New Beginnings | Teen Ink

New Beginnings

September 23, 2018
By Anonymous

Author's note:

I chose to do this story because it has 2 perspectives on life. Many can relate to the homeless girl because life was probably hard for them growing up, but many can also relate the wealthy girl because they probably always had everything they wanted but also had a good caring heart. There is many things about each character that someone can relate to.

So today was the day Laney’s clothing store was opening. She was very excited and glad to finally have her own business. Laney grew up in a very wealthy family. Her parents never had to worry about any type of money issues. She always got everything she ever wanted. She was never the type to brag though, very humble. Many people admired that about her. She was very caring and always wanted to help people.

“I am so happy my store is done.”, said Laney.  “OMG your store looks so good.”, said a customer while walking in. “Thank you. I tried really hard.” said Laney. A couple months pass by, so far so good. No one really complained, which was a good thing. “Um Laney?” said a customer.” Yes?” asked, Laney.  “There is a homeless lady outside and also a lot of trash “, said the customer. “Ok thanks for letting me know, I’m pretty sure it’s nothing though.”

Laney didn’t think much of it until she got more and more complaints about it. “Should I talk to the lady about it or just leave it alone.” Laney asked herself while walking into the store. “I’ll just do it when I close.” Eventually when it was time to close Laney was getting nervous about talking to this lady. She did not know how she was going to act or what she was going to day. “Um excuse me?” said Laney to the homeless woman. “Yes?” asked the homeless lady. “I have been getting complaints about there being trash in front of my store, and I was just wondering if you could maybe just clean up after yourself. It would be greatly appreciated.” “Wow. I can do whatever I want, you have no idea what it’s like being in my position, I don’t care if this is your store, this is the only place I have to sleep.” said the homeless lady. “I was nicely asking you but okay.” Laney went home and didn’t care about the situation anymore because she was going to wait until the next morning to see if the trash was going to be there or not.

So the next day it was pouring really hard and when Laney got to the store there was even more trash, “I can’t let this lady stay in the cold rain” Laney said to herself. “Excuse me, I know we got off on the wrong foot but it’s raining really hard and I don’t want you to be in the cold because you might get really sick.” Said Laney. “I’m fine, I don’t need you to feel sorry for me.” said the homeless lady. “Fine, whatever, I’m not going to keep being nice to someone that keeps being rude, I tried.” Said Laney. Laney walked into the store and went on with her day. “You still have that homeless lady outside?” asked a customer. “Yes I don’t feel the need to have cops involved, that’s unnecessary.” Said Laney. “Ok but it’s also bad for business because I’m not going to keep coming here and shopping if you have her outside.” Said the customer. “That’s fine, I’m pretty sure me losing one customer is okay.” Said Laney. The customer just walked out. “Well I guess I won’t be having to deal with her attitude anymore.” Laney thought to herself.


Laney was closing the store and when she walked out the homeless lady had said “I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier, I just don’t like when people feel sorry for me because there is just nothing to be sorry for.” “ I understand.” Said Laney, “What is your name?” asked Laney. “Mary, my name is Mary.” “I love that name! I would love to help you out though so if you don’t mind me asking, why are you homeless?” asked Laney. “Well that’s a long story.” Said Mary. “I got time but let’s go in the store and talk because it’s starting to rain hard again.” Laney said.

They both walked in and Mary started to share her story. “My family was never the wealthy type. My parents struggled to pay the rent and pay bills and my siblings and I did everything we could to help out but it was just never enough. I felt bad for my parents but my father eventually got a job that paid more but I felt like I was costing them money so I ran away. I didn’t want them to worry about taking care of me. I thought I was going to do good on my own but my job fired me just because I didn’t show up to work, and that was only because I didn’t have a ride. So then my roommate kicked me out because I couldn’t pay rent. So now here I am, I’ve been homeless for about 7 months now. It’s hard but I manage.”

 “Wow, that’s a crazy story but I would love to help out, so how about you can come home with me and get cleaned up and tomorrow you can work here for me and I will pay you. It’ll help you get back on your feet.” Said Laney. “I would love that so much, thank you, thank you!”

They both went home and Mary cleaned up and Laney gave her some of her old clothes she didn’t wear anymore. “I am so glad God sent you my way, you are truly a blessing. Said Mary.”  “Thank you.” Said Laney. The next morning, they both went to work and had a good day.

A couple weeks past and Mary was still working there and she was living with a new roommate and had also reconnected with her parents and had apologized for running away. Laney was very happy she got to help Mary out and they remained good friends. “I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You really gave me a second chance to have a good life and not suffer anymore, so thank you Laney.” Mary said as they were closing. “No problem, I’m glad I got to help you out, your story really inspired me.” Laney said to Mary.

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