The only one | Teen Ink

The only one

May 1, 2024
By Nargiz, Kokshetau, Other
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Nargiz, Kokshetau, Other
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Author's note:

I like giving my characters speaking names. 

Name meanings in this work:

Hitori—one, only


Miyuki—silent snow (here I mean the silence of the death, because winter is a season when living of nature stops)



—“Hitori!”–a voice that had been familiar to me for a long time, so beloved and dear, called out to me. Miyuki is my sun, my light at the end of the tunnel. My only joy in this gloomy world.

—Miyuki! Hi! By the way, I was wondering if you would like to come to the My Chemical Romance concert with me? I've already bought tickets. So no refusals are accepted! 

—I’ll be happy to go with you!

The next day we went to a concert. There were so many people, as if the whole town had come there. Our town is small, so it’s quite possible that the whole town really was here. 

The concert has begun. We started to sing along to our favorite lines of songs, jump and have fun. Because of a crowd of people, everyone quickly became stuffy and there was almost nothing to breathe. The light also flashed in different colors. It's easy to feel dizzy here. Miyuki and I were screaming songs at the top of our lungs. Tomorrow our voices will definitely be lost. Suddenly, in the middle of the concert, the lights went out. 

—Well, the electricity has been turned off. Ouch! My head... 

—Hitori? What happened to you? Do you feel bad? Should we go out?”–Miyuki began to question me with obvious worry in her voice. Suddenly I heard a loud tinnitus. I think I lost consciousness. Or not. I didn't really understand what was happening to me. This, I don’t remember anything. I was here, I felt unwell, Miyuki and I went out and...and then what? I don't remember anything.

 While the singers were supporting the fans and telling them not to worry and that the electricity would be restored soon, I realized that I had lost Miyuki in the crowd. Where is she?

—Miyuki! Miyuki, where are you? Miyuki!–I became so excited that it became completely impossible to breathe. To get some rest, I went outside. Cool air immediately passed through my lungs. I felt a little better. But where is Miyuki?

 Suddenly I saw a silhouette in the distance. He was approaching me. Is this Miyuki? This phantom was getting closer and closer. I waited in trepidation for this vision to approach me and show itself to Miyuki. But it seemed to me. This is not Miyuki. It was someone else. I'm already desperate. I can't find her today. Maybe she went home? 

—Hitori! I looked for you everywhere, where did you go?–I heard a familiar voice behind me.

—Miyuki! I was looking for you, where were you?—I told you I was going to the toilet. I come, but you were not there. I already thought that you felt really bad and the ambulance took you away. 

—I don’t remember you telling me that you need to leave. I have such a strange feeling. It's like a memory loss. 

—You really look pale. Let's go home? They say they won't provide electricity today anyway. Some kind of accident happened. 


Miyuki walked me to the dormitory. All the students of our university lived there. It's good that tomorrow is a day off and I have time to recover. I went to my room and Miyuki to hers.

—What happened to you? You don’t look good.–my roommate asked immediately after I entered the room. 

Tomodachi was my best friend. I could trust him with all my secrets and be calm that tomorrow the whole university wouldn’t know about it. 

—I don’t feel very well. It's like a memory loss. I don’t remember what happened, but I feel like something definitely happened. I woke up from this trance all tired. My hands hurt so much.

—Okay, rest.–said Tomodachi and left the room.

 I fell asleep pretty quickly. The next morning I was full of strength and energy. There was nothing left of yesterday's fatigue. This couldn't help but make me happy. There was a hesitant knock on the door. 

—Who's there? Come in. 

It was Miyuki. 

—Are you awake? How are you?– she asked.

—Everything is fine. Come sit with me.–I pointed to the bed where I was sitting. I took the remote control and turned on the TV. The news was shown on TV. 

—Yesterday, at a concert of the famous band My Chemical Romance, a brutal murder occurred. The girl was brutally strangled. It is unknown who committed this crime. The police are working on this case.–said the voice from the TV. 

-Terrible! We were there yesterday! Poor girl–Miyuki exclaimed. 

—Who kills a person? What an awful people we live with...

 —This is such a rarity for our little town. I think the police will quickly find the killer. 

—I hope so. 

At this time, Tomodachi entered the room. He did not immediately notice that Hitori was talking to someone.

