Rulum | Teen Ink


January 23, 2019
By inin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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inin, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Favorite Quote:
“In writing, you must kill all your darlings." -William Faulkner/Stephen King

Author's note:

I had fun writing this story and it's somewhat inspired by my favorite show "The Vampire Diaries"

The kingdom was in peril, Ruladia had fallen and the only ones left were those who would ascend to the throne. It had to be Lofta, Her mother always dreamt of this day for her, to ascend to the throne and lead the kingdom. As Queen of Ruladia, Ruladia was beautiful and had the most abundant of berries and live beings. There were only two types of live beings, which existed in the kingdom of Ruladia there were, Frayorgs and Dragorgs. They were, dragons combined with other animal species they hatched from eggs. The very best of the batch of them would, be sent as a gift to the kingdom, to either fight in battle for the throne or, serve as companions to the royal family. “I love my frayorg he’s so adorable,” said a small child with content, she rubbed him and kissed it while placing him in a sealed bin to keep him from wandering. The children of the kingdom had very important responsibilities if they wanted to rule the kingdom someday. They had to attend at least two practices they had five options, They could either practice sword combat, dragorg riding/combat, breeding frayorgs or ability studies, and last but not least kingdom etiquette. It was necessary for royal children to learn these skills, if they were going to rule the kingdom someday. “Lofta, honey you need to go to Sword Combat with Fraydr,” said Queen Laua the time was nearing for the ceremony, of royal transference which means Rue and Lofta had to battle for the throne. Which doesn’t always end well for the family but it was for the kingdom, as the King would say, his relationship with his distant brother makes it very apparent how dedicated he was to this statement. The King takes his duties for the kingdom very seriously, “Mother, may I just skip this afternoon’s lesson with Frarydr?” asked Lofta, “I’m sorry my little Lofta you can’t, the ceremony is nearing once you turn fourteen, you and your brother will have to complete the ceremony. I know this is a lot but it’s our duty as Royals, to help lead our Kingdom.” Said Queen Laua, she was saddened by this and that she had to do this to her children but it wasn’t her decision to make, it was a law that was put in place years prior to her existence. By the Royal Creed, they decided the laws and how the kingdom, would take action against threats. They have been in this position for years dating back to before Roff’s grandparents graced the throne. The royal family was merely, put in place to give the kingdom a face, they really didn’t have much authority over the kingdom but they didn’t want the royal family to know that. They were still more special and unique then any other Ruladian citizen, every royal possessed abilities unlike normal Ruladian’s who were just werewolves, which ranged from invisibility to reading minds. Rue came in to get ready for sword combat practice, he was Lofta’s twin brother, he really wanted the throne and proved it by studying from his father and learning tons from watching his father in combat. He knew he would have to battle his sister, but they made a promise to each other they wouldn’t be torn apart. By this law, Lofta unlike Rue didn’t want the throne she’d rather fight her enemies head on and be a part of the Royal Pack, they were like an army that were assigned to, fight for the kingdom. It was an honor Lofta thought, “Promise me brother, we won’t let this come between us.” Said Lofta they pinky swore it, as their father came into their room he greeted them and joined in the conversation. “Me and my brother made that same promise and now I’m King how do you think that ended?” asked King Roff firmly, “We haven’t been on the best terms lately, this time of year brings back unpleasant memories of our battle.” Said King Roff hanging his head, he was reminiscing about him and his brother’s battle it was gruesome and violent. It had to be everyone from even outsider kingdoms came to see the big battle, they would bring riches and gold. To the winner to help jumpstart the Kingdom’s next generations, that’s why we’re always so rich, they bring money as a prize for the battle it was like a casino without there being a bet just a movie for them to sit back and enjoy. Lofta and Rue were intrigued they never heard this story before, and curious of course “Did you beat your brother badly father?” asked Rue curiously, “Yes, it was horrible, I even tried to help my brother after the battle but he was too angry with me to accept my assistance, he didn’t even congratulate me afterwards.” Said King Roff understandingly, “But I know he was angry with me it wasn’t just that, I always rubbed it in his face, how I knew I was going to win…” said the King, “So you were a little overly confident. Why wouldn’t he just get over it, father?” said Lofta confused, she didn’t understand why Uncle Gorm was overreacting, he’s still a part of the royal family. He just isn’t King, Lofta had a big mouth but she didn’t always know what she was talking about. While she’s a kid that was okay. “Okay time for supper little pups!” said the King filled with joy and pride for his children. “Hi little ones, supper’s almost ready!” said Kirla she was the royal maid, and servant to the royal family but they thought of her as family, and treated her as such. “Roff, my dearest love I have news! Children come this is for you all to be informed on as well.” Said the Queen she was filled with joy in this moment her family’s lives would change forever. Maybe for the worst, there was one exception for the sibling battle, that would take place If the queen had more than two children. The third child would, be excused from battle because they wouldn’t meet the age requirement in time. That’s what the Queen was going to announce to her family, they would soon grow in numbers, this would change their lives forever. Five years later, the Queen was taking care