Mystia | Teen Ink


June 8, 2011
By CheetaPrint, Somewhere, Texas
CheetaPrint, Somewhere, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
--Wayne Gretzky


Dawn is in the middle of a camping trip in a forest in California when a forest ranger evacuates the camp site, telling them about the strange disappearances that have been arising. While the others take down the campsite, Dawn wanders away and gets lost. That's when she finds herself face to face with the werewolf that changes everything.

Amethyst, a griffin sent by her king to bring him back the first human she finds, is the one to rescue Dawn. She brings her back to the island of Mystia, a place of refuge for creatures who have been persecuted or rejected by humans over the centuries. Now, however, they need her. An ancient prophecy says that a member of each race (elves, dragons, humans) must join hands in a council in order to create the invincible army: an important achievement if the Mystians are to emerge victorious in the impending battle against the king's enemy, Athianase.

Dawn's training begins right away, but from the very beginning things start to take a turn for the worse.

Jenna M.


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