Wife 4,000 | Teen Ink

Wife 4,000

January 10, 2019
By LaneyOsborn, Prairie Grove, Arkansas
More by this author
LaneyOsborn, Prairie Grove, Arkansas
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Favorite Quote:
"I went on ebay to look for a lighter, but all I found is 13,784 matches."

Author's note:

This is my first time writing a novel and publishing it. Please give me some constructive critism 

Years ago, back in 1945, Anne Craftsman died from cancer. She died at the age of 29. She had a husband, a dog named Skipper, and a cat named Tabs. Tabs later died a few months after Anne died from old age. Anne never went anywhere without Tabs, and her husband thought they were the same soul trapped in two different bodies. Anne was considered artistic, she was always home creating art. Often, when John, her husband, came home and asked for dinner, she would say, “Dinner is the painting I am making. Let it feed your creative desire.” John learned how to cook earlier in the marriage from Anne, so this wasn’t usually a problem.

After Anne died, John couldn’t live with himself. He went to therapy and tried to move on by going on dates with other women, but after 5 years and hundreds of thousands of bottles of beer down, he finally had an idea. John fixed cars as a job, so he knows a little here and there about movement and wiring.

2 years later, Wife 4000 was beautiful. She looked just like Anne. Beautiful black hair put in a bun, a tiny nose, and gorgeous, kind, ocean eyes. She was programmed to be just like Anne, artistic, caring, loving, and she was even programmed to have Anne’s voice. John wanted to show off his invention, but he knew he couldn’t.

Of course, the work wasn’t all done by John, Anne’s best friend’s, Miliah’s, and her husband, David, helped, too. David and John have made an agreement: to never, ever, let Wife 4000 know that she is a robot. If she ever did find out, then no one knows what would happen.


My name is Anne. I have a husband and a dog named Skipper. My husband, John, had Skipper before we married. I used to have a cat named Tabs, but he died while I was in the hospital with cancer. I am one of the most blessed humans ever. I am a cancer survivor. I can’t believe it. It has been 8 years since I was diagnosed, and tomorrow will be the one year mark after I was told I no longer have cancer.

Even though I am a cancer survivor and I should be thankful that I am, my life isn’t that great. Ever since I came home, John has been mean to me and Skipper. A few days after I came home, John told me about his first love and how they were engaged. Her name was Lisa. He told me that she died from a very terrible accidental drug overdose. Now and then when I do something “wrong” he’ll yell at me and say things like “Lisa would never do that!” or “You are nothing like Lisa!” I am getting very tired of it, but every time I try to bring it up, he just yells at me and makes me feel bad.

John will always make silly comments about my sometimes robotic behavior, but we both know that robots won’t exist until the future. Sometimes we even joke about how when Skipper dies, we’ll make a robot that acts and looks just like him. My husband is a very silly man, and that’s why I love him, even though he is very mean sometimes.


After I wake up early to make my husband some breakfast before he leaves for work, I quickly head to my art room. I love my art room. It is covered in all my paintings and drawings. We were originally going to make the extra room a baby room, but I’m almost 40 and I don’t see myself having a child anymore. I feel inspired to make another robot painting. Lately, I’ve been painting robots that look like humans, like one side of their face is wires while the other looks completely human. I don’t know why I do this, but it feels right.

After a few minutes of painting, I heard the phone go off. I quickly went to check who it was.“Craftsman residence, how may I help you?” I asked.

“Anne? Is that you?” the woman asked.

“Alive and living.”

“Oh Anne! It’s been years since we saw each other. It’s Miliah. How are you doing?”

“Miliah! Oh dear, have I missed you. I’ve been doing just that well. How about you? I’ve been thinking about you so much lately.”

“I have been doing great. I just wanted to see if you would like to come over this afternoon and have some tea and catch up. My husband will be gone for work and the kids are going to play with their friends.”

“Oh dear! That would be lovely! What time?” I asked.

“Does 2:00 sound nice to you?”

“Of course! Is it the same address?”

“Yes dear. Oh, have I missed you!” Miliah exclaimed.

“Same here darling. I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay. Bye”

“ Bye-bye!” I hung up the phone. Oh dear, have I missed Miliah! She and I were best friends since high school, but after my encounter with cancer, we lost touch. Oh am I so glad that she called me!

Of course, I have to make sure my husband is okay with this idea. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.

“Craftsman’s Cars, how may I help you?”

“John? I was wondering if you would be okay with me going over to have some tea with Miliah. She called me today and it would make me oh so happy if you said I could go!”

“Anne? Oh my goodness! You know not to call me while I’m at work. This is totally unacceptable. Lisa would never, ever do anything like this! You better not do this ever again, you hear me?” John sounds angry at me. I used to call him all the time before I had cancer. I don’t know what has changed.

“I understand.” I reply like a child getting scolded.

“Now, what was this about Miliah?”

“She wanted to have me over for some tea around 2:00. Would that be okay?”

“Of course dear, just be home before 4 or else we are gonna have a talk.”

“Yes dear.”

“Bye-bye now.”

“Bye dear.” I don’t like this lifestyle, and I don’t think Miliah would approve either. Most women can do whatever they want without their husbands approval, and they most definitely don’t get compared to their ex-lovers.

I looked over at the clock. It’s 10:00. I have plenty of time to kill. I went back to my art room and I put up my art supplies. Even though the painting is not finished, I don’t feel inspired anymore.

I went to my closet. I have a small closet shared with my husband. I think John only has a few work shirts, some old shirts that he wears around the house, 2 nice and fancy shirts worn with his tuxedos for very special occasions. I, on the other hand, took up the other 90 percent of the closet. I love fashion, and I always make the best out of old clothes. When John and I first got married, I always dreamed of having my own fashion business, but that dream never came true.

I look through my dresses to find something casual but yet beautiful for this very special occasion. I found my favorite blue dress. It is baby blue with a pink bow that ties around the waist. I usually wear it with my nice, black heels, but today I think I’m going for a white pair.

I passed by a mirror. Oh am I so dirty! I am covered in paint. I laugh at myself and pretend I am Andy Warhol. I pick up a fake banana and say, “Oh, am I feeling quite inspired by this banana. I think I may paint it!” I chuckled. I love Andy Warhol. Most of my paintings are inspired by his style.

I head to the bathroom and wash up. I looked at the clock and it is now 11:00. Wow, time went by quickly! I dried my hair and did my makeup, and finished it with my favorite red lip gloss. I put my hair up in a bun and curled my bangs inward. This was my everyday style. You could find me in this exact outfit almost daily, except with black heels, not white ones.

I hear my stomach growl. I decided to go grocery shopping before heading to Miliah’s. On the walk to the grocery store, I saw a little kitten lost. Oh poor thing, it can’t find it’s mother. I ran towards it, trying not to frighten it. I picked it up and tried to find the mother. It took me awhile, but I found the mother and the hungry kitten reunited with its scrawny mother. I fed the mother a piece of my sandwich that I was eating while walking. The mother purrs in delight and eats the food before picking up the kitten and running away. I smiled and continued walking.

At the grocery store, I pick up the essentials: milk, bread, and some fruits and vegetables for dinner for the next couple of weeks. I browsed quickly before heading back  home. I look at the time after I put away the groceries. It is now 12:30. What am I ever supposed to do to pass the time? I look over my wide collection of books. I skim through the books and pick up a short and sweet one. I can probably read all this before 2.

I heard the phone ring. I quickly answered. It was John.

“Honey, I’m gonna be a little late today. Just wanted to tell you.”

“Oh that’s fine dear. I went grocery shopping today,” I said joyfully.

“Good. We were running low on food. Well, I have to go now. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He hangs up. I wonder what on earth is causing him to be late? He never works late. I shrug it off and continue to get back to my book.


I look at the time and it is 1:00. I might as well get on the bus. I walked to the bus stop and was greeted by a young girl. She looks at me with terrified eyes. I wonder what’s causing her to look so scared. “Is there something wrong sweetie?” I asked.

“I-I can’t find my mommy.” she said.

“Oh dear! What is your mommy’s name?”

“Miliah. I was walking to the park and I seemed to have gotten lost.”

“What’s your daddy’s name?”


I chuckled. “I am headed to their house. I am Anne, Anne Craftsman.”

“Oh, you’re the guest mommy said she was having over!”

“Yep!” I smiled and chuckled. Miliah has a daughter, wow. Times have really changed. “How old are you deer?”

“My name is Caroline and I am six years old.” She replies.

“Wow. Well nice to meet you, Caroline.”

We had a nice chat while we were both waiting for the bus, and we sat together on the bus. She looks a lot like Miliah. Big green eyes, wavy blonde hair put in a ponytail, and freckles splattered across her cheeks and nose. Quite a cute little girl. I love children, and I wonder what mine would have looked like. We got to the nearest bus stop from Miliah’s house. While on the walk, Caroline proceeds to tell me about her life. They have a cat named Orange and a goldfish named Goldie. Caroline does quite well in school and chases boys outside during recess.

When we arrived at Miliah’s, I knocked on the door. Miliah answers and greets me with a hug. She looks over to find Caroline. “What on earth are you doing here?” She chuckles.

“I got lost and Anne found me at the bus stop.”

“Well Oh my! That sure is a blessing!” She turned over to me, “Thank you for helping us out.”

“It was no problem. I’m just glad I got to meet Caroline.” I replied with a smile.

“Oh my, why don’t you come in and have a seat! The tea is almost ready.” Miliah says as she walks into the living room and then enters the kitchen.

I took a seat on the dark blue loveseat. Nothing much has changed. I spotted a few of my paintings from the early days of our friendship. I see what I used to paint, a big garden with a woman in the middle, tending to the plants, and a self-portrait that isn’t that realistic. Caroline ran toward her room down the hallway. I watched as her pink dress flew down the hall. Orange ran after her. I hear his paws hit the ground and it soothes my soul.

Miliah comes back with a tea set and asks me what color tea cup I want. Miliah is not like most women when they have tea with others. Miliah is always conscious and asks about everything other people want. She’s always been like that, though I don’t see the effect the color of the tea cup has on how good the tea is. I answer with baby blue, I don’t know why she always asks me because it is always the same color. She pours the right amount of tea in the cup and puts the bowl of sugar cubes on the tray. Miliah has the best tea recipe in town. No one knows how she does it. She uses the same ingredients most women do. I’ve tried for years to copy the recipe many times and it is always wrong.

I remember one time while I was in the hospital, Miliah came to see me. She tried to give me some  tea, but the doctors would not let her. I remember hearing that argument. Miliah knew how much I loved her tea and got really upset. She wouldn’t give up until finally the doctors let her give me the tea. It made me feel so much better. It was nice and warm and she put two sugar cubes in, just how I like it.  

“So what is life like being a cancer survivor?” she asked.

“I am very thankful, but John has not been the best.”

“May I ask how?”

“He has been degrading me and comparing me to his ex-wife.”

“He has an ex-wife ?”

“Yes, her name was Lisa and she died.”

“Sounds like he isn’t being the greatest husband like he was.”

I chuckled, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I sighed. “I just don’t know what to do anymore, I can’t leave him.”

“But you can. You can run away. I know it sounds funny, but it would work.”

“That’s ridiculous!”

“I know, I know.”

“It is a lot better than filing for a divorce.”

“Yeah, it’s crazy, but it will help you a lot. Just think about it.”

