Artistic Representation | Teen Ink

Artistic Representation

December 14, 2018
By patriciamh92 BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
patriciamh92 BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This drawing illustrates a collectivism, where a government controls a person's life. They are demanded to do what they are suppose to and should not contradict what the government said. The drawing also shows that there is one person who outstands from the others. There is always an unique one among the group in almost anything, like how there is always someone that disagrees with the point of view for a certain argument, or have a different idea of where to go eat dinner tonight. In a government like the one in Anthem, it is a bad thing to be outstanding among the others. Even though in modern society, many people act and wear to same just so they can keep up with what is trending and not be a joke for others. But they never thought that by being different, one can create new things that would maybe help the society in the future. Things like technology and fashion are created because someone had a different idea of doing things and it got approved by everyone, now that everyone is chasing newest products and clothing. As a conclusion, this image shows that being different and unique is never a bad thing, especially in our type of society. Also, our society is starting to have some aspects of collectivism, now that everyone is pretty much doing the same things around the globe, we should prevent from living a life like the one in Anthem by being an unique and only self on Earth.

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