—Hitori, who are you talking to? 


—I see...listen, you’re kind of strange today. Do not you think? 

—Why do you think so? 

—Forget it. 

The sound of a siren was heard from the window. 

—What’s there?– asked Tomodachi.

 I stood up and looked out the window. 

—Police. I wonder why are they here? 

Suddenly the door swung open with great force. —Which one of you is Hitori Kyoki?– asked the policeman. 

—It's me. And what happened? 

—You are accused of murder. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be used against you in court. 

—What? Murder? I didn't kill anyone! You are mistaken!

—Hitori!–Miyuki shouted. 

—Miyuki, don’t worry, it’s a mistake! 

—Who are you talking to? 

—With my friend. Miyuki.

—Miyuki Higaisha? 


—So you are also mentally ill?

—No, why do you think so? 

—I told you that you were acting strange. Did you really kill Miyuki? How could you? She was our friend! You liked her! You wanted to marry her, remember?

—I didn’t kill her! She's sitting there! Look! Miyuki sat and was silent. She just looked at everything that was happening. The policeman handcuffed me and took me into a police car. We arrived at the pre-trial detention center. I was put in a cell. 

—Perhaps you were mistaken? Honestly, I vaguely remember that day, but I didn't kill Miyuki! I would never dare! She's alive after all. —Then whose body is this?–asked the policeman, showing a photo of the girl’s corpse. —Miyuki. She was strangled. 

—But how is this possible? She's alive! 

—No. She is dead. 

—But who was I talking to? 

—I can not say exactly. 

—But I didn’t kill her! 

—The cameras in the concert hall say otherwise. —What? The policeman showed a computer screen, which clearly showed that I was strangling Miyuki.

—It''s not me! I was tricked! 

—I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but you definitely need treatment.

Tears welled up in my eyes. 

—Miyuki! There you are! I've been waiting for you. Tell the policeman that you are not dead! You’re alive! –I saw my beloved and my condition immediately improved. 

—Hitori! Understand this already! I'm not here. I died. You killed me! 

—What? No! is...then how do I see you? What is this, a joke? Cool, you did it, now that's enough. I'll go crazy soon. 

—You've already gone crazy. 

—No, you're wrong.

—You don’t remember what happened to you at the concert, do you? 

— I don't.

—Sometimes our brain deletes some memories. If this brings severe trauma to our psyche.

—What do you mean? 

—You are not right in rhe head.

—Get me out of here! 

—Hitori Kyouki! Who are you talking to there again? Stop it! Miyuki is dead, period!–the policeman shouted. 

—No, what are you talking about? She's with me now! Miyuki, don't be stupid, tell me it's all a joke. 

—Hitori...why did you kill me? Recall. Please. Recall.

—I...I didn't kill you! Yes, I don’t remember what happened then, but I definitely didn’t commit a crime! 

—I'm telling you! I'm a figment of your imagination. Your psyche can't handle what you did. You killed me! Killed! Killed! So kill me again! You can! Forget about me! Get me out of your head! 

—No! I am not crazy! I didn't kill you! You are real!

—Murder me like you murdered the real me!


—Murder me like you did in reality! 

—No! Enough! 

I couldn't understand what was happening to me. It is not true. She's just making fun of me. This is not real. I couldn't do something like that. Or maybe... 

— can’t be. I...I think I remembered.–at that moment all the memories came to me. I killed Miyuki. 

—I...killed Miyuki...

—What are you mumbling there, kid?–the policeman suddenly asked. 

—I killed her!–I shouted. 

—Confessed? Great. A sincere confession will mitigate the punishment. 

—Do you remember?–asked Miyuki. 

—You're not Miyuki, are you? 

—I am not. I already said. I am your imagination. Hallucination.

—Have I really gone crazy? 

—You could say so. Do you realize that you are talking to yourself? 


—Don't you want to kill me again? 

—To be honest, I want to. 

—Do it. 

—No. I'm not that crazy. 

—You are sure? 



The next day the trial took place. I was given life in a psychiatric hospital. I remembered that I killed her. I remembered the reason for the murder. Love. The reason for murder is love. Or...obsession? I was obsessed with her. I didn’t want her to communicate with anyone other than me. Now my dream has come true. Only I can see her. I'm the only one who talks to her. The only one...

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