I changed the subject and we continued our conversation for hours. Now and then Caroline would come into the room with Orange and would sit down and have a cup of tea until her mother told her to go back into her room or go outside. I learned more about Caroline, she was extremely brilliant and loves dolls. Her birthday is coming up next month and I promised myself I would bring her something. I thought I’d give her a doll that I had when I was her age. I named it Marilyn. It was a blonde doll with blue eyes and a pretty gray dress. I told Caroline about the doll and her eyes lit up.

Finally, David came home, sat down and talked to us for a while, then went to bed. I decided to go back home. John called and told me that he wanted me home now. I packed up my things, gave Caroline a hug and left. I thought a lot about running away from John on the walk to the bus stop. He treated me in a way God would not like. He was never this way before our marriage. Sometimes I think to myself that Lisa was never real and that he just made it up, maybe he was talking about a coworker or a woman who came into his shop frequently. I shook it off once I got home.

“You’re finally here,” he said in a cheerful voice.

I looked skeptical, why was he so happy, what was the news he was hiding? “Yes?”

“I got you something.” He pulls out a basket with a tiny kitten in it. The kitten was a black cat with yellow eyes, like the kind superstitious people say is bad luck. Thank goodness John and I are not superstitious. My eyes lit up, I almost cried.

“John! I can’t believe you got me a kitten!” I picked up the kitten and it purred. I loved it so much.

“You like it?” he asked.

“Of course! I love it!”

“I haven’t named it yet. I thought you would like to do that.”

“Oh my! I think I’ll name it Midnight.” That night I went to bed happy. In fact, we all went to bed happy. It was the first time in a year.


In the morning after John left for work, Midnight and I had the whole day to ourselves. We could do whatever we wanted to do that day. We started off playing with some of Tabs’ old toys and then started going into a calm relaxation time. I was knitting a little hat for Caroline, it was the color of her dress, pink. I believe she told me her favorite color. Midnight was on my lap, sleeping the day away. It was a relaxing day, until John got home.

I started to worry about John, he had not come home yet. It had been a couple hours since he was supposed to be home. I called Miliah to see if David knew where he was, but had no luck.

It was now 1 AM and John was still nowhere to be found. I finally heard the door open. “John!” I exclaimed. It was him. He couldn’t walk in a straight line.  

“Anne, why in God’s name are you not in bed?” he asks.

“I was worried about you, my deer,” I replied.

“That’s not what the real Anne would do,” he says and chuckles. I pondered what he meant about ‘the real Anne’ it was like he meant I wasn’t real.

“Honey, what are you talking about? I am the real Anne.”

He laughs, “But, you are not, you’re just a robot, a robot that I created.”

“Honey, stop talking nonsense. We both know I am not a robot.”

He gets angry, he takes a knife and slashes my arm with it. It does not hurt, yet I still scream. “See?” he said. “Just wires. You’re not the real Anne. The real Anne died from cancer.”

I looked down at my arm. It is just wires. Is this why nothing seemed to physically hurt? I see red and blue wires, and I touch one of them. I screamed. It hurts. It really hurts. It hurt worse than anything else had.

“You’re just a creation. I am your master. I designed you after the real Anne. I even programmed her memories into you,” he laughs. “I could’ve made millions off of you!”

That sentence. It didn’t make sense. I am not anyone’s servant. I will not bow down to anyone but God. I look down at Midnight, he’s rubbing against my leg. He looks over at John and hisses as John comes closer. He looked me in the eye and laughed. I am speechless. This isn’t the John I know and love. This is a different man. I have never seen him get this drunk. He’d have a beer now and then, but never too much. “I am not your servant,” I finally said. “I will not bow down to anyone but God himself. I am God’s creation. He provided you with the materials I was made with.”

He laughs, “Silly robot. You are just like Anne, maybe I should have programmed you to be better than her.”

I stopped. What did he just say? That’s the woman he married he was talking about. That is what he is talking about. That is so disrespectful. My anger builds up, but instead of yelling at him I say, “Honey, you need to go to bed. It’s getting late and you have work in the morning.” He looks at me and then obeys. I used logic and reasoning against him so he had no argument.

I wait until I know he is asleep to pack my things. I pack just the essentials: some food, water, money, and clothing, and then I put it all in the car. It was my car that I had bought before we got married. I take Midnight and Skipper with me, and before I leave, I call Miliah, she is always awake at this time. This is the time she gets to read a book.

She answers, “Hello?”

“Miliah, It’s me, Anne. I thought about what you said and I was doing it. Don’t tell anyone.”

“Anne! Of course deer, come on over so you don’t have to spend your night in the dark.”

“Okay, I am bringing Midnight and Skipper with me, is that okay?”

“Of course.”

“Okay I am on my way.”  


When I got to Miliah’s she opened the door before I could knock. I guess she didn’t want Caroline or David to wake up. She asked me what happened that made me make up my mind so quickly and treated me to a cup of tea. I told her and then I went to sleep.

The next morning was crazy. I had to get up early so Caroline could go to school and I also had to explain why I was there for David. I am naturally good at lying, so coming up with a lie is easy. I told him that John had gotten drunk and hit me so Miliah offered me to stay here for the night. It was only half a lie, so maybe God could forgive my sins? Then a thought occurred to me. Is what I am doing a sin? Is running away from my horrible husband a sin? I ask Miliah, and she says it isn’t a sin. She says God would have told me.

When I leave, I have nowhere to go. I couldn’t stay at Miliah’s because I don’t think David would approve, and it would be the first place John would look. So I started driving. I have no idea where I am headed, but I'll go somewhere. I hear Skipper whine. He had to go to the bathroom. I decided to park outside of the park and put him on the leash. I left Midnight in the car with the windows down. I am alone here. All the kids are at school. While I walk Skipper, I ponder what would have happened if I had not created it.

Would Caroline have found her home? Where would Midnight have gone? What if Lisa was never real, and she was made up? All these questions and no answers. I finally went back to the car and Midnight was sitting in the passenger seat asleep. I look over and see Skipper in the back with his tail wagging. This is going to be harder than I thought. Where am I? I started the car and kept driving forward. I hear my stomach growling. I parked the car on the side of the road and grabbed a sandwich I had packed before I left. I pulled off a piece for each animal and continued eating.

I hate that they have to go through this with me, but it’s better than being with that monster.  I thought occurred to me: If I was really a robot, then I don’t have to eat or drink. How come I didn’t think of this before? I could use all my food money for pets. It was amazing! The animals don’t have to starve or even get hungry.

It is now getting dark. We have nowhere to stay. I pulled into a bed and breakfast and bought a room. I sneak the animals into the room and I sit down and think. This is hard. I need a job. I need money. I wonder if they are hiring.

I rushed downstairs and I saw a man with black slick back hair and a buttoned-down blue shirt with a leather jacket. “Hello,” I said.

“How can I help you?”

“I was wondering if you guys were hiring.”

“I don’t think so. I’ll check.”

“Okay.” This is going to be harder than I thought. I have no experience with any type of work. I wonder if I could make a trade.

“I’m sorry, but we don’t have the money to hire another person.”

“What if we made a trade? Like you pay me enough money for food, and I can live in the room I am staying in now. I can be a maid or something. I have plenty of experience with that.”

“I’ll go get the boss.”

He comes back with a bigger man with blonde slick back hair and bright blue eyes. “Now what is this trade am I hearing?” he asked.

“I was wondering if I could work for little and in return, I could live here in one of the rooms. Oh, my two pets must be allowed to stay here too.”

“We do need more maids. Our two maids just quit.”

“Is that a deal?” I asked.

“Yes, but you cannot let your pets outside of the hotel room during the day.”

“Okay. When will I start?”

“Tomorrow at 9:00.”

“Great!” I left with a smile on my face.

When I get back to my room, I tell my pets the most exciting news. I don’t know why I did this but it felt like the right thing to do. I took a shower and put on my night clothes. I hope my work isn’t too hard. It’s a nice start though.


The next morning, I got up and rushed downstairs. I couldn’t wait to start working. It was my first job and it seemed exciting. I know I’m still in my pajamas, but I don’t know what to wear!

When I got there, I saw the boss standing at the front desk. He looks at me with confusion.  “Why are you in your sleepwear?” he asks.

“I didn’t know what to wear.”

“Do you have a black dress?”


“Go and change into that real quick.”

I quickly obeyed. “Okay!” I yell as I’m rushing up the stairs.

“Good. You’re apron is in the back. Oh, and the names Hillstack. Mr. Hillstack to you.”

“Okay! My names Anne.” I smiled and headed  back.

There I found different colors of aprons. There are white, baby blue, baby pink, pastel yellow and mint green. “Choose what color you want,” he said.

I look at the colors once more and then I choose baby blue. Once I have the apron on, Mr. Hillstack gives me a cart with all the cleaning supplies I will need to do my job right. He hands me a list of all the rooms that will need to be cleaned. “What about bed sheets?” I asked.

“Those will have to be done separately. We do not own a washer, so you will have to wash them by hand.”

“Yes sir!” I reply with enthusiasm. I like this job. It was easy for me. I know how to clean and do all the work, but I don’t know if I can do this in many rooms. There was a lot. I quickly went to one of the rooms on the first floor and there I saw a huge mess. Oh dear. How could anyone be this messy? This must have been a roomful of children! I see paper everywhere, trash from breakfast is on the floor, and the white sheets have dirt all over them! Well, it's not going to clean itself.

I began with the sheets first. I pulled them off and put them into the bag provided. I then pick up and throw away any trash I see. I sweep, mop, and even clean the walls. It took me hours, but the job was done. Finally, in the next room.

This room wasn’t as bad as the first room. The sheets did need to be washed, as they should be after every person sleeps there, and they needed to be swept and mopped. Not much to do. It didn’t take me long. The next room.

This room was a complete mess. Not as bad as the first one, but pretty bad. I pulled off the sheets and cleaned off the soda that spilled on the table. Of course, I sweep, mop, and then leave.

I head upstairs and then do the rest of the room. I get downstairs and Mr. Hillstack is sitting down at the counter.

“Done?” he asked.

“Yeah, the first one took awhile.”

“Yeah those people were really loud as well.”

“Well where do I do the sheets?”

“Outside in the back. Take your animals out there too. They could use a little time in the sun.”

“Okay.” I quickly leash up Skipper and take him outside. It was fenced in, but I felt better if Skipper was tied up.

I looked down at Skipper. “Okay boy, go run around!” He just looked at me. It looks like he’s going to stay by my side. In the middle of the fenced-in yard was a large metal bucket filled with soap water that was warmed by the sun and a washboard. I sat down on the grass and began washing. It was a nice day. I think I could get used to this, well, only in weather like this. In the fall and winter, it will be too cold, and in the summer, it will be too hot. It’s nice now. Hopefully it’ll stay like this for a while.

After washing the sheets, I put them on the clothesline. I watch as the white sheets flow with the wind. It calms me. What time is it? Hours have gone by. I look down and see Skipper at my feet, wagging his tail. We quickly headed back inside.

“Done?” Mr. Hillstack asked


“Well you got one more fairly easy job.”

“What’s that?”

“The dishes.”

“Okay!” I say as I put Skipper back into the room. I walk into the kitchen and there I see a Chef. He was very young, had black hair and blue eyes. He looked as if he had just gotten out of college.

“Hello! My name’s Henry,” he said.

“Hello Henry, my name’s Anne. I’m the new maid here.”

“Well goodie! I’m guessing you're here for the dishes?”


“Fantastic. You know, I keep telling Harry that I don’t need someone to do the dishes for me, but he keeps on sending them.”

“Harry?” I ask as I start doing the dishes.

“Oh! Mr. Hillstack. I keep on forgetting that the other employees call him that. He’s my younger brother.”