of her duties and getting her two children ready for the events leading towards their battle, that would take place. “Children, I want you to be strong and fight fairly this isn’t something to break you apart, it’s to help and serve the kingdom that may one day be yours to rule, I love you children.” Said the Queen reassuringly, she loved her children and didn’t want them to have to go through this, she still thought of them, as her little pups seeing them get hurt troubled her heart. Everyone in the kingdom was okay with the fact that smaller children would run the kingdom; it was customary because they learned values and etiquette early. Therefore, they would always be prepared and they have people to help them along the way, it’s not a solo role the kingdom was like a close-knit family. “I won’t be too hard on you sister, don’t worry we’ll make it through this together.” Said Rue playfully he was an impressive fighter he’s one of the best like his father and he developed his skills and abilities early, he had the ability to move things in his eyesight whether, it’s a person or an object and he could also melt things. It was a cool power; every royal child had an ability no normal Ruladian possessed powers unless they were a mixture or purely royal blood. Unlike Rue, Lofta had the power to make people do whatever she wanted them to and she could control people’s minds their powers would actually work well together but they still, work good separate. “I can’t believe the day is already here for us to battle.” Said Lofta worried, she didn’t want this to be the end of them, “Okay, let’s do this! it’s time.” Said Rue walking towards the Palace Courtyard Gates, it was a big empty stone room without a ceiling it had a very big door a monster could fit through, it had a vertical opening gate. That’s where the battle would take place. “Are you ready brother?” said Lofta slightly nervous, they were in the middle of the courtyard face to face when they entered they heard everyone cheering for them. They weren’t cheering for them to kill each other, just that they were so brave, they considered it an honor to watch the royal battle. The king and queen were at the balcony directly above the courtyard facing them; they could look across at their subjects and look down at their children. The only people allowed to accompany the King and Queen during the battle, were the Royal Councilor that represented the citizens of the Kingdom, and the Royal Warden he helps run the Royal defenses and then there’s the Judge of the Battle, she foresees that the battle and the opponents are treated well. To make sure whoever is appointed has won fairly and represented the royal children, the battle was just about ready to begin but first, the Queen was required to make a speech before the battle was to begin. “Good Day to all, citizens of the kingdom, we thank you for your company and your cooperation to oversee the battle between my two children, Rue and Lofta we remember this battle Is to make sure the kingdom possesses a valued Leader. Today we will not threaten the state of the kingdom, we will help it to grow and thrive so please assert positivity and sincerity. To my children they have prepared for this battle since they were able to hold a sword, I am proud of them both. I will be happy with them both no matter the battles outcome, thank you all let the battle commence.”  The battle was starting but first the Judge would start with a chant, their teacher Fraydr was required to teach them both sword combat of the same form so there wouldn’t be, an unfair advantage. It was put in place to be fair and honest they would be leading a kingdom after all, “Ready your positions….and… proelium!” said the Royal Judge she was also a part of the Royal Creed. She was recently, appointed as judge by the creed. “This is pretty fun right? Brother,” smirked Lofta she whistled, and then her eyes changed to an orange and yellow hue, she was transforming to her wolf form, they decided prior to the battle they would do dragorg combat for their battle and they would fight as wolves as well. Lofta’s dragorg was named Dray after a flower that grew all over the kingdom, it ran out behind her breathing roughly through it’s nose you could hear from miles. Once Dray ran behind her close, enough Lofta went into a back flip onto her Dragorg. “Ahh!” she screamed racing toward Rue, he stared at Lofta with a mischievous grin, and then his Dragorg ran out in front of him and he jumped on it’s back, from the side. They raced towards each other ducking their head a little, like jockeys and their steeds once they were facing each other with their Dragorgs they let their Dragorgs battle each other until, Rue’s dragorg Graydr had fallen and the one remaining was…Lofta’s. Rue stood beside his Dragorg, and stood in shock at the battle’s conclusion Lofta had won, but there was another possibility to complete the ceremony; they would turn and battle once more. Both of their eyes changed to the orangey-yellow hue and they transformed into wolf-life creatures. They were in their werewolf form, it was actually a normal and common thing. Everyone in the kingdom were werewolves, so there was no surprise just cheering, as the battle continued. Rue and Lofta were growing exhausted but they kept at it, there were almost ready to conclude in moments Lofta would become Queen.” They both were wolves now, once the transformation was complete, they growled and ran towards each other they looked much different as wolves, which was to be expected. Lofta had a Vanilla and Brown chestnut color for her fur, and Rue had a red and orange fur color. They tumbled and attacked each other, until one surrendered to the other one, whoever was stronger remained standing. That was once again Lofta, she was a worthy opponent, she never wanted to hurt her brother but they had no choice. However, this was only a matter of time, “And...Quiescat!” said the Judge, the battle was finished and both of them had gone back to their human forms. They were scarred and bloody, but there wasn’t a worry they could heal, after the battle has ended. “I’m proud of you both my children, this won’t end badly, I promise this is just the beginning.” Said King Roff