Being Multilingual | Teen Ink

Being Multilingual

May 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Being multilingual is known in more than 2 languages. I am multilingual as well. Chinese is my native language. English is my main language presently since I am studying in an international school. I also have taken French before. Even though being multilingual might have some negative consequences, there are many positive results as well.

When I meet my friends, who grow up in America, I find lots of differences between us. First, they are accustomed to speaking English, but I usually speak Chinese outside school. The conversations between them are entirely in English, so I try to figure out what they are saying and participate in it. This is challenging but can improve my speaking skills and the ability to improvise. In addition, due to the disparate cultures of America and China, our thoughts and behaviors are distinct too. My friends are more open than me. It seems like nothing can constrain them. In comparison, I am aware of my behaviors. Despite our dissimilitude, we still get along with each other very well.

At school, there are lots of disadvantages by comparing to native speakers. Since they are natives, they have more positive outcomes in English, especially in an international school. Due to their fluency in the first language, the natives can understand better in a shorter amount of time than the others. In this comparative environment, multilingual students need to work harder to chase after and catch up with the natives. To get good graders, multilingual ones will build strong reading, writing, speaking and listening skills which are as the native speakers. In addition, social groups are divided mostly by English native speakers, Koreans and Chinese. This somewhat relates to the languages we speak. However, it is hard for everyone to get into another social group.

Though there are some repercussions, being multilingual has more profits. By knowing multiple languages, it is easier to travel. For example, a multilingual is fluent in French. When she goes to France, she can just use French instead of English. This brings her a better understanding and convenience. Also, the multilingualism who learn English can use it in most countries. As a result, multilingualism can use the languages they know in different countries.

Multilingualism can adapt to the cultures of other countries easily. However, it is difficult for the natives. In instance, I am able to have food in distinct countries. Some native foreigner can’t endure Chinese food. Therefore, if I go to America or immigrate there, I can accept the food there. In addition, I celebrate American festivals as well. For example, during Christmas, my family and I place a Christmas tree in our living room. By knowing other languages also helps us adapt other cultures.

Even sometimes I think being a native is better, multilingualism has more benefits. It is significant and advantageous to know other languages. Through being multilingual, I have learned that things shouldn’t be defined too quickly since all the ones have two sides. The advantages should also be recognized, so we can be more appreciated and positive.

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