“Oh? Why aren’t you managing this place then?”

“Being a manager is hard work, and boring work. I want to be a chef and Harry wants to be a manager. So it worked out. Tell me why you’re working at this place.”

“Oh, I just recently left my husband. He wasn’t the best, but now I am cutting a deal with Mr. Hillstack.”

“Well I’m sorry to hear about that. Those situations are not the best.”

“It’s fine. The deal was pretty great. I get to work very little and in return I get to live here with my two pets!”

“That’s the spirit! If you think about it, there is no wrong in the world. It all just turns out to be good.”

I chuckled. “That’s one way to look at it. I’m pretty optimistic, but not that optimistic.”

“Well I like to use the brightest lamp, not the darkest one.”

“Well that’s something. How’s your love life if I may ask?”

“Oh my! My woman, Martha, is just back home. She is pregnant with a baby boy! I love her dearly, and our baby is going to be wonderful!”

I smiled. “That’s amazing. I never got to have kids, and I never will.” I wonder if I should tell him.

“Why’s that?”

“Well here I am almost 40, and I got really sick in my late 20’s and that lasted for about 7 years.”

“Well that’s tragic! I’m so dearly sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. I’m healthy now, and I've got my hands full with my dog, Skipper, and my cat, Midnight.”

“Oh my! They sound really cute.”

“Why, yes they are. Midnight is just a kitten while Skipper is old.”

We talk through the remaining dishes I have left and before I leave, Henry hands me a plate full of food. “On me. I’ll do the dishes myself. Welcome home,” he said.

I smiled. “Thank you.” I headed back to my room.

I was greeted with Skipper at the door and Midnight purring. They must be hungry. I fed them some of the food that I was given by Henry. As MIdnight licks the mashed potatoes, Skipper eats the grilled pork. I watch as they both stuff their mouths. They seemed happy. I hope I can keep giving them what they need. I hear my stomach growl. I don’t think I need to eat, do I? I see my legs begin to shut down. I pulled off some of the pork Skipper was eating, and I shoved it into my mouth. Look at Midnight. She curled up on my lap. Cute kitten, she is. I started eating the green beans the animals had not dared to touch.

After my legs begin to power back up, I feel sleepy. I go to sleep with both animals right by my side.


I found myself on a metal table. It is quite cold. I cannot get up. Where am I? I struggle to get up, but it is impossible. My legs and hands are strapped down to my sides. I feel like I am a test subject. I hear a voice. Deep, but calming.

“Look who we have here,” he said. I do not understand. Who is this man? “Mrs. Runway. Tell me, Anne, do you remember me?” As he says that, he looks down at me. It was John.

“Stay away from me!” I screamed. He did not listen.

He laughs. “Time to program you to be a better wife, Wife 4000.”

I question why he did not call me Anne. The last thing I remember is the sound of a drill and black dots.

I woke up.

Thank goodness that was just a dream. I wake up to Skipper licking my face and Midnight purring and rubbing against my arm. I got up and put my black dress on.

When I arrived downstairs, I picked a pink apron. Instead of a room, I get assigned to clean up the kitchen. This seems easier, as long as Henry isn’t like a child with his cooking.

“Hello Anne!” He greets me with a smile.

“Hello Henry!”

“Ready to get to cooking?”

“Cooking? But I’m a maid.”

He chuckles. “Well, I make my maids cook instead of clean.”

“Well that’s a relief.”

“Yep! Now, for today we are making,” He reads off the menu.

“Sounds like a lot!”

“Well, we've got a lot of people to feed," he chuckles. “Well, I’ll start with the main dishes, and you'll make the sides.”

“Okay!” I started off with the eggs. I like today. I’m a lot better at cooking.

“So, how was your night last night?” Henry asks.

“I got good sleep, not not good dreams.”

“Oh no! That’s terrible.”

“Yeah, I dreamt about my ex-husband.”

“He seems like a monster.”

“And the monster he is.”

“Well at least you've got a couple of animals to keep you company. I don’t see them as monsters.”

“If they are monsters, then they are the sweetest monsters out there”

“Oh! I forgot to tell you. Martha is down with sickness and won’t be able to work for a couple days, so you probably will have some extra work.”

“Oh my! I hope she is okay! I don’t know her but being sick is awful!”

“Martha usually helps me out with the food. She is a maid too. I’ll introduce you to two when she gets better.”

“I hope that’s soon.”

“I’m sure it’s just cold. I’ll probably stop by and give her some of my soup. That’ll make her feel better.”

“Good,” I say as I finish the eggs.

“Just put those over there.”

I obeyed him and for a few minutes it was silent. I wonder who Martha is. She sounds like a nice girl. Maybe if there’s another accident in one of the rooms, she can help me.

“You’re still going to do laundry, you know.”

“Good. That’s the time I can let the animals out. You should come and meet them.”

“If we are done before lunch then I will.”

“I’m sure you’ll love Midnight. She is a cute little one. I wonder what she is doing right now.”

“I hope I can meet her.”

“Me too.”


After we get done with breakfast, I head to get both my animals. I must do the laundry now. I found Midnight curled up in a ball on the bed and Skipper on the floor. I pick up Midnight and put the leash on Skipper and head downstairs. I head out to the back and find the sheets in the bucket. I set Midnight down and she finds a flower to play with. Skipper lay down by my side and enjoys the sunshine. I began washing the sheets.

My thoughts start to wonder again. I think of what life will become now that I have that awful human out of my life. I imagine marrying another man, one who does not drink and does not yell. The man is a Christian man and one who accepts all people, black or white. This man is a loving man, one who can understand that I myself am not human. He loves Midnight and Skipper. He lets me do whatever I want, whenever I want, and does not compare me to ex-lovers. He lets Caroline come over and play whenever she wants to, and lets Midnight play wherever she wants to. This man is a dream man, and all the women will tell me how they wish that their husband acts like he does. He may not be the most handso-

“Anne!’ I heard a voice from the door. I started to hear Skipper barking. “Oh my! What a cute little dog!”

“Oh!” It was Henry. “How are you?”

“I’m quite well. I see your pets. Cute little ones they are.”

I laughed. “That is Skipper.”

“And where is this Midnight kitten I hear of?”

“She is right here. She is playing with a flower.”

He walks over to my side. “Oh my, what is this little cutie doing?”

I look over and I see that Midnight has eaten the flowers. I laughed. “Midnight! Don’t eat flowers! You are made for meat, not flowers!”

“What a cutie.” He picks up Midnight. She finds a zipper in his leather jacket and starts playing with it. Henry laughs. “Playful little things, aren’t you?”

“She is. She loves that zipper on your jacket.”

“You were right, I do love Midnight. I love Skipper too, but I think I might like Midnight a little more.”

“I just got her. She already is spoiled. I told myself I wouldn’t spoil her!”

He chuckles and sets MIdnight down. “Well it’s lunch, and there’s a diner not too long from here, you wanna go?”

“Well I am almost done, let me finish this last sheet.”

“Okay, I’ll sit here with Midnight.” He took a seat.

When I finish the last sheet and put the pets back in my room, Henry escorts me to his car and we head to the diner. It was a nice diner. It was old, but still nice.

“They have the best burgers, I promise you.”

“Oh really? We’ll have to put that to the test.”
As we walk in, we are greeted with a woman in a blue dress and a white apron. “How many?” She asks.

“Two,” Henry replies.

“Right this way please.”

We are seated at a table with only two chairs. The place is only filled with a few people.

“What would you like to drink? Shakes are half price today.”

“I’ll take a Pepsi and can you hold on a Strawberry shake?” Henry replies.

“Yes sir, and for the lady?”

“I’ll take a Pepsi as well and can you hold a chocolate shake?” I reply.

“We’ll have them right out. Please tell us when you are ready for your shakes.” The lady says and walks off.

“This place is really nice,” I say, trying to make conversation.

“Yeah, they built it in the early 40’s, so it’s fairly new.”

“What is this place called?”

“Sky’s Burger and Fries.”
“We’ll have to see if I’m going to visit again.” I chuckle.

“Oh, trust me, you will.” We both laugh.

I take a quick look at the menu. I see the first item is their signature. I look at what it’s called. The Sky Burger. I chuckle.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing, just that the signature item is called `The Sky Burger’”

“What’s so funny about that?”

“Nothing. It just sounds like it’s from the sky. Sorry, I laugh about everything.”

“I guess it is kinda funny,” he laughs. I can’t tell if he laughs because he thinks it’s funny, or because he feels bad.

When the lady comes to take our order and we tell her, we engage in a conversation about his wife. She sounds really lovely. She has blonde hair and green eyes, a button nose that all girls want, and “model lips," as Henry said. She helps out at the animal shelter, always bringing in stays, and she is a school teacher, but is currently on maternity leave because she is about to have a baby. They have been married for a year and have been together for 4. Henry showed me a photograph of her and her pregnant belly. She really could be a model if she wanted to. Henry says she usually doesn’t wear makeup unless they are going to an important event.  Hopefully I can meet her soon.

We next talk about school. Henry is 29 so his school life was pretty recent. I am 37, and I can barely remember my school life. I never went to college because I was focused on becoming a stay-at-home mom, which only half of that dream came true. Henry and I started dating in senior year and married a few years after that. Everytime I smell the cologne he was wearing, I brings me back to when I was 17. What a great time, we didn’t have any worries, or shouldn’t have. I looked the same as I do now, the only difference is I always had my hair down.

Henry’s school life was pretty interesting. He never had a girlfriend  because he was so focused on school and becoming a cook, he didn’t go to school dances, and he didn’t hang out with anyone. You’d think that he would have some friends, but he didn’t. It’s not like he couldn’t get any friends, it’s that he didn’t want any friends. He thought they were a distraction. He got all A’s, so it paid off. His parents made him go to church and every church event, even though Henry thought that was also a distraction.

“I’m just happy all that paid off.” he said. “Yeah, I heard about how fun the school dances are and how great hanging out at the ol’ park was, but I never had time for that. I was always studying. I grew a hunger for knowledge, like an addiction. No one made fun of me for it, though. People always tried to be my friend, and I was always nice to people, but my education is more important.”

“Now I wish I was like that,” I said. “I probably would be a famous something if I did that.”

He laughs. “For me, it wasn’t about anything other than my love for knowledge. There is so many unanswered questions in the world, but there are so many answered ones.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.” I ponder if he thinks robots exist, or even are going to exist.

“I never went to college, though,” he said. “That’s my biggest regret.”

“My biggest regret is marrying too quickly.”

“Yeah, I think Martha and I waited for too long,” he said.

“I don’t think so, I think it’s good that you two took so long to get married. You made sure you were getting into something that you both wanted.”

“I guess you could say that.”

Right then, the waiter came back with the food. We ordered the same thing, but instead of green beans, I got mashed potatoes.

“Let’s see if this burger is as good as you say it is,” I said with a smirk. I took a bite out of the burger and I was instantly surprised. It is really good! This is the best burger I have ever ate!

“Thoughts?” Henry asks.   

I knew I couldn’t give him all the fun. So I decided to play a little game. “Well,” I say, “It definitely is good, but it’s not the best I have ever had.”

“Oh really?”


“You may have to tell me where the best burger you’ve had is.”

I laughed. “That’s back home,” I said. “That’s really far away.”

“Oh,” he says, “Do you miss it?”

“Of course I do. It was my home. I grew up there, and that man made me want to leave. He ruined it.”

“I’m sorry.” he said. “I know how that feels. I grew up in Montana, and now I’m stuck here in Arkansas. My mother ruined it for me, she wanted me to become something useful instead of a cook. She would yell and yell at me and I would always yell back because it’s not her life, you know?”

