their life | Teen Ink

their life

December 18, 2014
By Anonymous

To the long strands of beach and the vast city in south florida the noise came loudly across the earth the hot sunny weather. The vast array of different cultures and people  the long strands of sand that can stretch for miles on end. All of the people at the beaches playing families flocking from coast to coast to come here. This place had been their home for quite sometime they both loved living there they had houses on the beach.It very seldomded rainded it was always sunny except for the accastional rain storms that come from time to time. 

"I love this place." Julian and adam exclaimed
      As they were sitting on a remote strand of beach that they had found as kids they called it their “secret spot”.  They had been going there for years until their lives went off in different directions .Adam had just gotten back from his pool where he had been training to swim competitions, ever since he was little he always wanted to be in a pool swimming but he can’t stand the open sea. Julian had just got back from fishing on his boat from south Florida's coast. Fishing had been kind of julian’s escape from his real life and his father.

     “ So how has your life been going because i don’t think it was going too well last time i saw you.” Adam mentioned

     “ It’s been better fishing kinda has kina helped me cope and thats the only way i'm making money right now.” Julian admitted with grief as they walked back up to the road

They were the cheapest seats that they could find they were 700 dollars each and they found 2 seats together. The next day they met each other at the airport.  The smell of gasoline for every car reached the air. The mood was tense between them because adam wanted to go on the plane even though he knew that julian had always wanted to take his own bat out to the bahamas ever since he could remember. They walked through the airport with chatter around them without saying a  It seemed as that long stretch of road that they were walking down too get to their car went on for miles . When they finally got to their car about a half mile up the road.
    Adam exclaimed, “ Let’s go to my house i haven't seen you in years i kind of would to catch up on things a little bit more.”

  Julian replied, “ alright.”

      They drove out into the city of fort lauderdale florida a nice beachfront city. Adam hadn’t always lived out by the beach he used to live out in the mountains in colorado he moved out there when he was 4 years old because his father thought he could get a higher paying job out in colorado. Adam hated it out in colorado he thought it was the most boring place to live. He never had a sibling to play with and he never had his father or mother around they were always at work. So he vowed to himself that one day he would leave this horrible place and  go back to somewhere he loved the beach . Julian had always lived near the beach he met adam in ft. Lauderdale when he was 12 adam had just moved there from colorado adam was never the social ne up till he was an adult.

    Adam drove with julian through a rich neighborhood and then they arrived at his it was more than what Julian expected from the shy kid from colorado. His huge was huge  it was three story  house. Inside was a 4 bedroom and 3 bath house with everything imaginable flat screens,cars a pool anything he could afford he bought that was just his nature. Although he had all of this money he can’t afford to buy air conditioning so his house so his house was really humid and muggy inside it almost felt like a sweat lodge.

    Even though adam was never a really a very athletic in his younger years. Adam is tall and skinny. He has been known to have a short temper, he has lost opportunities because of him. Julian is the opposite of adam julian is more a laid back nice guy. But sometimes he is a little too laid back for his own good. Julian’s father was a strict parent who was drunk whenever julian had something new he would take it  away from him to buy booze.

      “Wow you really made a living for yourself since the last time i have seen you.” Julian murmured

     “ Yeah i think i have done better since the last time you have seen me, which was when ? ” Adam replied intrigued as he went reaching for a  beer in his fridge

     “ I think last time i saw you was about 5 years ago you weren’t doing too well back then.” Julian exclaimed

     Adam was with bad people he was doing drugs to make himself better in swimming and one day he got caught injecting himself with steroids in the back room and he was kicked off the team. He went into a depression for years he couldn’t keep a job. The longest job he kept was at a liquor store being the cashier the only reason they kept him so long was because the owners were not willing to go out and find somebody to replace him so he just quit because he thought he was doing the best thing for the business.  Adam always had the best interest for everyone else in mind he always but everyone else before himself.

             " You want anything." Adam exclaimed while drinking his beer

          “ No im good, you know what we should we should go to the bahamas and then go to the island of turks and caicos together on my boat.” Julian mentioned

   The mood was tense in the room now because julian had always love the water but adam hates the open sea  ever since he was little because of the near death experience he had.It happened when he was just 5 years old Adam had went out in the water by himself he got near the shore with the waves crashing at his feet he hesitated to go near the water but he started to feel the current start pull him out at sea but then he felt a hand grab his arm and he was pulled out from the water back on to the shore bank. He felt scared and alone when he came out of the water that only person there to save him was his mother. He felt like the only person who cared about him was his mom because she was the only one who had came to his aid when he was about to be swept at sea.

          From that day on adam has since hated the open ocean because he feels like he will get sucked out and be left at sea and die that is his worst fear. Julian on the other hand isn’t scared of much only his father because when he was  a child his mother and father used to always fight  and when julian would intervene to help stop he fight his father would beat him with his belt.