smiling, hugging both his children, suddenly a small child was running towards them, it was Mara she was much older now she was five years old to be precise, Ruladian’s typically don’t celebrate birthdays every year, they hold off until five years have passed before they celebrate. Mara being five years old was important, she gets to enroll into training, Rue and Lofta promised to be there for Mara, and help her as she goes through training and turning. They are both glad she won’t have to go through this, Rue and Lofta were also twins that’s why they were able to battle at the same time if there was a case, where they were younger than each other, they would appoint the eldest child to the throne. That’s why they have to battle because there’s usually one set of twins, in the royal family every generation. It was predicted before; the Queen has reached her second trimester before she was to give birth. A seer would know if she was to have one, or more children and their genders. “You won big sister! Euge!” said Mara she was excited and happy for her sister; she wasn’t allowed to see the battle since she was so young but she overheard the news. “Mara has developed her powers very early, she can hear everything amplified and she can see through walls.” Said Queen Laua, there are several opportunities for the royals when they develop their powers. They could develop early, they could develop late or they could develop a fraction of their abilities and then gain more as they grow older. The Royal Creed had concluded that, Mara’s abilities were incomplete and were still premature. She was still very good with her abilities considering she was only five years old. “How did you hear of the news, Mara?” asked Lofta pretending to be curious, she was trying to figure out if Mara knew she had developed her powers yet. “I heard and saw the Judge, announce it.” Said Mara “Ohh, so your abilities are coming in? huh?” asked Lofta she knew but she wanted Mara aware, of this big step in her life. The manifestation of abilities was like a Royal Ruladian reaching puberty, it was something they were proud of and sometimes but it was something they had to go through. “Yes sister, I can see through walls and hear things, as if I’m there with you.” Said Mara realizing she has gone through changes, like her siblings. “Mara, you must not use your powers to hurt others, protect them and do well with your new abilities it’s a gift. Don’t ever abuse your abilities.” Said Rue smiling, he repeated the speech his father and mother had told them, when they were younger, about Mara’s age. “Lofta head to your room and get ready for the post ceremony.” Said Queen Laua, she was so proud, but the ceremony was not complete until they had their crowning and transference ceremony. Much went along with this there was the battle. The ceremony of transference and then, the crowning of the nova monarcha. Leading a kingdom is definitely not, a walk in the park, Lofta didn’t think she was cut out to rule, “I know you don’t want this sister, we can do it together. I don’t want you to jeopardize the standing you have with the kingdom.” Said Rue, walking into her room to check on her, he was very intelligent about this stuff, “You sound just like father,” chuckled Lofta, she was going to do it with her brother, they would rule together. It was time for the transference ceremony now everyone, would gather in the gestabis aula and await for the nova monarcha’s arrival. “Everyone, please stand and gather for the transference of royal leadership to, Lofta Jera Rulum, she has demonstrated strength and the willingness to protect the kingdom and the citizens that reside within it.” Said the Royal Appointer, it was a tradition for the victory in battle to be publicized. Everyone would be informed on the results of the royal battle, which isn’t always a good thing, The appointer says the speech and then, Lofta must sign her name to solidify her leadership. To the kingdom, but before she could sign some uninvited guests arrived, to crash the party. “I object! Stop this foolery!” said a deeply stern voice, it was Gorm, Roff’s brother he was angry, but what for? “Stop this foolishness, at once Gorm you made it clear you want no parts of the family.” Said King Roff he was standing beside the Appointer, it was customary for the Queen to stand on the far left with Rue and King Roff to stand beside Lofta. The victor, “You know very well, it is my daughter, who should have that crown!” said Gorm with kindled anger, everyone’s mouths dropped to the floor. His daughter Korma, was a royal as well she was the same age as, Rue and Lofta but she unlike her father, she was kind and more understanding, she doesn’t want any parts of the throne. Her father is forcing this upon her because; he lost his chance for the throne. She doesn’t like to anger her father, she loves him but, also doesn’t like to inflict anger on others. Therefore, you would imagine, she’s in a very tough place. She went along with what her father wanted, because it was what he asked of her, it is her father were talking about. “Father, let’s just go this isn’t what royals are supposed to do were family.” Said Korma in the calmest tone, “Daughter you know very well, they stole the throne from under us we need to get it back, before it’s too late.” Said Gorm and then the King made a face of reason, “You’re right, Gorm it isn’t fair, very well Lofta will battle my niece your daughter, Korma.” Said King Roff, he was never able to meet her until now because Gorm forced his family to be apart from Roff’s because of his defeat, he had been holding on to his rage for years after his and Roff’s battle. “Ruladian’s I am deeply remorseful of this event, we must discontinue this ceremony until Lofta has defeated Korma.” Said King Roff, with discontent he wasn’t prepared for the ending that was to become of their kingdom. “Has your daughter gone through training? She needs to attend some form of training until she’s qualified for battle.” Said King Roff, he was still disappointed, they couldn’t just conclude the ceremony but fair is fair and he had to represent the kingdom’s unity, not just his feelings, no matter how much he wanted to throw his brother across the room. He