Out of This World | Teen Ink

Out of This World

June 5, 2024
By TokaTurtle BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
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TokaTurtle BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Author's note:

One-Act Play, Fiction, Sci-Fi



Mrs. Laura

Operator 1 (David)

Operator 2

Strange creature

Out of This World

Scene 1: 

(The stage is dark. There is not a peep in the distance. It seems to be in an untidy work office. A young girl is standing in the center of the stage with a dazed look on her face.)


Hello, hello? Is anyone there?

(A light begins to shine down on a computer. The computer is making strange noises.) 


Ugh, not this again. 

(Jada appears in the light.)


Mom, your computer is acting up again! It’s kinda scaring me. 

(The stage lights up. A middle-aged woman bolts into the room with a serious look on her face. Her face is always like this.)

Mrs. Laura

Jada, what did I say about going near my project?


I’m sorry Mother, it just drew my attention. 


Mrs. Laura

Listen, I know you’ve always wanted to work like me, but you’re just a young girl. I am doing a lot for the world here, something you could never figure out, knowing you.. 


That’s a bit harsh.. I can do many things. 

Mrs. Laura

Riding your bike doesn’t count. You don’t even know how to make mac and cheese without blowing up the kitchen. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to hear that story. 


Wow, thanks. 

(Mrs. Laura pauses and blankly stares at the computer.)


You don’t seem to know what you’re doing yourself, Mom. You know, it’s quite rare to find life on other planets - Especially considering only a few people have ever been to space. 

Mrs. Laura

Keep telling yourself that Jada, but I’m going to figure it out today. I’m gonna be the strongest woman on this planet, you just watch. 

(Voice in the distance)

Mrs. Laura, number 187 is ready for you. 

Mrs. Laura

I’ll be there in a few. This work computer won’t cooperate, y'all better learn to fix these old pieces of junk up. 

(Loud sigh in the distance)

(Voice in the distance)

Number 187 is ready for you, Mrs. Laura. 


Mrs. Laura

Never go for these kinda jobs. They’ll have you working for 14 hours a day and don’t even care to treat you with respect. Honestly I would rather work at McDonalds. 

(Mrs. Laura gets up from the computer and leaves the scene)

(Jada walks up to the computer)


I’d much rather be doing this than focusing my whole life trying to get a doctorate degree..


Computer, what do you think? 

(Jada puts her finger up to the computer. The computer starts to light up and shines out to the audience.)



(Computer makes a strange noise. Jada moves her hands closer. Suddenly there is a loud crash. The stage goes dark.)


Scene 2: 

(The stage is accompanied by a big spaceship, where the audience can clearly see what’s going on in the inside by an opening inside the ship.)

Operator 1

Are we almost ready? 


Mrs. Laura


Operator 2

Make sure the systems are all clear - We’re taking off in 3 minutes. 

(Loud spaceship sounds.)

Mrs. Laura

Something is wrong. These buttons seem to be jammed. Can we get an extra eye on these? 

Operator 2

That is your job, Mrs. Laura. 

Mrs. Laura

Look, if I’m gonna discover something that has never been found before, it’s gotta be perfect. Just imagine my name being talked about everywhere.. In every newsletter, everywhere you look, I’ll be there. Why is it life on other planets have been discovered and proven through the naked eye? Why are the biggest theories of life now solved? We can all thank the famous Clare Laura. 

Operator 1

We need an extra look on these. 

Mrs. Laura

Will anyone ever listen to me here? God, this place is like a prison. 

Operator 1

2 more minutes. 

(Jada runs onto the stage. She’s frightened.)


Stop the ship!


Mrs. Laura

Jada Elizabeth Laura! What did I tell you about interfering with my work? 


I’m serious! There is a malfunction in the ship and when you take off it’s gonna go the wrong direction, which would be dangerous considering we have not planned to go to any other planet besides Mars. 