      Him and his father have been distant from that day on they can hardly stand each other but they live in the same house. They never talk all they do is just walk by each other. Then adam and julian snapped back to reality not knowing that they had both been reminiscing about the bad times they had as children.they will never know but they have had Better experiences with each other compared to when they were children.

  “ill go.” Adam replied with sorrow

“ Great we’ll leave tomorrow.” Julian replied

Julian’s boat had been all over the world when he bought he took it all around the port cities of the united states as something he wanted to do on his bucket list. But the one place he had never been was the bahamas which he had been wanting to go there ever since he was a child he had always wanted to go to someplace tropical. He decided to chose the bahamas he had posters all over his room of the tropics.

“Wait, before you make plans can we go by plane instead it will be easier for me and it will be easier on you.” Adam exclaimed

“ Fine we can do that i know you’d rather be on a plane then a boat, i’ll for plane tickets that leave tomorrow.” Julian replied with sadness in his voice

        Adam and julian walked over to the computer room to go find tickets they turned on the computer and started to look through different sites like tripadvisor and expedia and then they found their word to each other. They handed the boarding passes to the lady she ripped of the edges and she let them board the plane. They took their seats in aisle 16 seats A,B. Julian tried to relax himself but all he could do was hear all the distant chatter coming from each end of the plane. Adam on the other hand fell right asleep because he knew he wasn’t going to have much to do for the 3.5 hours that the flight was going to take.

       Julian had pulled out his laptop to do some research on where they were going to stay they had  chosen the best hotel on the island of the Bahamas they had agreed on staying at hyatt that costs 300 dollars a room. Then suddenly the plane started to shake

" Wake up." Julian yelled to adam in the seat next to him

     Adam woke up with surprise when he woke up the plane was going down into a remote island. in two and to his surprise they were the only survivors of the plane crash. They walked out into the jungle they were both nervous about what had happened because both of them don’t remember anything but the plane going down and then everything went black. they walked out nervous with what would happen next all they could smell was gasoline from the crash and the smell was burnt flesh from the corpses. They jumped out of the plane that was split in two they started to gather supplies Adam went to the front of the plane to go see if he could scavenge food and julian went to the back to go see if their were some emergency supplies he could find.

   “What happened.” Julian murmured with fear

  “ I don’t remember i think we both blacked out during the crash, le’s go through this stuff and try to find a place to make shelter.” Adam replied

  “Ok.” Julian exclaimed

    They proceeded to walk into the jungle with supplies that they had found from the wreckage Adam was able to find what was left of the airline meals and some chips. Julian had a more successful trip he found a first aid kit, a rope, and he found a tarp and some metal beams from the planes structure to make some kind of makeshift tent of some sort.

       They proceeded to walk into the jungle with their rations from the plane.  I looked like it rainede a day or 2 before the arrived he ground was still muddy and he plants stayed wet.It was also extremly hot. They walked through the jungle with huge trees and plants and animals as far as the eye could see. hey had to be careful because they didn’t know which animals could be poisonous. All They knew was to head towards where the rocks moss on the rocks pointed because they think i could lead them to the river or the ocean. Suddenly they heard the sound of rushing stream in the distance.

     They Peered out of the dense brush to see that the stream was small but manageable as a water source. It was so rounded by dense trees  all they could hear was the sound of animals all around them. They had to set priorities they wanted to make a fire so they could disinfect the water and cook the animals that they went out to go hunt. It was very difficult to make a fire because the rainforest would was so because of the humidity and the tropical weather it could've rained any day in the rainforest .

       So Jack and Adam had to scavenge for any dry wood they could find even the smallest twigs. But when Julian went out to go collect wood he heard a noise in the distance he said it was an animal maybe a wild pig so he went to go search. Then when Adam and Julian woke up the plane was he tracked through the mud following the tracks of what he thought that was pig everything was wet all his clothes were wet the tracks where what he was stepping over the tracks so it made it difficult to track the pig .

“ I think i found where it went.” Julian screamed across the wild jungle

    “ Alright let me get over there first before you kill it.” Adam replied hoping julian heard him over the dense brush

    Julian Sprinted through the trees  with his makeshift spear trying to find the sound of the squealing pig in the distance. He saw the pig injured by something it looked like it had tripped and maybe broken something when it fell. He brought his spear behind his head he was frightened at the thought of killing the pig.

Adam suddenly came out of nowhere and yelled with a sense of urgency “Do It julian we need the food, we haven't had a chance at food yet kill it !”

Julian sighed “ I’m sorry for this.”

  Julian threw the spear a the pig hitting it right in the lung killing the pig.

