Storm Chasers | Teen Ink

Storm Chasers

January 29, 2012
By scottybear, Los Angeles, California
scottybear, Los Angeles, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is the end of the world...except the (actual) end of the world."
Stuff happens; you need to accept that fact, and move on. If you spend too much time in worry and fear, it leaves no time for living.


Four ordinary teenagers, going about their daily lives, are tragically killed by the effects of severe weather: A young man is crushed to death by a tornado, a 17-year-old girl is swept away and drowns in a flood, another bright and energetic soul gets buried by an avalanche, and yet another gentleman succumbs to the extreme heat of the sun.
When they arrive in Heaven, they meet their guardian angels, who grant them a reprieve: They will be endowed with power and control over each of the violent elements which killed them--wind, water, cold and heat--and told they will have a chance to live again...on the condition that they use their newfound abilities to save others from a similar fate.

Scott G.

Storm Chasers

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This book has 1 comment.

AS1109 said...
on Feb. 3 2012 at 10:43 pm
This is unbelievably awesome! Not only is it a great concept, but it is also thought out and written well. How many times in our lives have we silently cursed the foul weather that ruins our plans? Now, at least, someone is doing something about it--even if it's only a fantasy.