Red, White, and Blue | Teen Ink

Red, White, and Blue

November 14, 2018
By Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The United States flag, The Stars and Stripes, and Old Glory. No matter the name, the flag means something different to every American, like the aromas from the kitchen when dinner is ready on a cold winter's night, or licking a dripping popsicle down to the stick on a hot summer's day.

Red the color of the heart shaped sunglasses protecting her delicate brown eyes from the bright rays of sunshine.Red the color wrapping paper on Christmas morning eagerly awaiting a child to come and tear it open. But red is the color of the blood shed to save a friend. Red is the color of graffeete threats on the stone walls in Iraq.

Blue is the color of the sky with white puffy clouds that makes images of the American dream. Blue is the color of the beautiful brilliant ocean and all its creatures. But blue is the tears of widowed women whose husbands will never come home. Blue is the uniforms of young men going away on ships and saying goodbye to everything they have ever know.

White is the sound of bells ringing as a young lady in a white dress leaves the church with a new last name. White is the color of the wheat fields that two little girls run through in their Sunday clothes. But White is the color of a casket that is lowered into the ground every time a soldier gives the ultimate sacrifice. The white crosses that cover the ground with pale faces that lie beneath them representing the cold truth of war.

So much beauty rests in the flag we call our own. The smiles on the faces of children on Christmas morning. The fireworks on the Fourth of July celebrating the independence of our country that many take for granted. I can stand up in class and say The Pledge  . I am allowed to say what I think and give my opinion on a political topics without worry or fear. But I wouldn’t have these rights if it weren't for the brave people protecting our country.

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