had an image to maintain. “My daughter has been training for years with me and my wife Jara, she’s ready let’s start the battle shall we brother?” smirked Gorm he was prepared for the shock this battle would bring upon his brother. Lofta was infuriated at this futile endeavor, but she was looking forward, to defeating Korma and ending this silly predicament. “Hey cousin, elated to meet you!” said Korma, she was super cheery considering, but nonetheless she spread joy wherever she went. Even though, her father was a gruff she was the opposite but her positive demeanor, kept him grounded. “Daughter, show them who’s the real victorem!” said Gorm prideful, he was ready to watch his niece’s defeat he even decided to watch, with snacks as if it were a wrestling match on live television. “This will be good.” Chuckled Gorm kicking up his feet on the ledge, He liked watching violence unravel, and people be defeated it gave him a rush, “Lofta! What’s going on you won what is this?” said Rue he only just heard of this while he was in his chambers, with Mara reading her a story until, she told him what she heard. “Mara says you are going to battle again, but with who? You already defeated me.” Said Rue puzzled. “Hi I’m Korma! My father says I have to battle her, I take it you’re her brother, I’m your cousin.” Said a cheery voice, Rue looked over, and saw a young girl about his age that had purple and silver hair she had looks from everyone in the family so he believed her, that they were of the same blood she had grey eyes as well, unlike them they all had green and brown eyes. Mara and Rue had chestnut brown hair and Lofta had Red hair like her mother, they all had similar characteristics but Korma was different they could tell. “Okay well, it’s nice to meet you cousin! But why is your father forcing you to battle my sister, she already won against me, there can only be one battle.” Said Rue confused, “Only to be had against siblings, not cousins that’s never been a thing.” Said Rue he was trying to understand why they were going to have another battle, when they just finished one yesterday. “It isn’t customary, son but in some cases there are times where cousins if the valid age have the ability to battle the previous victor.” Said Queen Laua she was troubled, that this was to happen the day after the previous battle, had just took place she knows since this is all Gorm had to look forward to, he trained his daughter day and night. Whereas the royal children that presided in the palace had, set schedules to practice for battle. Since Korma, had no other duties she had an abundant amount of time to practice combat with her father. Queen Laua can foresee the future but she only told the King, what she sees because she doesn’t want her children to hold that burden, or distract themselves from what has yet to happen. That’s just one of her abilities every royal can have three or more abilities, Queen Laua knew this day would come she was just hoping for a different outcome. “It’s okay, we will just hope that your sister will have victory once more.” Said Queen Laua hopeful, she knew it wasn’t likely to happen but she remained positive about it nonetheless, the futures she saw weren’t always for certain. They were very likely; she only told King Roff about them, she didn’t think her children should know yet. Until one day she had an unexpected vision when she has her visions her eyes turn silver, and she makes a bunch of very weird facial expressions like she’s focused on something. It’s just like she’s in a sort of a unfazed state she’s unable to interact with the outside world until, her visions subside. This day that her visions decided to make an entrance, she was pregnant with her daughter, Mara on this day she had a vision that an unknown enemy would kill her daughter, her visions are always years ahead of their date so it gives her time to realize this event will take place. There is always possibility of the future changing, so it wasn’t for certain the Queen thought. “Okay were almost ready to begin, you must walk out to the courtyard have you chosen your form of attack for the battle?” said the Judge of Battle her name was Ferma, she had jet black hair and olive skin and green eyes she dressed like a royal but that was only because she represented the royal family. She was also a friend to the royal family, she had been friends with Roff and Laua since, and they were fifteen years old. “I am aware of how this works; I’ve been informed of the rules from my father since I was eight.” Said Korma, she agreed to battle however Lofta chose and she chose to do the werewolf battle which means they had to turn and fight as werewolves like her and Rue did. “I don’t think I need to go over the rules again let the battle commence, ready your positions…and…proelium!” said the Judge of Battle, Lofta and Korma were face to face they were both very serious about the battle. This wasn’t like a sibling against sibling battle, it was a practical stranger who Lofta didn’t think knew the rules and how the royal battle works but she didn’t mean to be rude to Korma she just didn’t know her, like a family should. “et cadas.” Said Lofta, to Korma she was sure she would win like her father she was, overly confident and that didn’t work out for her in this instance. Lofta thought of the moment before the battle the pep talk she had, with her father “Being overly confident can, be a consequence you mustn’t let it hinder your combat. Don’t be like me be better than your father and show her who’s dominus.” Said the King, Korma stared at Lofta and her eyes turned orangey-yellow, then she did a cartwheel and transformed into a werewolf! It was like magic, she had creamy white fur with a streak of orange. Lofta stared back in discontent until her eyes changed hue, and she ran back and then forward until she lunged forward turning into a werewolf as well. They growling at each other while walking and pacing back and forth until Korma lunged at Lofta attacking her going for her stomach and legs she fought like she knew exactly what it took, to take an opponent down. She knew very well, she took pointers from her father who also took pointers from the brutes he watched battle against each other. This battle went on for hours until, it concluded and it was apparent that Korma was the victor this time, everyone stood in silence. Watching this unfold they were silenced by this news. It wasn’t every day the kingdom would be handed to a non-royal, Korma had defeated Lofta in battle she was bloody and without dignity she feel like she left all of her confidence on the ground just like the blood that dripped from her wounds. She was broken and defeated, she had let her family and the kingdom down she thought. “I’m sorry” mouthed Lofta to her family, this was the end...