Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By pyuhasz21 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
pyuhasz21 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought of what the future would be like if it was to be perfect in a certain perspective? Dystopias are an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant and bad. These dystopian stories are potentially describes as illusions of a perfect world and what it is supposedly going to be like.  They explain how life has developed as time goes on and how it has grown in technological advancements.

“Harrison Bergeron” is an example of dystopia because it captures the illusions of a perfect utopian society. Throughout the story it gives plenty of examples of how the society that they are living in is described as “perfect”. One example of a perfect world in the story is “The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal in every which way.” This quote is an example of a perfect world because this story is explaining the hypothetical life of what our world is going to be like in the future. It explains how every one in that society is equal. Everybody has the same personalities, knowledge, physical traits, and everything else about a person. This society is based on where everyone is exactly the same and have all the advancements. Another example is “Nobody had ever born heavier handicaps. He had outgrown hindrances faster than the H-G men could think them up. Instead of a little ear radio for a mental handicap, he wore a tremendous pair of earphones, and spectacles with thick wavy lenses. The spectacles were intended to make him not only half blind, but to give him wanging headaches besides.” This quote explains how if someone in the society was different than the average normal person they were considered to have a “handicap”. And if this were the case they would have certain earphones, lenses, or whatever is needed to make them the same as the normal person. This story “Harrison Bergeron” is a perfect example of why this certain type of dystopian literature has such a rise in popularity today because based on the quotes given above it explains what is supposedly going to happen in the future of our society and what happens if everybody is not the same within it.


    “Ten With A Flag” is an example of a dystopian world and how the illusions of a perfect society control how the society works and functions. Within the story is has multiple examples of how the society is controlled and how it is supposedly considered “perfect”. One example of information and independent thought in this dystopian society is “ Once, woman expected to struggle through forty uncomfortable weeks, drive to the hospital, and go through the rigors of labor with their babies’ entire future being a mystery. Boy or girl, no one knew. Healthy or ailing, no one could guess.” This is an example of information being restricted because these parents and the mother especially is having a baby but while during the pregnancy they know nothing about their baby. Once the baby is delivered then after they know what certain division the baby is considered. The government which is called the Central keeps all information private and does not let anyone know. Another example of the society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world is “ Central looks into the future and determine the baby’s community viability”. This quote is an example of a perfect world illusion and utopian world  because it explains how Central which is the government that looks into the future of the baby and determines basically what they baby’s life is going to be like once they are born. Once they have this information figured out then they keep it to themselves and not let the parents of their own child know anything about their child. Ten With A Flag is a dystopian literature that is having a rise in popularity today because based on the quotes given it explains how the government knows and determines everybody’s future. But, they do not release it to anyone. So once they are born and grow older they learn how to cope with the environment that they are living in and do not know anything about how they determined the life they are going to live.


   The Veldt is an example of a dystopian society based on the illusion of a perfect world or utopia. Throughout this story is gives examples of how this one family is living in a house that is totally controlled by technology. The life they are living is all based on the perfect illusion of what life is going to be like in the future. One example of Technological Control throughout this society is “ This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep played and sang and was good to them.” This is an example of Technological Control because the house that the family lives in is totally controlled by technology. During their everyday activities they do not do anything for themselves. The machines that are controlled are operated to know how to do everything for them throughout their whole life. The machines brush their own hair, brush their teeth, get out their clothes, and even make their food for them. Another example of living in an illusion of a perfect world based on the citizens living in a dehumanized state is “ Matter of fact, we’re thinking of turning the whole house off for about a month. Live sort of a happy family existence.” This is an example of citizens living in a dehumanized state because throughout the story machine do everything for them. Then soon later the father realizes that the life they are living in not realistically the average normal life. He decides to turn off the whole house so that they learn and know how to do things for themselves instead of having technological machines doing it for them. Once he gives the idea to the children they get enraged and say that they do not want to have to do things for themselves and that they like having machines doing it for them. They explain how the life they are living right now is perfectly fine the way it is. The Veldt is a dystopian literature that is rising in popularity today because throughout the story it tells us how this family is living in an illusionist state that is supposed to be described as a perfect world finally realizes how the life they are living is not what it is supposed to be.


In conclusion, based on the background of these dystopian stories, I believe that this type of genre in popular in society today because the author not only entertains the readers but also gives them something to think about as to how our world could end up being like. Readers gain their knowledge throughout by reading these stories in ways because of how the author has written them. This is because it gives them and tells them about the relevant in today’s society.


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