I Wish | Teen Ink

I Wish

December 31, 2018
By Anonymous

I wish the world was better, that the people in it were better, and less jugdmental about thing people do or have done. I wish we would stop wineing about the stuff we want and go get it our self instead of relieing on other people to do stuff for us. because it's not always going to be that way. i wish there was less crying in the world, less sadness and most of all less lying in the world because when other people say it's going to be alright but deep down inside you know it's not and you just wish it would stop. and just like that with those five little words I wish it would stop, that one little sentence, it can change everything and not in the way you or anyone eles wants it to because those few words are just saying i'm giving up, i'm done with everything, whats even the point anymore.but there is a point if there wasn't you wouldn't be here reading this right now you wouldn't be taking it in and saying to yourself she has a point, i shouldn't give up and there is a point.

The author's comments:

this article is mainly talking about giving up and saying what's the point. i felt the need to write this because some people can relate and others just can't. and to the people that can relate just don't give up and there is a piont in life even if the world may seem really sucky and the people may seem judgemental and careless if you see through that then our world isn't half bad 

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