Juliana's World | Teen Ink

Juliana's World

June 30, 2012
By Musicninja2, Groveland, Massachusetts
Musicninja2, Groveland, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I plan to live forever or die trying"


Juliana Tussin is a 13 year old girl from the 19th century. She lives with her two siblings and her mother. Her father has been away for a while. The family goes through separation, a harsh winter, and changes beyond belief. Juliana, the youngest in her family, ends up beccoming friends with the charming, handsome Jeremy Heltsern. And when the moment of truth comes, she must decide how she feels about him, and if she's willing to accept that.

Megan P.

Juliana's World

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