Types of People in High School | Teen Ink

Types of People in High School

November 28, 2018
By Japav790 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Japav790 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school. This is the place where a child’s future is determined. In these four years of a kid’s life, they will connect with a variety of different people that can change the path their life will take. However, whether these different people impact the teen’s life in a positive or negative way is up to chance. Will the child get in with a bad crowd of druggies and drinkers? Or, will they make friends that influence them for greatness? At a time when the level of peer pressure is at an all-time high, the people they surround themselves with can determine the course of their life. Some that teens may encounter may simply be an acquaintance seen casually in class, but the deep relationships that teens form can influence their everyday decisions and ultimately, the rest of their lives.

The “I have a B, my grades are so bad!” People

This is the type of kid that mothers pray their children will become friends with. They get good grades, they don’t party, they don’t get into mischief and they are overall a good influence. In this day and age, vaping and other forms of ingesting harmful substances have become increasingly common. This group never caves to the peer pressure that weighs upon all high schooler’s shoulders like a ton of bricks. In a time where teens are easily pressured, being surrounded by good influences like these can sway the path of a teen’s life for the better. These kinds of kids understand that things like smoking or drinking are not necessary to have fun. These kids also take their grades very seriously… so seriously, that you will probably catch them arguing with the teacher on why they should have gotten 100 instead of a 99. These people are overachievers and they know it. They get a heart attack if they think there’s ever a chance of getting a B in any of their classes. Now, I know what you must be thinking: what a bunch of nerds! Well, you’re right. But who ever said that being a nerd is a bad thing? These “nerds” will most likely be the ones who are the most successful in life: to them, getting better grades equals getting into a better college, which in turn equals getting a better job. These kids will go far in life, although their social skills may suffer from studying all day and night. They may be a little awkward, yes; but their powerful minds are what makes them stand out among the crowd. Although these kids may be seen as “boring”, their intellect is sometimes the most interesting thing of all.

The “I’ve never talked to her, but I don’t like her,” Girls

     This is one of the most childish types of girls to exist in high school. All she thinks about is drama, drama, and more drama. She talks trash about other girls she doesn’t even know and maybe even gets into fights every once in a while. She is normally not very interesting on her own; she thrives on talking about other people’s business. This kind of girl is very self conscious and makes up for her lack of self esteem by seeking out approval from others. She thrives on being able to tear other girls down to make herself feel better than them.. This girl also has no true friends; all her so-called “best friends” are girls just like her: snakes ready to coil up and strike at any time. Fighting with her isn’t worth it, though; her victims are normally just regular, everyday people who happened to be there when she was on a mission to strike. Her group of friends is always fluctuating, never stable. They feed off of each other and always feel the urge to start a new fight. Often times, this girl is the one that everyone forgets about after high school, as once teens get that diploma, all of the drama that existed in high school no longer matters. The constant trash-talking and offensive comments carry no significance in the real world, and just like that, on graduation day, her lifeline has been cut off.

The “I love you no matter what,” Friends

These people are the true friends that teens can count on. These friends have seen it all. The mental breakdowns, the sob fests, the amazing successes and the horrific failures. All of it. They have watched as the tears roll down their friends cheeks and the sobs choke them from the inside out. They have seen their friend hit their lowest: no matter if they failed a class, lost a family member, or got fired from their job, this friend is always available to rush to their friend’s side when they are in need. The thing that sets these friends apart from the regular friends is that these friends provide emotional support. When their friend expresses a problem that is causing them emotional turmoil, they don’t just give the standard answer of “That sucks” or “Aw, I’m sorry” that a regular friend would give. Instead, they supply authenticity, trustworthiness, and tolerance that gives their friend the comfort to truly open up about their feelings. Because of these attributes, they are better able to understand the issue and can give honest advice to their friend in need. These friends help a teen feel understood and keep them grounded. It is easy for a teen to feel as though they’re spiraling out of control if they don’t have that one person that truly gets them. The deep understanding that these kinds of friends have for each other reminds them that they aren’t alone in the mental battles they face: they have another soldier standing right beside them, deflecting the bullets from their fragile heart.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I noticed how much the people at my school affect the course of my life. I am so lucky to have the amazing and supportive friends that I have now. In this essay, I discuss three different types of people that I have come across in high school and the way they can affect a teens life.

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