For the first time in awhile, I felt like I could be really open with this man. Even though we didn’t know each other for very long, I felt as if I had made a new, trustworthy friend. “I want to show you something.” He gave me a questioning look, but before he could say anything, I took a knife and cut my arm.

He stares at it. “Wires,” he said.

“That’s why I left. I’m not human. Well, I was human at one point. The girl I was designed after died from cancer, and she was his wife.”

“What are you?” he whispers.

“I guess I’m a robot.”

He gasps. “You’re a robot?” He keeps whispering as to not make a scene.

“Yeah, which is weird, I feel so human. I have to eat to stay powered, I dream, I can take liquids.”

He touches my arm. “You feel so real. So did you always know?”

“No, the night I left is when i found out. He told me he was my creator, my god! I was not having it. God is my only creator and my only god.”

He doesn’t say anything. The waiter comes back and we split the bill. On the way back to the hotel, it is silent. I can’t help but think that I did something wrong. Was it too soon? Maybe I should’ve waited a little longer to show him.

“So,” he says, “pretty funny joke right?” He looks back at me and then turns him attention to the road.

“Yeah,” I say. “Very funny joke.”


When we get back to the bed and breakfast, I instantly go back to my room. I can’t help but cry. I may have just ruined my whole life. Well my whole “life” this really isn’t a life. I really won’t ever go to heaven. I am just a robot, no soul, no organs, just wires and whatever this skin is. I look over to Skipper and Midnight, who are looking at me confused and worried. I decide to tell them everything. They’re just animals.

“I told Henry about me being a robot.” I pause, no answer, as expected. “I don’t think he likes me anymore. I don’t think we are friends.” Midnight curls on my lap and Skipper licks the tears away. “I hope we don’t work together anytime soon.” I decide to take a nap.


I wake up on a floor. I can easily run away, but what’s stopping me? I push myself up to notice that my legs are gone. Where did they go? Why am I not hurting? Where is the pain that is supposed to be there?

“You doing okay?” I hear a man say. It is Henry.

“Where are my legs?”

“The scientists took them. I think they are going to reprogram you into being a military unit.”

“But I don’t want to be a military thingy!”

“They don’t care. You aren’t human. Most of them don’t even think black people are human.”
For the first time ever since I moved into the bed and breakfast, I was scared. It was worse because it’s coming from a person from the bed and breakfast that I trust. “Can you help me out?”

He laughs. “Why would I help you? I’m the one who turned you in.” That last sentence stuck with me. Why did he turn me in? Is he getting paid? What could the reason be?

“How much are you getting paid?”

“I’m not getting paid, well I am, but that’s not why I did it. You’re a robot. You’re not human, why should you have the same rights that humans have? You’re meant to be a military until. You’re supposed to be a weapon. If the military has more things like you, then men don’t have to sacrifice their lives for this country.”

That stuck with me, too. I wasn’t human. I feel so human. I dream, I eat, I move, I talk, I see, I remember, so why wasn’t I human? What makes a human a human? My skin feels like flesh, I have bad breath in the morning like some humans do. I wasn’t asked to be like this. I didn’t ask to live my life longer, I won’t even get to see the face of God in anywhere but my dreams. I wish I was dead. Maybe once I am programmed, I will be dead, maybe this was a wish that had come true. Maybe-


I woke up. I’m glad I woke up, but in a way, I’m sad I didn’t stay asleep.  I think that crazy dream was me realizing that I am not human, so I must stop acting like one. But I’m programmed to be just like a human. I am programmed to eat and sleep and dream and do all the things a human should do! But I am not one. Why is this concept so hard to get my head wrapped around? Why can’t I be a normal robot, well is there even “normal” robots?

Am I the only human-like robot? Am I the only robot that is not like a machine, or like an oven? Am I the only robot that brushes their teeth and eats when they don’t have enough power? Am I the only robot that dreams about what their life should be, or will it be? In a matter of fact, am I the only robot?

What classifies a robot to be a robot? That’s the real question. What line defines human from robot? You could say lots of things, but if a robot is programmed to be human, and looks human, then why isn’t it human? It feels human, it looks human, so why isn’t it human? I am a robot, who didn’t even feel like a robot. Why is it so hard to understand?

I begin to shake off the thoughts I was having and begin about my day. I started the usual. I got in a black dress, put my black heels on, and went downstairs to get any color apron.

“Kitchen again,” says Harry.

Darnit! I cannot work with Henry today! Not after I told him my biggest secret yet! Maybe it will be okay, if he does turn me in, I will fulfill my purpose as a human robot. Hopefully this goes right…

Huh? He doesn’t even look at me. He doesn’t notice me. He always notices when someone walks through the door. He is sitting on one of the diner’s tables looking at a paper. What is that paper?

“Something the matter, Henry?”

He looks up at me. “Oh, Anne, I didn’t see you there. I was too worked up over this silly ol’ thing,” he says.

“ What is it?” I ask.

“Might as well tell you now, since you live here,” he sighs, and pauses. I look at him questioning what is going to happen. “We are going out of business. This is hard news, and Harry couldn’t even tell me in person. So, he wrote it on this paper.” I see a tear run down his face.

“When do I have to be out?”

“Next week. You should already have your money from this past week plus that week so you should be stable for awhile.”

I can’t believe this! When I finally find a place that I can stay in that serves food, it goes out of business! I’m back at the car home now! I have no job, no house and now what? No life? Might as well turn myself in while I can. I’m not human anyway so it doesn’t even matter.

“You can just stay in today, there’s nothing to be done. I’ll just reheat some leftovers from this past week.”

I turn around and I go to the lobby where I find a black man in a white hat sitting in one of the chairs. I see a young white girl walk up to him and ask him something.

“Can you help me find my mommy?” The little girl asks.

“Why, sure,” The man says. “Where was she when you last saw her?”

“She was right here and now I can’t find her.”

“What does she look like?”

“She has blonde hair just like mine and green eyes. She was wearing a blue poodle skirt and a white top.”

“Why don’t we ask the nice man at the desk for help?” The child reaches for his hand so he can lead her to the man at the desk.

“Stop right there!” A woman yells from across the room. “I do not want my child associating with people like you!”

“Mommy!” The child lets go of his hand and runs towards her mother, giving her a hug.  The man just stands there.

“Don’t you ever touch my child again or I’m calling the police!”

The man stands there, not saying anything. I couldn’t tell if something  was on his mind or not.

“God forbid this place. People like you should not associate with people like me. It’s a shame they even have to go to school with your kind!”

Another worker comes up to the woman. “Ma’am, we please ask you to stop yelling.” He says.

“He almost  abducted my child!”

The child tries to interrupt. “But he was just helping--”

The mother cuts her off. “You shouldn’t let their kind in here with the superior color! It’s against god’s word!”

“Ma’am, you must leave at once,” the worker says.

“I have to leave? You should make this child predator leave! His kind is no good!”

“Ma’am I ask you to leave at once, now go or I will call someone to escort you.”

The woman doesn’t say anything. She looks at him, then looks at the man, turns her head and walks out of the building.

I quickly walk over to the man. “Are you okay? I saw everything. I know you were just trying to help.”

“Yep, I’m fine. I get it all the time. White people think they are so great and mighty, but the lord says those who treat other with disrespect, are not as mighty.” He replies. His voice is deep, like he was old and wise.
“My name’s Anne, if you need anything, or if your room is not clean, then call me right up!”

“Name’s Moeilike.”

“That’s a strange name. Does it mean something?”

“Means difficult in afrikaan. I was taught it when I was young. I lived in Zimbabwe, then they took me away. Slavery wasn’t legal then, but they still did. They told mother and father that there would be better home, they tricked them into signing contract for slavery.”

“Sounds awful. I’m so sorry that happened.”

“It fine. Man who tricked us died and wife set us free.”

“So, Moeilike, are you looking for a room?”
“No.” He says. “I am looking for Henry. I believe he works here.”

“Oh, yes he does, follow me.” I took him to the diner where Henry was still sitting in the same table, looking at the same paper.

“Henry?” Moeilike says.

Henry looks up and his face lightens up. “Moeilike!” He says.

“Pleasure to meet you boy.”

“And pleasure to meet you too, Moeilike!”

“I’m guessing you know why I am here.”

“Yes, I do. Anne, there is someone I want you to meet,” Henry turns to me and smiles. I walk towards them. “This is Moeilike, he basically helped my parents through everything.”

I didn’t notice this before but Moeilike had a cane, and he helped Henry’s parents, so how old was this man?

“Nice to meet you again, Anne,” Moeilike says.

“Nice to meet you again too, Moeilike.” We both chuckle.

“You two already know each other?” Henry asks.

“We met outside,” Moeilike replies.

“Oh,” Henry says.

“So how do you two know each other?” I ask.

“Back long ago, when henry was a baby, about 1 or two years old, his parents were having some, uh, issues. I helped them through those issues and been helping them ever since.”
“He is a family friend,” Henry piped in.

“Henry’s grandparents busted me out of that illegal place.”

“That’s amazing!” I say.
“Moeilike’s birthdays is coming up and I thought I would give him his special. Pancakes and a bowl of fruit.”

Moeilike laughs. “Going on 90”

This man was old. He has seen things. He’s in remarkable health, too. I’m hoping I can live till I’m almost 90. Wait, I’m a robot.

“You’ve seen a lot,” I say. “I’ll be glad if I can live till I’m 50.” We all laugh.

“Yep. Was stolen from Africa when I was 1.”

“I’m sorry.” I say.

“Don’t be. I think life would be better here anyways. We have more technology here and it’s a lot nicer.”

I agree with him. Life would be better here. We have a lot of freedom, well besides the whole segregation thing.

“You two should go and sit in the booths, Moelike’s breakfast won’t be done for awhile e now. He’s very picky about his pancakes,” Henry says. We both go and sit in one of the booths, trying to get to know each other. We talk about our experiences and how life has been treating us.

“Moeilike, what is segregation like? Does the hate get to you sometimes?”

“Very odd questions coming from a white person. But segregation isn’t all that bad, I mean, yeah we get terrible stuff when the white people get the nicer stuff, but sometimes, it’s nice to be with your own people, like the people you stand with, the ones that are different, but look like you, and everyone goes through the same problem, so there’s a lot of stuff to talk about. I feel like you white people sometimes don’t have that.”

“Yeah, we don’t. It’s rare to find someone in a diner who is going through the same thing you are going through. Besides the whole integration thing with the schools.”

“Why you ask?”

“Because I’m not like other white people. In fact, I’m not even a person.”
“What do you mean by that?”

I cut my flesh again. He sees wires, lots of them. “I’m a robot.”

“You sound so human! It’s remarkable!”

“You can touch the wires if you want.”

He proceeds to touch the wires. It tickles, but not like a good tickle, like a bad one. It hurts but I can’t help but laugh. “So, you really are a robot!”

“Yeah. Only you, the person who created me, and Henry knows. I want to come out publicly, but I’m afraid of the consequences.”

“Yeah, unlike black people, you can hide your difference. But if you want to come out, do it. It would be hard at first, but the most they’ll probably do is do research on you.” He touches the broken skin. “You feel human, you look human, you even talk human! This would be great for science. The person who created you must be a genius!”

“You mean my ex-husband? He’s nothing like a genius. I’m designed after his wife that died from cancer. I didn’t even know I was a robot until recently. I dream, I have to eat, I blink, I do everything that a human would do! He got drunk one night and accidentally told me, so I took the animals and left. We never had kids, because of the cancer thing, they wanted to wait until she got better, but she never did.”