“I am humbled and honored to be, bestowed with the rule of royal leader of the kingdom of Ruladia. I promise to fight for all of you and be fair.” Said Korma with content and sincerity she didn’t really want the throne that much although it did occur her family wouldn’t have to live on the outside anymore. Even though they were still of royal descent, but she was happy that now her father was happy. Her father did leave out one crucial fact that was to take place; her father would be able to become King since, she was princess Korma didn’t know her father didn’t care about her victory or that she had become princess he was just worried about being King. Since he didn’t win it fair and square he decided to cheat, “I would like to thank former, King Roff and Queen Laua for the keys to your kingdom it was really you all that made it possible for our victory.” Said Gorm impishly, he felt he needed to rub this in their faces as King Roff did to him. “Father I d-“ Korma muttered out but before she could finish her statement Roff expressed angrily. “You cannot have the kingdom, Gorm you’ve had your chance just let my family live in peace.” Said King Roff, with exhaustion “You speak to me as though I am the one who caused you pain and suffering, it is you brother who has betrayed me.” Said Gorm in anger for his brother, “I didn’t mean to brother-“ said Roff with regret in his eyes, Gorm didn’t care for his brothers apologies he threw he brother across the room, and choked him. With what seemed to be like extra energy he could manipulate into mechanics which means, Gorm’s abilities are to move things around and use it as a force. “Gorm please,” Roff pleaded with what little breath he had left, Gorm released him, “Your day will come brother,” said Gorm patiently, They used to be so close when they were only boys but once it was time for them to battle everything changed. Including their distance towards each other, It only got worst once the battle concluded their, father former King Fred. Was hard on them and very strict about how important the battle was to him, and the kingdom. He was very much like King Roff in that way but it tore them apart and now Gorm was coming for the throne, it was only one way this was going to end. In bloodshed, it was not unusual, for family to battle against each other right after battle. “Korma, my dearest daughter are you ready to make father proud?” said Gorm with a sly grin towards Roff, ”Yes, father but are you sure this is the way to do it?” said Korma with curiosity towards her father’s hidden agendas. “Yes Korma dear this is the only way for me to get the throne from my brother—I mean for you to be princess heh” blurted out Gorm smiling, he tried to convince her it was for her. When he just wanted a shortcut to the throne but Lofta wouldn’t let that happen Gorm only wanted to tear up the family. He cared for no one but himself. Suddenly the sound of a blade grazed Gorm’s nose it was so pointy like a bird’s beak you would think, Lofta’s blade cut off the tip of it. Her crimson blade shot across Gorm’s nose and darted into the wall. “You think you can hurt me with your toys? Roff you should teach your daughter to be more respectful to her elders.” Said Gorm with a mischievous grin, “I’ll give respect to those who deserve it, definitely not you,” said Lofta firmly and standing her ground, she had no fear for Gorm she wanted him gone she couldn’t even believe they were blood. He was worthy of Rulum blood Lofta thought. “See you in battle Korma,” said Lofta walking away waving her blades and putting them in a back harness, they have different clothes they must wear for certain events like royal gatherings it was customary for the girls and guys to dress formal. For the battle, they have special clothes made for whatever they were going to be doing. It was obvious Lofta’s favorite outfit was the battle attire, Rue was away with Mara but he was aware of the predicament that became of his sister he was prepared to help. He left Mara with Kirla where she would be safe there was soon to be war it wouldn’t end well for the kingdom of ruladian, but if Gorm had threatened the kingdom there was only one thing to do they would have to bring it all down. Take out Gorm before he ruined the kingdom from the inside, all of the thoughts he possessed where to destroy his brother, and the kingdom he ruled, he was just jealous. This happened before but King Roff thought it was just a grab at attention, he was wrong he was all for the ruin of the kingdom or to rule it for himself. “Brother why must we fight I would actually like to have you and I side by side, once I take the kingdom for myself you can be my servant and bring my turkey and lamb at supper,” chuckled Gorm, he thought he was able to claim his victory. It was premature, Rue snuck pass and got to Lofta who was in the dining hall scrubbing her sword of the stone particles she loved cleaning her weapons it brought her peace, but not today Gorm had declared war and she felt powerless. “Sister, I have a plan!” whispered Rue with a smile, “What is it brother?” said Lofta intrigued with an eyebrow raise, “I can take out Gorm’s guys and he won’t have reinforcements, and then we can block them in, and we need weapons.” Said Rue he was sure this plan would work they would need to get everyone to safety because Gorm may seem nice, but he wasn’t playing that way. “I didn’t say you guys could leave, I need you here as an audience, change of plans I will take the kingdom the only way that will work for me….killing you brother.” Said Gorm with an evil grin, “Father no! you said I would battle my cousin you said nothing of murder, how