Mrs. Laura

Your mother knows what she’s doing. What’d you think I was an idiot?

(Jada hops inside the spaceship)


Let me see this.

Mrs. Laura

Out of here right this instant!

Operator 2

Mrs. Laura, we are taking off in less than a minute. 

Mrs. Laura

See what you're doing? Stop acting like you know more than me, because you don’t. 


Mom, trust me!

(Jada quickly pushes the button before taking off. The scene goes dark as there are loud spaceship noises signaling to take off. There is yelling in the background of people arguing.)




Scene 3: 

(The stage is accompanied by a large backdrop showing a dark starry night and the image of a large planet reflecting down on the stage ground. The actors are clothed in light spacesuits. There appears to be a strange creature picking pieces off the ground and examining each piece.)

Strange creature


(Jada walks onto the stage, looking confused)



(No response)


Mom, I know you're mad.. Just please, stay with me. 

(No response. )

(Jada looks down without speaking.)


Mom, how am I supposed to survive without you?

(The strange creature still seems to be humming. Jada turns around and notices the creature.)


Hello, can you help me find my mother?

(The strange creature looks confused.)


Strange creature

You're not afraid of me?


You can speak?

Strange creature

Yes, I am just like you - Just totally different. 


You're not afraid of me?

Strange creature

I knew you existed, and I wanted to believe it, so I did. I knew you were out there, but nobody else did. 


Nobody else?

Strange creature

Yes, I am probably the only creature you will ever be able to interact with. Considering, this is not.. How should I put it?.. Where I came from. 


So, you’re just like me?

Strange creature

Not anymore. It’s crazy I can actually interact with you, to be honest. We aren’t made to interact with humans. 

(Suddenly there is an echoing voice in the distance.)

Voice in the distance


(Jada turns to face the voice.)


Is someone there?

Operator 1

Jada, thank god you’re okay. But your mother isn’t - We need your medical help on the ship. 


On it, David. 

Operator 1 (David)

You know my name? Not even my own boss knows my name. 


I pay attention here and there. 


Wow, you got potential, you know. 

(Jada turns around)


I’m not the only one. I mean, you're not even freaked out by this guy?


What guy?


He’s right there! Isn’t he?..

Strange creature

Human girl, who are you talking to? I know I’m not that normal either, but I don’t talk to absolute nothingness. If you need, I can get out my pro-360 zapper if that’ll help - Made specially by.. Well.. Me. 

(Jada gasps)



(The actors run off the stage, but the alien is left there alone)

Scene 3: 

(David and Jada run into the spaceship where Mrs. Laura is unconscious. Operator 1 is panicking, trying to help.)

Operator 1

Nothing is working, we need backup! 


I know exactly what to do.

(The operators hand over the med kit. Jada does her job and recovers her mother.)

(Mrs. Laura awakens. She is very confused)

Mrs. Laura

Where am I.. And why is the air so tight? It smells terrible. 


You’re awake!

Mrs. Laura

Ugh, not you again. Can someone make this awful smell go away? 

(Suddenly the strange creature appears)

Strange creature

Woah, I’ve never been with this many humans for who knows how long..


Oh, hi again!

(Mrs. Laura screams in terror)

Mrs. Laura

What is that ugly mutant?!


You’ve always wanted to find life on other planets, right? Well, now you have. 

Mrs. Laura

I didn’t actually want to. I just wanted to for the fame, you know. And now that I have, I am going to finally fulfill the dream I deserve! 

(Jada and David look at each other. Mrs. Laura eagerly sits up with passion.)

Mrs. Laura

We’re heading home! 

Strange creature

Home, as in, Earth? I haven’t been there since dinosaurs roamed the streets. 

Mrs. Laura

Hah, I knew it! Dinosaurs do exist! 

(David looks at Jada with a sarcastic expression.)


It’s cause’ she just woke up, I’m sure! 

(Everyone laughs and gets on the ship to go home.)

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