“I’m sorry. You have been through a lot. I’ve seen things, but definitely not that. If I were you, I’d hide it, but at the same time, I wouldn’t want to. So in cases like these, do what your heart says. It won’t hurt.”

That was good advice, but what does my heart say? I have to figure that out. What do I want to do?

Henry come back with two plates of fluffy pancakes and two bowls of fruit. “Enjoy!” He says, placing the food on the table.


After a long talk with Moeilike, I had made up my mind on what I would do. The problem is how will I do it? It is a tough thing to think about, the negatives I mean. I decide to go up to my room and rant to my pets.

After ranting about my problems to the animals, I almost forgot about the bed and breakfast. What will happen to Henry and his wife and child? What about Harry? I don’t know much about him but I’m sure he has family, or at least cares about where he is going. Where will I go? What will happen to me after I have to move out? I hope I can keep in touch with Henry and Harry.

I decide to take a nap. I watch my eyes fall into the deep sleep and my imagination start to flow.

I wake up to my door knocking. It’s Moeilike. I rub my eyes and decide to open the door. I realize my hair is probably a mess.

“I’m just leaving now here, I just wanted to stop and say bye.”

I go in for a hug. “Thank you, Moeilike, for everything.”

“Why, it is my pleasure. I hope you do whatever pleases you.”

“I sure will. It was great meeting you.”

“It was great meeting you, too. You will forever have me questioning whether or not people actually exist.” He chuckles.

“And you will forever have me following my heart. Goodbye now Moeilike. Forever change people’s mindset.”

“Goodbye now, Anne. Forever do what feels right.”

I shut the door and hope for the best for Moeilike. I sit down, trying to figure out what I’ll do. I stitch u[ my wound that I made earlier.

I realized my arm was covered in stitches. They will not heal. I will have to live with the stitches on my arm forever, or until I break down. I take the stitches out and I watch the material fall apart. I look at my wires. I move my arm and watch them move with me. I resist to touch them because I know it will hurt. I look over at Midnight. She meows and paws at the wire, accidentally touching one of them. I scream in agony. Midnight runs into my lap, and purrs. I laugh. It’s like she is apologizing. Skipper barks softly. He is sitting by the bed and he tilts his head. What a cute boy. He’s getting old.

I touch the material. It doesn’t feel like anything I’ve felt before. It feels like skin, but it’s squishy. It’s like a silicone flesh. I decide to stitch up the flesh and end my science work.

I heard a car and when I looked out the window, it was a blue flip-top. Two people came out of the car. There was a woman and a man. Both came from rich families and seemed put together. The woman was a nice brunette and her hair was curled and pinned back. She had a blue poodle dress on and a pink t-shirt. The whole look was put together with a black shiny belt. She looked as if she just came back from a fake out. The man was in a sweater vest and jeans. They didn’t seem like teenagers, maybe in their late 20s or early 30s.

I walk down stairs to show them to their rooms. I see the blonde haired man that I met the first day I got here at the desk.

“Oh, it’s you,” The blonde man asked.

“Yes, Daryl, it’s me yet again. I’m just here to remind you  of the fight tonight.”

“I thought I told you, I am not participating in a rumble. That’s not how I do things.”

“I just thought I would let you know that it is tonight. Just remind your,” the man pauses, “gang.”

“Leave or I will call up the fuzz. You’re just cruisin’ for a bruisin’.”

“Fine, we’ll leave this dump. Come on Cheryl.” Cheryl gives Daryl a hopeless look. It seems to appear that she wants to stay with Daryl. Daryl looks back at her with a “don’t go” look on his face.

“Everything alright?” I ask Daryl after they leave.

“You heard that?” Daryl says.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell the fuzz.”

He gives a relieved sigh. “Thank you.”

“How old are you?” I ask.

“I’m 19.”

“Talking ‘about fighting a twenty something?”

“He’s 18. All that booze makes him seem 30.”

I laugh. “You’re right.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”

“It’s Anne.”

“Well, name’s Daryl. So tell me, dollface, why your up and about here?”

I chuckle. “I hope you know I’m almost 40, so calling me ‘dollface’ is kinda inappropriate. But, I live and work here.”

“Then how come you never come out here?”

“I have been working in the dinner for quite a while now.”
“Welp whatever pays the bills right?”

I laugh at that. “Yeah I guess you could say that.” It goes silent for a minute. “Who’s that Cheryl girl? I don’t mean to pry but you both seemed into each other.”

“You don’t know who that is? That’s Cheryl Walton. She’s one of the richest people in town. She’s just a year younger than me. She’s still in school. And, she’s dating Chad, just another rich guy who lives in the next town over.”

“She seems well put together.”

“She is. We dated once, but her parents found out and made her cut all connections with me.”

“What a load! They shouldn’t do that. Why did they do that?”

“It’s because I’m not Chad. My family is poor and I’m in a gang,” he says.

“Understandable, but I don’t think you’re all that bad. I mean, you’re not fighting in the fight tonight so that has to mean something.”

“They are very judgemental. They don’t trust anyone who isn’t like them. Why they do it, ask them. I have no idea. But I can understand it a little bit. I mean look at me, I’m working for a Bed and Breakfast that’s about to close!”

“Well, don’t tell anyone about you two dating. As long as no one knows it’s fine, right?”

“It’s not fine. It’s an arranged marriage. Her parents want them to get married, so might as well start now.”

“That’s not right. Love should be between two people who actually love each other, not business’ and titles,” I say, angrily.

“That’s how her family is. Her parents’ marriage is an arranged marriage, and so was her grandparents.”

“Well, do something about it! Prove you’re not as shabby as they think you are.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m working, I’m not getting into rumbles, I’m doing everything in my power. I can’t dress nicely. I can’t eat properly. I can’t even use manners.”

“Well let’s change that.”


“I was raised in a middle class family. I know my stuff with manners and how to dress nicely. I can teach you everything you need. You’ll impress her parents in about a month.”

“You don’t have to do that, I mean it’ll take a lot of time.”

“No, it’s fine. I like helping people.”I gave him a smile and walked off, but before I could go up the stairs, I stopped. “We start tomorrow.” I yelled back at him.  

When I reached to my hotel room, I tried to call Miliah. It rang for awhile. Then, she finally answered.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Miliah, it’s me, Anne.”

“Anne? Are you okay?” She begins to ramble a bunch of questions.

I chuckle. “Miliah, are you writing a book?”

“I’m just worried.”

“I’m fine, dear. Well, kind of. I’m not in any sort of dangerous trouble.”

She laughs. “Well, at least you’re fine. What have you’ve been up to?”

“Well, I called you to tell you something”
“What is that?” She asks.
I pause for a second. “Miliah,” I say, “I’m a robot.”

There’s a long pause. “I know,” She says, breaking the silence.

“What? You knew?”

“Yes. I confess. I knew about it all along.”

“What all do you know?” I ask.

“Everything,” she says, “I knew when you died, when you were ‘resurrected,’ when you found out, what’s all real and what not. Anything you can think of, I know.”

“What do you mean by ‘resurrected?’”

“Anne, did he not tell you?” She pauses. “Your brain, one of your legs, and your left index finger are apart of your real human body.”

Without saying anything, I hang up. I didn’t know what to believe. Was I really part human? What did this mean? I didn’t know if I should be happy or angry. I quickly took a kitchen knife and cut both of my legs. The right one bled, but the left one showed wires. I sat there in disbelief. I am part human, and my brain is human too. Does that mean I am human?

I look at my right leg. I took a deeper look at the cut. I guess I made a deeper cut than I meant to. It doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t feel pleasant. I feel the skin. There are two layers. I feel the under layer. The ghost white layer looks and feels what skin should feel like. It was soft, but there was hole in the layer, like it was torn or rotten. The layer smells of rotten fish breath that just ate a rotten egg before it died. I vomit at the smell. Skipper sniffs the vomit, then eats it. I take a look at the second layer. It feels like the “flesh” of my arm covered in stitches. I am part human, not a full robot. I can’t believe it.


The next day, everyone was called off work. Daryl and I met up at the front.

“So, what’s day one’s training?” He asks.

I jump into the driver’s seat in my car. “Jump in,” I reply.

He obeys. I hear a bark. I look back and I see my two pets. I laugh. “What are those?” Daryl asks.

“The dog is Skipper and the cat is Midnight. They’re my pets.”

He scoffs. “What are they for?”

“Well,” I say, “we are looking for a job for me, and a apartment.”

“Well I don’t see how that can help me with my manners.”

I slap his hand. “Rude. Say yes ma’am for now on. You must always call an upperclassman or a leader ma’am or sir.”

“Wh-” he stops, “Yes ma’am.”

I start the car and begin driving. It’s silent at first.

“Daryl, can you please hand me my scarf?” I asked.

“Sure.” He hands me my scarf. I slap his hand. “Yes ma’am,” he corrects.

“Thank you.”

It stays silent again. I try to think of something to make the angry silence go away. I come up with nothing. We pull up at a restaurant.

“Why are we here?” Daryl asks.

“I told you. You need to learn some manners, this here is the best place to do so.”

“Sky’s Burgers and Fries?”

“Yep! It’s not fancy, but it can get you somewhere.”


We walk in and get seated at a table. We both order our drinks and wait. It stays silent again. The place is empty besides a family in the corner. A man who seems to be the father walks up to us.

“Why isn’t my favorite?” We both looked up. I gasp. “Now, Anne, who is this with you?”

I gulp. “Th- This is Daryl. W-We work together.”

“Well hello Daryl, I’m John, Anne’s husband.”

Daryl looks at me. “I thought you weren’t married because I never see a husband in the Bed and Breakfast.”
           “It’s because I’m not. I left him,” I reply.

“Not legally. I’m glad I found you though. You’re worth a lot to me,” the sound of John’s voice is cunning.

“Come on Daryl, we’ll go out to eat somewhere else.”

We both get up and start to walk out before my hand is grabbed. “Oh no, you’re not getting away that easily,” John won’t let go. I pull my hardest but he wouldn’t budge.

I close my eyes. I feel a tear run down my cheek. I think about my future and what will happen to me. Maybe my dream was a vision. Maybe I’ll be a slave to him. I feel the grip loosen. I open my eyes.

There, I see John on the floor, with his nose bleeding. I look over to Daryl, his fist has blood on it.

“Come on, before the fuzz gets here,” Daryl says, running to the car.

I trip on my dress and I fall. It rips and I feel something pull on my leg. I look over and I see the woman that John was with. I soon recognize it is his sister. She begins dragging me to the other car in the parking lot. I struggle and resist. Next thing I know, my heel hits her forehead, leaving a cut. “That’s going to bruise,” I say under my breath.

“Anne!” I hear Daryl calling for me at the car. “Come on! They already called up the fuzz!”

I run to the car and sit in the passenger seat. My heart is pounding. I listen to the car roar as Daryl begins to speed. I see the trees passing by. I take a huge gulp.

“Hopefully the fuzz doesn’t catch us. I gotta say, Anne, you got lucky today. This used to be my everyday,” Daryl says.

“What if we get caught?” I ask.

“Well, I don’t know. I don’t know what would happen. He might get arrested for harassment, but we might get in trouble for speeding.”

“I can handle that.” I say. “I just don’t want to go back to him, ever.”

Daryl laughs at that. “I don’t think they’ll make you.”

“Good.” I look over at the window. “Where are we going to stop?”

“When we get far enough away.” He looks back at the animals.

“Hey!” I say, “Eyes on the road mister!” I laugh.