could you I trusted you,” said Korma with anger, “Dear this is the only way I will guaranteed the throne, if they live they would find a way to steal it from under me,” said Gorm walking pass everyone. “The battle was just my way in the castle if the battle would go through I know Lofta would win against you, even though you have the heart of a warrior you aren’t as strong.” Said Gorm trying to comfort his daughter touching her cheek, Korma smacked his hand off her cheek with discontent. “I can’t believe you would hurt your own blood, over spite and jealously,” said Korma without understanding, “You know nothing child, you have no knowledge, of what my brother has done to me,” said Gorm trying to make Korma understand, “That’s all in the past you can’t just forget? It was a battle you and your brother, my uncle had no choice it was finalized by the creed, there was a law put in place for the kingdom.” Said Korma being rational, “Well I already made my decision, I’m going to kill them all then you and your mother will reside her with me,” said Gorm looking around with excitement. He was already too far gone there was no bringing him back to earth, Korma tried appealing to what little compassion he had left but his heart was torn and there was no putting it back together. “Rue are you sure you can do this there are guards everywhere,” said Lofta worried for her father, “I can handle them we just have to get out of here we know nothing of Gorms plans for the rest of us.” Said Rue, “Well, I’m not letting you leave without me, I’m coming to,” said Lofta not taking no for an answer, “Fine, but let’s hurry I have a bad feeling.” Lofta and Rue scurried to the main gate entrance of the palace, Rue took care of the guards, by moving them with his mind he picked them up and smashed them against the wall, to knock them unconscious, “Wow,” said Lofta surprised, she had never really seen Rue’s abilities fully. They keep straight towards the main entrance when they spotted more guard they were in the middle of the hallway when they heard some guards, “Hey! Stop right there!” screamed one of the guards, Rue and Lofta turned quickly, then Lofta used her abilities and read the guards mind and made him walk towards them, “What are you doing!” whispered Rue, unaware that they could use the guards information, for there next mission. “He may know something, we have to try we don’t even know where Mom and Dad are they could be in trouble.” Said Lofta she got all the information she needed, “Where are out parents? What’s Gorm’s angle? Why is he trying to bring down the kingdom?” asked Lofta, The guard tried to resist he grunted and said “I’m not telling you anything, witch.” He said firmly, when Lofta’s powers worked on people, their eyes and her eyes fully turned purple, and the person’s veins glowed purple all over, just like her hands when she activated her powers you could tell what was going on. “I suggest you tell us or your face won’t look normal for too much longer,” Rue said starting to melt the guys face with his hands it looked as if a flammable gas was coming from his hands, like the smoke above a fire making the air above it distorted. “Ok ok—I’ll tell you just please!” said the guard in fear for his life. “Okay he’s going to tell us what he knows,” said Lofta convincingly after reading his mind, “Okay, I heard Gorm say he was going to kill your parents, and their wouldn’t be any survivors except his daughter and wife,” said the guard, Lofta used her powers to see if he was lying, and he wasn’t “Okay, you may go, traitor.” Said Lofta firmly, “We have to find Mom and Dad and get out of here before Gorm succeeds at executing the plan,” said Rue bravely. “Okay brother we’ll do this together, let’s reunite our family!” said Lofta with bravery, Lofta and Rue ran straight towards the main entrance where they saw, their parents restrained with ropes and Gorm gloating over them. “Gorm unhand them now! Give us back our parents and be on your way you have nothing to offer the kingdom anymore.” Screamed Rue, “You’re here! Wonderful you get to see me crush your father as he has crushed me,” said Gorm with mischievous intentions, “I won’t let you get that far, if you touch him you’ll have to answer to me,” said Rue sternly, he picked up Gorm with his powers and pushed him out, towards the palace garden. “Hurry! He’s strong he won’t be down for long!” said Rue, Lofta ran over to her parents and tried to untie the ropes but they weren’t normal ropes they were much stronger, and she couldn’t undo them, she looked over towards the guards that ran towards her, Gorm had guards everywhere, they ran towards her “Rue! The guards behind me, I can’t untie these,” Rue came over quickly and tried to melt the rope off but it was resistant to his powers as well. “I can’t get these off!” said Rue in frustration, he turned around and threw the guards back and flips them onto the ground until they were unconscious, “Wait, there’s one more but I think I could use him to get these off,” said Lofta with a gleam of hope in her eyes. “Okay I’ll bring him over if he tries anything, I’ll melt him!” said Rue being protective, “Bring him closer to me,” Lofta used her powers and read the guards mind and found out why the ropes weren’t able to be broken off their parents. “The ropes are made of Jineolf flower, it’s valde fortis impossible to break, unless..” said Lofta, “Unless what, sister we have to get out of here or Gorm will destroy us all,” said Rue serious and worried for his family. “We have to use Mara’s other ability,” said Lofta in disappointment, they didn’t Mara involved because she was still to young and Gorm doesn’t care if any of us gets hurt. “No we can’t involve Mara in this it’s too dangerous for her to be involved,” said Rue sternly, “Well what do we do?” asked Lofta, “I know, surrender now and you can have your parents back unharmed and leave the kingdom and let my family live in peace.” Said Gorm walking backing into the palace covered in dirt and flowers scraps, “No way, you are the one who threatened my family’s safety and tried to steal the kingdom for your own.” Said Rue earnestly, with fire in his eyes, “You’ve got heart kid but what makes you think, I won’t just kill you and