am interested in. Once I find books I like, I will purchase them from the book store. Purchasing them will make me feel obligated to read them, so I don’t put them to waste. After purchasing them, I will make a weekly reading schedule to sit down for 30 to 45 minutes everyday to read. With this plan, I Will be able to become an avid reader. Throughout my journey, I will remain optimistic to reach my goal.

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