He begins to slow down. “I think we lost them.”

The car gets silent. I turn on the radio. Answer Me begins playing. I begin dancing in my seat and lip-syncing the words. Daryl laughs and does the same. We begin dancing uncontrollably, forgetting about what has just happened. We both laugh as the song comes to an end.

“That was fun,” I laugh.

“Was? It’s not over yet.” The next song comes on and Daryl begins dancing like he did, but because it was a rock and roll song, He began baging his head to the music and lip-syncing like he was the artist. I look back at the pets, who gave a shameful glance at me.

“Skipper! Midnight! Lighten up will you?” I laugh as I begin dancing.  Skipper wags his tail and Midnight licks his paw.

Daryl laughs and pauses his dances. “They’re animals, Anne. They don’t know what fun really is.”

I give a chuckle. “Where even are we?”

“That, my friend, we will have to see.” Daryl glances at me and resumes dancing.  

I look over at the window, all I see is trees. “Daryl,” I say, as he turns down the music, “are you taking us somewhere?”

“Nope. I don’t know where this road will take us. We might even end up in Cali by tomorrow.”

I chuckle. “Cali is too far. We won’t make it by tomorrow.”

“If we follow the speed limit,” he replies.

“Who said I wanted to go to Cali?”

“No one, but I’m just saying.”

“Maybe I want to go to New York.”
“Then we’ll go to New York. Whatever the lady wants, the lady gets.” He gave me a glance and smiles.

I look at him. “You know what?”


“Today’s training is over. You proved yourself worthy, but only for today.”

He chuckles. “I punched a guy for you, I used my manners on the way to the diner, and I didn’t even curse him out. What makes you decide that I’m worthy for just today?”

“Well, that doesn’t mean you are clear. You still punched him, I had to remind you to use your manners, and good for you.”

His mouth dropped. “Well. No one said you were going to be easy.”


When it started to get dark, Daryl pulled over. I gave him a questioning look.

“Do you have enough money for us to get a hotel? No? Thought so. Sleeping in the car is a easy, free way to get some rest,” Daryl says.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I ask.

“Yeah but we don’t got enough to get a meal.”

“Find me a store. I’ll get snacks and we’ll stock up.”

Daryl sighs and pulls back onto the highway. “If you say so,” he says.

We pull into a small market that has about an hour until closing time. I leave my window partially opened so Midnight and Skipper have some air.

When we walk into the market, we are greeted with a young cashier. I immediately go to the asle where they have to nuts. “Are you allergic to nuts?” I ask Daryl.

“No,” he replied.

I grab a jar of peanuts and another jar of almonds. I then start to browse for anything else that might be useful. I see the chips are on sale. Buy one get two free  the sign says. I grab six. I head over to get bottles of water until I hear a familiar voice.

“If you see her, please encourage her to come home.” says the voice.

“Will do.” says the other.

I look over to see who the voices are and I see John with his sister, talking to the cashier. “Thank you,” John says as he walks out of the store.  

“Daryl!” I whisper.

“What is it this time, Anne?” he replies with an attitude.  

“Lose the attitude, mister for one,” I say. Daryl rolls his eyes. I give him the devil’s eye. “John is here. He was just talking to that cashier.”

“Shoot low, they’re riding Shetlands,” he says.

“If only I knew what that meant,” I say to myself.

“We better split soon before they recognize our car,” Daryl says as I nodded in agreement.  “Lord, Anne, after all this trouble you put me through, I’m going to need myself a weed.”

After I grab some water bottles, we head to the cashier to check out. I hope he doesn’t recognize me. Luckily, the cashier doesn’t look at us. We kindly pay for the food and leave.

“You better peel a wheel when we get to the car,” Daryl says.

“Who said I was driving?” I reply.

“I drove us all the way out here for nothing. So, maybe you have a better chance of getting us somewhere,” Daryl says that with an attitude. Now he really is about to make me mad.

“Now mister if you don’t lose that attitude me and you are going to have some problems,” I began yelling.

“Why can’t I  have an attitude? I saved your wazoo.”

“Because it’s not polite. Here I am trying to get you with the girl of your dreams when I don’t have to, and you are here giving me attitude,” I replied.

“Well it was that decision that’s got us in this mess in the first place!” Daryl was yelling too.

“Well, I’m sorry that I wanted to be nice and help you!” It was an ongoing battle. We stopped in the parking lot to continue the argument.

“Well maybe if you weren’t so nice all the time, you’d actually have a life outside of this place!”

I gasped. I didn’t think what he said was that bad, but I wanted to end the argument. I head to the car and sat in the driver’s seat. I waited for him to follow after me before I started the car. Before I could begin driving, I heard a knock on my window. I look over to see John, waiting. I look over at Daryl, who motions me to begin driving. I hit the pedal to the floor and I hear an “Ouch!” I decide to not look back.

“Looks like you ran over his foot,” Daryl says.

“Seatbelt,” I reply.

He obeys, but doesn’t say anything. He opens a bag of chips.

“Daryl, I’m sorry, but did I show you why John wants me so much?” I ask.
“No, I just thought he was a crazy person,” Daryl replies.

“Let me see your switchblade.” He gives me the switchblade and I cut my left index finger and my left arm.

“One bleeds. Why doesn’t the other?” Daryl asks.

“Well, I don’t know what I am. Half human-half robot, I guess. But I don’t know what you could call that,” I reply.

“So, who are you?”

“I am Anne. I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 28, and died at the age of 29 on my birthday. My brain, my right leg, and left index finger are human. I don’t know if more of me is human, but that’s all she said.”

“So, why does John want you?”

“Because I am his creation. I hate that word. ‘Creation’ sounds like I am a monster, but I’m really not. I’m a thing that has feelings.”

“Wouldn’t that make you a person?” Daryl asks.

“I-I don’t know. I ask myself that question everyday. I’m human, but I’m a robot. I have feelings, but I am man-made,” I reply. I feel myself begin to worry about if he tells anyone, Or worse, he turns me into John.

“Don’t worry about me telling everybody,” he says. “I don’t think people will treat you well and you’re a good person, Anne. Well, you’re a good whatever-you-are.”

“Well, thank you.” I begin to slow down and focus on the road.


After hours of driving, I look over and see Daryl already asleep. I don’t know the time, but it’s pretty late. I pull over onto a dirt road in the forest and park the car. I slowly begin to fall asleep. It feel like minutes when I wake up to the sound of leaves rustling. I look over to see Daryl still asleep. I try to wake him up but he ends up slapping my arm. I look outside the window and try to figure out what is outside. I begin to hear talking. It’s mumbling, but I can make out some of the words.

“...we need to…” someone says. This one is male.

“...well maybe if you… we wouldn’t have this…” another says. I think this voice is female.

“Keep it going, we can’t afford to…” the male voice says.

I begin to panic. I don’t know who these people are. I don’t know what they want. I grab the switchblade, remembering I had not yet gave it back to Daryl. I try again to wake up Daryl. He groans.

“What do you want?” He manages to ask.

“There’s people outside,” I whisper back.

“So what?” He wipes off the drool off of his mouth.

“What if they are killers? Or, worse, what if they’re John and his sister?”

“Trust me, it’s the middle of nowhere. John and his sister aren’t going to find us.” After that, there is a tap on Daryl’s window. He jolts.

The person motions for Daryl to roll down the window. The flashlight burns my eyes. “What are y’all doing ‘ere?” The male voice asks.

“Sorry,” I say, handing the switchblade to Daryl, “We are traveling and we can’t afford a motel, so we are sleeping here for the night.”

The woman voice laughs. “Y’all travlin’ and didn’t bring money to get a place to stay?” She asks.

“It was kind of on short notice. My name’s Anne by the way.”

“Name’s James, this ‘ere Barbara. I don’t know if y’all notice, but you’re on our property. Gave us a scare.”

“Oh, I’m sorry James and Barbara, we’ll get out of your hair right away.”

“Who’s this you got here?” Barbara asks.

“This here is Daryl.”

Daryl waves his hand. “Hi,” he says.

“Well, tell you what,” James says, “We got a guest bedroom y’all can stay in but it’ll cost ya.”

“What’s the cost?” I ask.

“In the mornin’, ‘bout sunrise, y’all have to help around the house. Only a few hours of work. If not, you can sleep in ya car.”

“What’s the work?” Daryl asks.

“For you, you’re going to help me with choppin’ wood and feed the horses. But, for the lady, she’ll help around the house with Barbara. You good at cookin’ missy?”

“I can cook, if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t consider myself anything special,” I reply.

“Welp, good. Deal?” He asks, putting his hand through the window.

Daryl looks at me with a questioning look and I nodd. “Deal,” he says, shaking James’ hand.

“Well, get out ya car and follow us. Grab anything you need.”

“Oh, I forgot to ask, do you guys mind pets?” I ask.

“Nope, just keep them away from the horses.”

I grab Midnight and ask Daryl to grab Skipper. He obeys and we follow Barbara and James.

“Make sure the switchblade still on you,” I whisper to Daryl. “We don’t want to die tonight.”

“I don’t think you can die,” he whispers back. “But, yes I do have it on me.”

After five minutes of walking, we arrive at a farmhouse with a cleared backyard. It looks as if James had cut down a bunch of trees in the backyard to make the house. Despite it looking like the house was built just by James, the house was fairly large. The house looked like a log cabin, but a lot bigger, and there was multiple buildings. There was a tall fence in the backyard that had the white paint chipped off. I couldn’t make out any animals, but i could hear them. We stop at the second building away from the house.

“Here we are. This is where you’re staying,” James says as he opens the door.

“Thank you for letting us stay,” I say.

“No problem, I’ll be knocking on ya door in the mornin’.” James leaves and we walk in the room.

The room was quite cozy. There was one bed, which shouldn’t be a problem, and the bed had a quilt on it. It looks like Barbara sewed everything in here, which made the place look nicer. There was a wooden rocker chair in the corner of the room with another blanket hanging on the top on it. There was a bedside table on each side of the bed and there was another door leading to a bathroom. I set Midnight down on the bed and he curls up and sleeps, and Skipper follows.

“So, uh, one bed. Is that going to be a problem?” Daryl asks.

“If it is, then you’ll be sleeping outside,” I reply. He laughs. “I’m serious, you think I won’t?” I couldn’t help but laugh out that sentence.

Daryl proceeds to lay on the bed. “This bed is really soft,” he says.

“Well I’m going to wash my face real quick. I’ll be out in a second,” I say.

“Fine with me.”

I head into the bathroom, taking a look into the mirror. My face is covered with dirt and i notice a scrape on my cheek. I quickly wash my face. I look up and watch as the mascara runs down my face, then I continue washing. Once, my face is fully clean, I dry it off and walk back into the bedroom.

“I looked in those drawers,” Daryl says. “There is a nightgown in there that you can wear.”

I look at him and nod my head. I walk over to the only drawer and open the top one. Before me there is a variety of colors. Red, pink, blue, yellow, green, I pick the blue one. I rush back into the bathroom and put it on. When I walk back into the room, Daryl is already asleep. I lay down on the bed and begin to fall asleep.


I woke up inside a beautiful house. I pick myself up and look around. It appears that I am in a living room on the sofa. I hear someone talking on the phone. The place looks familiar. I walk into the kitchen where the person is. I gasp.

“Miliah?” I ask.

“Anne? You’re awake! Good morning,” she replies.

I look at her confused. “What am I doing here?”

“Anne, I’m sorry. I really am. Do you remember what happened?”