your family right on this very ground.” Said Gorm with a sly grin, “You won’t because I’ll kill you myself,” said Rue with immense courage, Rue was unknowingly waiting for the moment to broadcast how brave he was. “You should’ve let when you could nephew, this is no battle for a small boy.” Said Gorm smiling with a sinister grin. “You should’ve fled when you had the chance now your dead,” said Rue he was ready, “Lofta, your sword!” Rue ran towards Gorm with the sword blade first he ran towards him and they exchanged sword clashing. Rue stabbed Gorm in his gut and knocked him on the ground, turned towards his family “I got him!” screamed Rue smiling to Lofta, “Rue! Look out!” screamed Lofta running towards him, Gorm stabbed him in the heart, until he bled out. Rue fell to the floor with nothing but a gasp of breath left, Lofta ran to him “Nooo!” she screamed in anguish, and hugged her brother in her arms and let a few tears fall down her cheeks shutting her eyes. She suddenly released her powers and pushed Gorm up against to the wall, she flipped him until he was upside down against the wall, with Rue in her arms before she squeezed any more. Korma ran towards them and screamed for her to stop. “Stop! Unhand my father he may be evil but he’s still my father and I’m the only one who could talk some sense into him.” Said Korma, Lofta kept her fist clenched and started walking towards Lofta holding Rue, her parents were unaware because the ropes that kept them bounded were also sleeping ropes it put any victim into a deep sleep. “I’m sorry but that won’t work, your father needs to pay for hurting my brother I won’t let that go unpunished,” said Lofta with anger and grief for her brother’s death. “I’m sorry, but your brother went up against my father, he knew what he was doing.” Said Korma siding with her father as usual. “Are you kidding me? My brother was trying to protect us so that gives your dad an excuse to kill his own blood?” Lofta scoffed, “No but—“ said Korma blurted out, Lofta slowly pulled Gorm down further towards the ground, “Okay wait—“ said Korma pleading, “I’ll take my father out of here, and you and your family can go to we won’t hurt I’ll let you put a mind blockage on him, so he can’t remember this day.” Said Korma making a compromise, the kingdom was in peril Ruladia had fallen and the only ones left to secure the throne were those of royal blood, and it had to be Lofta she was the only one left since her brothers ‘passing’ she’s the only one who can bring back Ruladia. Reunite the kingdom, she found a royal official to unbind her parents from the unbreakable rope and 3 years later she became Queen in honor of her brother, she built him a memorial hall and made sure he was properly honored. “Lofta, honey there are some royal officials that want to celebrate your victory against the evil Gorm, there will be a gathering tonight.” Said Laua, she was former Queen but still presided in the palace, they had nowhere else to go, and Lofta promised to keep them safe, after Rue died. “Okay, I’ll be there I do need to go over new protection for the kingdom and make sure that one gets in. “Queen Lofta, we need you to pick out a dress for the Royal Official Gathering!” said some royal tailors pushing different dresses up against her shoulders seeing which one looks best for the occasion. “Which one? White or Navy Blue?” asked one of the tailors, “White it looks the fanciest.” Said Laua she saw her daughter was under a lot of stress trying to lead the kingdom on her own. “Honey I don’t think you should do this alone, let me help.” Said Laua with concern, “No Mom I’m fine, I got it I just need to—“ said Queen Lofta sincerity, “You haven’t talked since—“ said Laua with empathy, “I know you’re hurting you can’t hold it all in you have to let it out now, or you’ll implode.” Said Laua, “It’s just been hard lately, I thought I could do it, but Rue said he would be here to help me run the kingdom, and now he’s gone so I’m alone in this it seems.” Said Queen Lofta getting teary, “How dare you! You have your father and me and we mourn Rue every day but we know he’s in a better place and he’ll find his way back to us someday. “said Laua thoughtfully, “It will be okay, everything will work out I promise.” Said Laua pulling in Queen Lofta for a hug, then she grasped her daughters head and looked up to the ceiling and let out a slow breath. Healed her so she wouldn’t hurt from the grief and pain. “Thank you mom, you always know what to say.” Queen Lofta said smiling, “That’s what I’m here for,” said Laua smiling, It was getting late so Queen Lofta sent away everyone for the night and had dinner with her family. Downstairs where they laid Rue’s body, you could see his heart was still pumping, he was...alive, but how? The next morning Queen Lofta was getting ready for the Royal Official Gathering as a Queen she had a duty to attend many events and royal gatherings, to fulfill her role. She also must marry a prince of a farther kingdom. But she hasn’t weighed out her options, “Queen Lofta we have someone here to see you.” Said a Royal Servant, “Send them in please, Maralen” said Queen Lofta, The door opened slowly and walking through the door was a mysterious attractive looking stranger, he had a warm smile with soft brown curls that laid over the side of his head followed by a neat undercut, and the friendliest brown eyes. “Oh hello, I was told that I must talk to Queen Lofta at the gathering I just wanted to let you know, that you can’t trust anyone here there are bad people after you.” Said the mysterious man, “So I should trust you instead, a mystery man, who decided to come into my room to watch me get ready?” asked Queen Lofta with an eyebrow raised, “No, I’m not asking you to trust me just not to trust anyone else here attending this event.” Said the man, “What’s your name soldier? You seem awfully interested in protecting me, the least you could you do is tell me what my hero’s name is,” Queen Lofta said in sarcasm. “It’s Demetri, nice to meet you Queen Lofta I must be on my way,” said Demetri with sincerity, “Well thank you for the warning, I hope to see you again someday in much better circumstances.” Said Queen Lofta smiling, Demetri walked out of the door