Miliah sighs. “Well, you and John were at a restaurant for your anniversary and you passed out. You’ve been out for days now.”

“Miliah, can you hand me that knife?”

“Well sure, dear.” She hands me the knife.

I cut both of my legs, and both of them bleeds. However, I do not feel a thing.

“Anne? Oh, Anne! What are you doing dear? Let’s get you fixed up.”

“Mommy?” A voice of a little girl comes up from the hall.

“Oh Caroline! Good morning sweetheart. The pancakes are almost done,” Miliah says as Caroline proceeds to go to the living room.

“Miliah, am I dreaming?” I ask her.

“Why would you think that?” She asks.

“I-” I am interrupted by banging and yelling.

“Looks like John is here,” Miliah says. She goes to open the door.

I open my eyes to the sound of banging and a man yelling, “Get up!”

Daryl gets up to open the door. “Morning already?” He asks.

“Yep, time to get to work,” the man, who appears to be James, says.

“See ya in a bit, Anne.” Daryl says as I get up.

Barbara comes up from behind him. “Come on, dear. We got to get t-” she pauses, “Oh, honey, you’re a mess. Come inside and I’ll get you all cleaned up!” I slowly walk towards the door. “Come on now, Chop Chop!” She says.  

She grabs my hand and drags me to the big house. “Do you guys drink coffee?” I ask.

“Why, yes we do. You can have a cup once you’re all washed up. Say, what size clothes do ya wear? Well, nevermind, you look as the same size as me,” she says.

She takes me to this big bathroom with a tub in the middle of it. She turns the water on. “I’ll go find something you can wear and I’ll wash your clothes while you get washed up,” she says.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome dear.” She walks out, leaving me in the big room with the tub in the middle. I quickly get undressed and inside the tub. My muscles begin to relax and I turn off the water.

Someone walks in and i shout “Occupied!”

“Don’t be afraid, dear. It’s just me, Barbara.”

“You scared me.”

“I’m sorry, honey. I’m just bringing you a towel, some soap, and some change of clothing, but I wanted your approval on this dress.” She holds up a dress with a pastel pink top with two strings at the collar to make a bow and a pink, light brown, and white plaid swing skirt. “I thought this would look good with those white heels you have,” she says.

“It’s beautiful,” I reply. “Where did you get it?”
“I made it,” she says. “I make all my clothes except my shoes and purses.”

“You have good taste.”

“Thank you,” she says, laying the clothes down and the soap and towel by the tub.

When I got dressed and walk out, Barbara greets me. “Come on, dear, we need to get that hair in check.”

“Uh, okay?”

She walks me to what seems like her room and brushes my hair. She pulls on it tight but I try not to wince. She puts rollers in my hair and begins to blowdry my hair.

“So,” she says, “who’s that cutie you’re with. Daryl, was it?”

“Yeah, Daryl and I are coworkers but,” I try to come up with a believable story. “We quit our jobs and were kicked out. Did I mention that we lived together too? He is my nephew.”

“Well ain’t that a story? You two don’t look anything alike!”

“Yeah I know. He is my sister’s son and he looks like his daddy.”

“Say, how old is he?”


“No judgment sweetie,” Barbara says while laughing, “but he’s still living with you?”

“Yeah, he just got out of school. He wasn’t the brightest,” I reply.

“That makes a lot of sense. You know, James isn’t the brightest either.” She shook her head. “He will wait and wait until the wood chops itself sometimes!”

I laugh nervously. “So why are you doing this?” I ask.

“I don’t get to see many girls around here. All my family lives up north, and my friends are up there too. I moved down here with James because he’s my soulmate. There you go sweetie,” she says as she unrolls the rollers. “Young and pretty.”

“Don’t we have to cook for the guys?” I ask.

“Oh, I already did. They should be back in any minute now.”

As Barbara says that, we hear the back door open and the guys talking. “So you cut wood often?” James says.

“I used to with my dad when I was young before he passed away,” Daryl replies.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s fine. He didn’t really talk to me anyways. It’s been harder on my mom but I guess that’s what it’s like losing a soulmate.”

“Well, that’s the circle of life. But, on a good note, there’s some lovely breakfast cooked,” James says as he sits down at the table.

“Now, dear,” Barbara says, “you need to wash up. Don’t want your food tasting like wood now do you?”

James chuckles as he and Daryl go to the bathroom. I look over at the table and see a full meal cooked. Sausage, eggs, toast with butter, and pancakes.

“Here,” Barbara says, handing me a cup of coffee. “Creamer and sugar are by the stove.”

“Thank you.” I say with a joyful sigh. “Best part about the day.”
“You’re right. Now I better go and wash up. Hair products are all over my hands.”

As Barbara walks off to the bathroom to wash up, the boys come back to the kitchen and start talking. “You drink coffee, Daryl?” James asks.

“Uh, Yes sir,” Daryl replies.

“Well here you go,” James says as he hands Daryl a cup of joe. “So where are you two headed?”

I interrupt, “My nephew and I are going up north, we don’t know where, but we are going somewhere up there.”
“Uhh, yeah!” Daryl says.

“Well I don’t know where you should go, to be honest,” James says as Barbara walks in.

“Alright, let’s say grace!” Barbara says.  

As we say grace, Daryl sits there awkwardly. I wonder if he even believes in god. Hopefully he does. We begin eating after we said grace.

“So,” Barbara says, “How’s my cooking?”
“Oh my goodness! These are the best pancakes I’ve ever had. And these eggs, how’d you make these eggs?” Daryl asks.

“We buy from a local farm. Everything here is freshly produced. But, I can’t give out my pancake secret,” Barbara replies with a chuckle.

“The pancakes remind me of my mom. They almost taste exactly alike,” I say.

“Well, your momma must have some great taste buds,” she replies. She looks over to James. “Honey, why are you so quiet?”

James looks up with his mouth completely full and tries to say “what?” with his mouth closed.

Barbara chuckles. “Oh dear, you can never get enough of those pancakes, now can you?”

James swallows his food and says, “No matter how long we’ve been married, I’ll always taste your cookin’ like it’s the first time.”

“Well, there’s plenty more where that came from,” Barbara said as she placed another stack of pancakes on James’ plate.

As James’ gulped down he said, “So, when you two planning pn leanvin’?”

“James!” exclaimed Barbara.

“No, it’s fine. We;ll be out of your hair after my clothes get washed, if that’s not too much to ask,” I reply.

“It’s fine, dear. Stay as long as you need to. We enjoy your company.”

Just then, there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it, Barbara you sit down and eat,” James said.

My heart dropped. My gut didn’t have a good feeling about this. I looked over at Daryl, who seemed to have been panicking as well. I hear mumbling as the person behind the door hands James a picture. James shuts the door, and comes to sit down.

“What was that all about, dear?” Barbara asks.

“Nothing, just someone went missing again,” James replies, glaring at me.

“Oh, no. We better keep a lookout for them. Was it another child?”

“No. This one grown. I suspect she got napped by one of them coyotes out there.”

“Can I see the picture?”

“Barara, just eat. We don’t need to get all worried about this grown woman being napped,” James says with his tone bitter.

“If you say so, dear.”

After we all ate, James asked to speak with me. I knew what this was about.

“So,” he says, “your husband was at the door looking for you.”

“I know. Thank you for not saying anything,” I reply.

“It was no problem. The odd thing is, your nephew wasn’t missing. Just you.”
I sigh. “Okay, okay, I admit. I lied. I just, I didn’t want to risk being taken back to him. He’s terrible. A mean, nasty, old, terrible man. All he does is drinks, and he isn’t very nice to me.”

“It’s okay. But, who’s Daryl?”

“Daryl and I were coworkers at a local bed and breakfast. We didn’t know each other until the other day. We worked in separate departments, I was hired as a maid who worked mainly in the kitchen, and he was at the desk. I wouldn’t see him very often, even when I was doing my maid duties. I lived there for awhile, I was still on the run from my husband.”

“You can stay here, but I think he recognized your car there. Have Daryl bring it up closer to the house.”

“Roger that,” Daryl says, walking around the corner.

“Did you hear some of what we said?” I ask.

“Nope. Just that,” Daryl replies, winking.

“Why don’t you go with him, Anne?” James asks.

“Okay!” I reply, walking out the door. As I begin walking to the room, I am reminded of the animals. I quickly run back and ask for the leftovers for the animals. Daryl looks back at me and asks what I have. “Food for Midnight and Skipper,” I reply.

When we open the door, Skipper greets up happily and jumps on Daryl. Midnight meows, as she smells the almost cold food in the large bowl. I pour out a small portion of the food for Midnight and leave the rest for Skipper.

“You fed the pets, now let’s move the car,” Daryl impatiently says.

As we walk through the large woods, Daryl seems unusually quiet. I try to come up with a conversation. “So James and Barbara, what’s your opinion on them?”

“They’re alright,” Daryl says, making the situation even more awkward.

“Just to be clear, you did hear everything James was telling me, right?”

Daryl looks back at me and says, “Didn’t I make that clear?”

I began to get fed up with Daryl’s attitude. “Now listen here mister, who put orange juice in your coffee?”

“Anne, what are you talking about?”

“Why are you so grumpy?”

“Because you almost completely agreed to stay here without consulting me.”

“Well you can leave if you want. You’re a somewhat grown man, you can handle it.”

“But Anne, how am I supposed to know you’re safe?” He asks, turning around. “I mean we don’t even know these people. They might turn on you.”

A wave of realization hits me. I don’t know these people. A simple makeover and a bed to sleep in is what got me. “I guess you’re right. I never thought about that. They seem nice, though.”

“Seem. That don’t mean they are. For all we know John is waiting sitting out by the car for us. James could’ve told him we were here. We don’t know what’s going to happen.”

As we walk up to the car and get in, I say “One more night, then we’ll see where we’ll go.”

Daryl sighs and agrees. “Anything for you, princess.” Daryl glances at me while he pulls up in the driveway. “What’s the point of running away anyway?” He asks.

“Well I don’t really know. I just know I don’t want anything to do with him. Nothing at all.”

“That’s sort of mean for a lady like you” Daryl lights up a cigarette and offers me a puff.

“No thank you. I don’t like those things. They smell nasty.”

“But they’re so good,” Daryl says, putting it back in his mouth.

“That’s your opinion,” I laugh.

Daryl chuckles and parks the car. “You really are something else.”

“I just don’t want to smell,” I say, getting out of the car.

On the porch, we hear James yelling at us. “Can you two head to the store? I have some things to do and if you could that’d be a big help.”

“Sure thing,” I reply. “What do you need?” I walk up to the porch and I’m handed a list of things as well as some money. I look at him and smile. “See you guys in a little bit.”

“Take the truck. It’ll hold everything we need. I don’t know if that small car would do it,” James says. “It’s right over there.”

We go over to where James was pointing and get in the bright red pickup truck. Daryl starts the truck, and begins driving.

“So,” he said, “what do we need?”

“Cheese, bread, and some fruit.”


The car became dead silent after that. I wasn’t too sure if Daryl wanted to talk or not. It was very confusing.I just decided to look out the window and wait until we get there. I felt my eyes slowly fall asleep while watching the trees go by.


“Anne, wake up. Anne, I said wake up,” Daryl yelled.

“What? Where are we?” I asked.

“The store. You’re the smarter one here. I don’t know what to get.”

“I told you. Cheese, bread, and some fruit.”

“Yeah but I don’t know how much or what brand to get,” I heard the desperate in his voice. I somehow got the feeling he didn’t want to go in alone.

“Fine,” I said, getting up. I got out of the car and I was greeted to a smaller store. We walk into the store and bought the groceries.