and disappeared in to the crowd that followed, “Okay I can do this.” said Queen Lofta reassuring herself, she walked out her door and continued on to the front of the room. To announce her arrival, everyone became quiet as soon as she entered the room, waiting for her to speak. “Hello to all, and welcome to my Royal Official Gathering I hope you all will have an open heart and mind as we discuss the potential threats that come our kingdom’s direction, and try to make the kingdom a safe place for our children and families. Please enjoy the refreshments and drinks there are plenty, debemusne?” said Queen Lofta, she took a seat at the biggest chair at the royal table, and she looked around waiting for someone to say something. When suddenly, there was commotion at the doors of the royal gathering hall room, the guards yelled and grunted, “Where is the Queen!” yelled a familiar voice, “It can’t be, get me out of here!” said Queen Lofta to the guards that were assigned for her safety. “Yes, your highness,” said one of the guards, they brought her out towards a shortcut door, but something didn’t feel right to Lofta, she felt they were leading her astray, the man she met earlier. Demetri saw where the guards were taking her, and followed them quietly; suddenly one of the guards grabbed the queen and tied her up. Then taped her mouth shut, she tried to scream but it was muffled. They took her to a dark room and sat her down in a chair, then turned the lights on and untapped her mouth, and when she looked up saw Demetri and shock slapped her face and then she remembered everything that just happened. “Wait your—“ blurted out Lofta, “You warned me about danger but it was you all along?” asked Lofta confused, trying to wrap her head around the events that just happened, “I know this looks bad—“ said Demetri thinking about it, rubbing his chin staring at Lofta, “You think?” said Lofta with an eyebrow raised. “I can explain,” said Demetri, “You don’t have to just untie me and we can both go quietly,” said Lofta, “I can’t do that, I’m sorry.” Said Demetri, with a sly grin “Why not? Who do you work for?” asked Lofta, trying to get answers “It’s not what you think, but I can’t let you leave,” said Demetri he was clearly hiding something and Lofta wanted to know what it was, she was going to play along until she got the information she wanted. “Okay, I’ll comply.” Said Lofta with a smirk sitting back in the chair, trying to get as comfortable as she could. “Really? That was easier than I thought.” Said Demetri with a grin, “Wait, why suddenly are you willing to cooperate?” asked Demetri with an eyebrow raise, “Well either way I’m getting out of this, I just want to see something before that happens,” said Lofta mischievously, suddenly the familiar voice got louder and then the door busted open. Before anyone’s an identity was discovered Demetri ran and shut off the lights and took Lofta by the arm and went out the door before they could get caught. “W

here is the queen!” repeated the familiar voice, “We’ve got to get out of here,” said Demetri looking around for an escape, then suddenly spotted a doorway that led to the main entrance but passed by the gathering hall, they could possibly be spotted. Lofta could tell Demetri was a risk taker, so they ran past the gathering hall entrance to the main gates. Suddenly some guards ran towards them then, Demetri used an ability he had, Lofta of course had no clue he conjured a spear out of thin air and shot it towards both guards with his index finger guided the blade threw both of their necks, “Whoa.” Said Lofta impressed, “Yeah.” Said Demetri glancing at Lofta, they both ran out the front gates and moved straight towards the side of the entrance where they wouldn’t be spotted. “Give me the queen and you may keep your life.” Said a firm voice coming towards them following footsteps, Demetri conjured another blade and threw it towards the voice he heard. “Nice shot, you’re going to have to do better than a blade if you want to defeat me,” said the voice, it had to be Gorm but how did he know to come back? “What are you doing here Gorm, you shouldn’t know to come back unless—“ said Lofta, with a face palm and sudden reelection, “Korma, must’ve used her abilities to reverse what I did,” said Lofta, “Wait you know this man?” asked Demetri surprised, “Yea, he’s my blood.” Said Lofta with anger, “Why would your own blood want to kill you?” asked Demetri with confusion, “That’s a question for him,” said Lofta without regard, “You’re not getting the queen,” said Demetri firmly, “And just who might you be, you have some nerve coming in between me and an enemy.” Said Gorm with an evil grin. “That’s none of your concern,” said Demetri with sincerity, he conjured a sword bigger than the last, and used it against Gorm. He tilted it above his head, he was getting ready to slice his head open from top to bottom until, he felt a warm hand on his, it was Lofta he was confused as to why they shouldn’t end his life now. Lofta explained, “We can’t kill him there are rules, a royal must follow and killing a citizen of ruladian is forbidden plus if we kill him were no better than him.” Said Lofta, disappointed at the block in their close victory, “Lofta! Where are you!” screamed a familiar voice, it was her mom Laua she was just now informed on what happened, she hesitated at the sight of Gorm. “Ahh sister in law, I was just having a chat with your daughter, and her boyfriend decided to show me a few knife tricks,” said Gorm with a sinister grin. “Lofta, there’s rules now we can’t kill him no matter what he’s done to us,” said Laua with understanding of the situation. “I know Mom, he was just protecting me,” said Lofta, “I know, I saw.” Said Laua with a smile, “What do you mean?” asked Lofta with confusion, “I saw it already unfold,” said Laua, “Oh,” said Lofta, “Nice to meet you Your Highness, Miss Laua.

Demetri walking up with a warm friendly smile he gave Lofta when they first met, “The pleasure’s mine, thank you for protecting my daughter.” Said Laua with sincerity, “It’s my honor,” said Demetri taking a slight bow as a sign of respect, The Queen was safe and now the kingdom had a chance.

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