When we went to go pay for the food, the cashier said, “Wait right here.” She went into the back.

“I hope you got your switchblade,” I whispered to Daryl.

“I do, but why?” He whispered back.

“No reason.”

We saw the cashier come back. “I’m going to need you both to come into the back with me.”

Daryl and I looked at each other and followed her. I look over to Daryl and see him gripping his switchblade.

“Excuse me,” I said, “but why do we have to follow you?” I feel Daryl kick my leg.

“Don’t worry,” the woman said. “You won’t be hurt.”

I look at Daryl with a worried look as he looks back. I look down and he has his switchblade out.

“Sit here,” she said. We obeyed the orders. “It won’t be long.”

We sit here for a few minutes, when two officers come inside. “Follow my lead,” Daryl whispers.

The two officers come inside. “What is you two’s names?” The bigger one asks.

“James and Barbara,” Daryl replied.

“And what are you two doing?” The smaller one asks.

“Buying some stuff we need at the house,” Daryl is gripping his switchblade in his right hand and my hand in his left. I feel my hand begin to go numb.

“Well,” the bigger officer says, “we got a report on a missing girl. Seems like she is that girl”

I look at Daryl with a worried face. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. “Seems like you got the wrong person,” he says.

“Yeah yeah, save it for the office.”

Daryl gets up from the seat and pulls me up. “I’m telling you officer, my wife and I just wanted to buy cheese, bread, and fruit.”

“Well I still have to take you in for questioning. She just looks too much like her.”

Daryl goes up to the bigger officer, with his switchblade in his hand. The officer looks him cold dead in the eye. Daryl does something I never would’ve thought he would ever do.

I see the officer go onto the ground, bleeding. Daryl somehow got a gun. I’m assuming he stole it from the officer. He points the gun at the smaller officer and shoots his stomach. Then he points it at the cashier and shoots her hand and her leg.

“Let’s go!” He yells at me. “Come on, we don’t have much time.”

We run to the truck and he starts the car, before two more police cars show up in the parking lot. Daryl opens the door and shoots their tires. He proceeds to start speeding. “We have to go back to get Midnight and Skipper,” I say.

“Leave them. They’ll be fine.” Daryl stops the car.

“Why’d you stop.” I looked at him and said.

Daryl took a minute to answer. “We’re surrounded.” He keeps looking forward, defeated.

I look out the windshield and is see cop cars, everywhere. I feel my eyes start to tear up.

“Get out of the car and put your hands where we can see them,” an officer yelled.

“Daryl, what’s happening?” I ask.

“Just get out the car. We can’t do anything anymore that won’t get us killed,” he replied. I’ve never seen him like this.

“I can’t go back though!” I pleaded and pleaded for him to do something.

“I’m sorry! I can’t do anything. I’ll try to keep you safe. Just explain everything to the fuzz.”

“What even is that?”


“Please step out of the vehicle!” The cops yelled again.
We finally obeyed the cops and got out. “Please don’t hurt her. Don’t take her back!” Daryl pleaded.

“Put your hands where I can see them!”

We both put our hands over our heads and four officers came towards us. Daryl got tackled, I guess since he shot the tires, and the people. I had a blanket wrapped around me and I started to cry as Daryl was put away in the car.

“Ma’am, it’s going to be okay ma’am,” one of the cops said.

“Don’t take me back, please I beg you!” I pleaded.

“Ma’am, it’s going to be okay.”

“It’s terrible there!” I started to cry into the officers shoulder. “Don’t take him, he was just trying to help!”

“Ma’am he injured three people and shot the tires of the cars,” the other officer said. “There’s not much we can do.”

“Don’t take him please!”

“Come on, ma’am, let’s go down to the station.”

I was sat in the back of the car and I couldn’t stop crying.

When we got to the stationed I was questioned about everything that happened. I even told them about my secret.

“Ma’am, that’s crazy,” the officer, Officer Smith, said.

“I can show you!” I lift up my sleeve and unravel the stitches. “See? Wires, but look at my leg.” I unravel the stitches on my leg. “See, they aren’t wires.”

Officer Smith stood in disbelief. I can’t believe this was the end of me. I had to tell them though, or else they would’ve taken me back. Officer Smith starts to gag at the smell of the rotten flesh.

“Justin, get over here,” Officer Smith said.

Another officer came into the room and gags at the smell. “Yeah?” He looked at me, then my arm, and finally my leg. “Holy! What happened? What is that?”

“I have the brain of a human, a leg of a human, and a left index finger of a human. But other than that, I’m a robot,” I replied.

“Justin, what do we do?” Officer Smith asked.

Justin hesitated. “Take it- I mean her, to the science lab?”

Officer Smith looked back at me. “Would that be okay?”

I nodded. I already made up my mind about what I wanted to do with my “body.” I wanted to better the world. Maybe they’d use my body for the military, maybe they’d use it for just science. Maybe, they’ll even let me live.

Officer Smith looks up at Justin. “Well. I guess we have to send her off.”

“I don’t know what to do. Like who do we call?” Justin says.

“You know who,” Officer Smith replies.

“Yeah but she doesn’t specialize in this kind of thing.”

“You’re right. But she’ll know who to call and what to do.”

Justin looks down and sighs. “I’d hate this for it- Sorry! I mean her!” He walks back to his office and makes a call. I can just hear it from this room.

“Hello?” asks Justin. He waits for a little bit. “Yeah we need you to come down to the station. We got something, interesting.” He waits a little before hanging up. He comes back into the room and says, “She’s coming.”

I sit and drink the hot tea that Officer Smith gave me. I wonder what will happen to me, or if I should’ve kept it a secret. Will it hurt? Will they use me as a slave? Will I be accepted in today’s society?

“Hey,” I hear a familiar voice say. “You’re Anne, right?”

I look over to see Daryl sitting in the doorway. I get up from my seat and hug him. “Why are you out?”

“Something about trying to save others and what not,” he says with a smirk.

“I can’t believe this! So, you’re going to be okay? You’re not going to prison?”

“I might. I’m not totally in the clear. I mean, this situation is messy. I mean, you are a robot.”

I smile and giggle. I couldn’t believe he got out! I mean this is him. He’s okay! He’s not endangered anymore.  
“So, what about John?” Daryl looks at Officer Smith.

“We are trying to find him. He’s the only way we can find out what really goes on with Anne.”

I look at both of them. “I told you, I run off my brain. It somehow is alive. My right leg is human, so is my left index finger. I don’t want to ever see him again.”

“Yeah, that’s confusing,” Officer Smith says. “We don’t know how you are alive.”

“Yeah,” Daryl said. He looks down at the floor. “So, you’re going to the chamber, huh?”

“What chamber?” I ask.

“Oh, please, it’s not a chamber, it’s just the science lab,” Officer Smith said.

“Oh, well yeah I am going to the lab. I told them I wanted to,” I reply.

Daryl looks at Officer Smith. “So, what’s going to happen to her?”

“We don’t know. It’s in Charly’s hands.”

Daryl looks at the ground. “They won’t hurt her, right?”

“I- I don’t know. We know nothing about Anne.” Officer Smith gets up from his seat. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

“Wait,” I say, “Officer Smith, can you call James and Barbara and tell them that Skipper and Midnight are in the room and that they might need a new home?”

“Yeah, sure,” he replies before heading out.

Daryl moves out of Officer Smith’s way. “So,” Daryl says. “I won’t see you much, will I?”

“Probably not. I mean, I am special,” I reply”

Daryl sighs. And sits down while looking down at the ground. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I know. I’ll be fine. They can’t kill me. Wait- can they?”

“Like you said, we don’t know. You’re special.”

We both laugh. I look up at him. “I don’t know how much time we have left until Dr. Charly gets here.”

“Yeah, so let’s just be in the moment. I won’t be able to see you much, or even at all anymore.”

I look at the blonde haired boy. “You’re hair is messed up.”

He looks up at the single piece of hair dangling down his forehead and blows it. “Better?”

I laugh again. Then it falls silent. “Do me a favor, will you?”

“Don’t ever, ever treat Cheryl like John treated me.”

“Won’t be a problem. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m done with Cheryl.”

“Why’s that?”

“Let’s just say someone taught me that life’s not worth fighting for someone who doesn’t care enough to stick up to their stuck up parents.” He laughs.

“Well, don’t get too ahead of yourself there.”

“Yeah yeah, I know, You’re forty.”

“Almost there mister. Watch your tone.”

He laughs. “Fine.”

“You know, after all this time trying to teach you manners, I hope it payed off.”

Daryl looks back at me, “Trust me, it didn’t” He laughs.

It falls silent again. “I promise you I am going to paint you a picture. I don’t know what of though.”

Daryl looks at me. “Paint me a picture of Midnight and Skipper. Along with James and Barbara.”

I laugh. “I’ll try to remember. My brains getting old you know.”

“Hey, but you’re a robot.”

“I can still die, I think. If I’m powered by my brain, then I can still ‘power off.’ Also, I can starve too.”

I look at his dirty shirt. “You’re covered in blood. Might want to take a shower or something.”

“Well, if I took one now, then I wouldn’t have much time to talk to you, now would I?”

After Daryl said that, we heard a knock on the door frame. “Anne?”

I look up to see a woman with brown frizzy hair tied up in a ponytail and freckles in a white lab coat looking down at me. “Yes?”

“Hello, I’m Dr. Charly, I need you to come with me.”

Daryl looks up at me and gets up. We hug each other, not caring about the blood and dirt all over his shirt.

“Goodbye, Anne.” Daryl says.

“Goodbye, Daryl. Forever follow your heart.”

I walk with Dr. Charly to her car and look at the place where it all ended. Darn, my life has taken a turn.


When we got to the lab, Dr. Charly escorted me into the room where I will stay. It wasn’t nice, but it will do. I looked up at her. “You won’t hurt me, will you?”

She looks back at me. I could tell she saw the fear in my eyes. “I will try not to. I’ll go to the back to get you the clothes I want you in.” She leaves the room and I hear the phone in the room ring. “You can get it!” Dr. Charly yells at me.

I answer the phone. “Hello?”

“Anne?” The voice said.

“This is she.”

“It’s Daryl.”

I gasp. I feel the tears coming from my eyes. “Daryl!”

He laughs. “I guess that wasn’t goodbye forever, huh?”

I laugh too and lean against the wall. “I guess not.”



2 years Later

Anne became a topic known around the world. Not much science has been found behind the ‘reincarnation’ of her former self. Anne continues to live with Dr. Charly and often talks to Daryl. She keeps all her thoughts in a journal, along with a new dream of writing and illustrating books for children. However, her books mostly are about topics that has happened in her past life. She says she wants to “entertain the children since she can’t have any.”

Daryl, however, went to jail for a year and continues to visit Anne weekly. “There’s never a dull moment with her,” he often says. He went on to work on the farm with James and Barbara and keeps Skipper and Midnight fed. Soon after he got out of jail, he found a girl named Christine who is now his fiance.

Dr. Charly so far has kept her promise to try not to hurt Anne. If she does, it’s a long lecture from Daryl and Christine. So far she has found that Anne can stand up to 8 hours without food, and 6 without water before starting to shut down.


“Daryl, don’t treat her like John did me, alright?” I say in a determined tone.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve had this lecture before,” Daryl says, rolling his eyes.
“Watchit, mister!” Christine and I say at the same time. We both laugh. Christine doesn’t know much about me, but I feel as I can trust her.

But, I wonder what happened to Henry and Harry Hillstack. What are they doing?  And Moeliki, how is he?

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