Julian swung the pig of his shoulder and brought it back to the stream so he could skin it quick so they could eat before he bacteria in the pig gets to it. Julian walked across the rocks he was making sure he didn’t step on the moss. So he wouldn’t slip and drop the pig into the water. Julian walked across the rocks making to the edge of the stream away from the camp so they wouldn't attract any animals when he skinned the animal to eat.

        Julian used the rock that he had used to sharpen his spear with to skin the animal . He cut open the stomach revealing all the intestines she remove them then removing all the organs making sure nothing was to spill out on the edible meat. He used the rock and cut off all possible meats including the heart even though adam had a fear of eating weird things. He decided to remove all the organs and keep them in a pile by 10 and then start a fire.

         He found some wood  he chopped  it with his spear and he found some twigs to start  a fire. He took his sharp rock and I made a little hole in the piece of wood and then took another stick and then kept rubbing until he got to start you started blowing on the tinder bundle and then the tender bundle turn them to smoke then he blew into the tinder bundle, then fire erupted. He threw his tinder bond or over the pieces of wood to make hot fire and then suddenly fire erupted into a huge flame then who brought the pieces of meat from a pile near the fire he set up two sticks and then all the meat onto one stick and then suspended it over the fire to cook .

        Julian has decided to leave the fire and go  find bamboo for some kind of vessel to hold water in to go and boil to have some potable water source.  It was late at night julian had brought at torch and a rock he trampled through the mud making sure the torch didn't go out. He got up and kept walking and then he came upon a large green stalk of bamboo it was 50 feet high.

         He brought out his rock from his pocket and started to chip away at the stalk with one hand holding the torch and the other holding the  rock. He sat there and chipped away at the stalk for hours thinking to himself that i am doing what's best for adam and i. By the 4th hour the torch was almost burnt out and he had made a little more than half way through the stalk and stopped and said to himself

     "I got stop it's getting too late and i should get back to camp with what's left of this torch." He exclaimed with a sense of urgency in his voice

   He stopped chopping at the stalk and started to try to find his way back to camp with the weapon a still sharp but somewhat dull rock. The weather was changing before his eyes it started to get cloudy the temperature must have been at least been  90 degrees. The torch was almost out it was almost at the bottom of the stick a couple more inches and it would burn his hand. He could hear all different types of animals in the distance he even heard some tigers. It was about 12 o’clock  now he felt he didn’t know where he was going at this point. Julian felt hopeless and lost he had been away from Adam for about 4 hours now.

       Suddenly he saw a small flame in the distance he hoped it was either adam or someone that might be living here that could help him. He started to walk towards the flame he felt like he had died and was going towards the light of heaven but that wasn’t the case. 

    " Adam ! " He yelled
      "Yeah." Adam replied

       " oh finally i found you I've been looking for hours." Julian murmured trying to wake any animals

        They both walk back to camp Julian so excited that he had found Adam. Adam so straight to the floor and fell asleep because she was exhausted from the day that they had trying to search for water and food. The next morning Julian was awake first even though she was up till about 1 o'clock trying to search for Adam . Julian went down to the stream and washed himself because she was covered in mud. Then he went back to them bamboo stock to cut  the rest of it down . When he arrived he started cutting the stock and then the stock fell hitting the ground with a loud thump.

       He cut the  stock and then plugged a piece of it with shavings from the bamboo so the water will not seep out. He walked back to the stream. He came up to the stream used the bamboo and  then came back to camp and try to start the fire to get a flame to heat the water to disinfect it.

       While he waited for the water to disinfect he started to build a shelter that they could live in for a while he thought of either having a tipi or a roof at angle to block the wind and rain out.  He went out into the jungle searching for some palm fronds because they work as shingles just  in case it the weather goes bad and it decides  to rain.

      He also went looking  for some  sturdy  branches  to hold up the shelter. He left adam to  sleep for as long as he could. He went back into the abyss  that he has started  to hate . The rain forest is a long black dark abyss that is full of obstacles  like  the man eating  animals that call the jungle home. He was not looking  forward to going back into  the jungle but he knew if he wanted  to survive  on this island  with adam he would have to do  what's  necessary to keep them alive and that right  now  is building  a shelter for  the both of them.

      He walked down into the jungle holding his newly sharpened rock that he sharpened on a rock back at the stream where they set up camp. He walked gingerly through the mud as he was as happy as he could be in this situation. The trees were standing at hundreds of feet tall so it was difficult for him to even find a tree of normal height. but he found a tree that was just a little bit taller than him so he jumped trying to hack the limbs of the tree.

   “This is really difficult.” Julian thought to himself as he kept jumping up at the tree limbs with his small rock

       After a while he was able to gather enough palm fronds to make a roof to block the rain. Then he cut down was left of the tree to use as either firewood or as part of the base for his shelter.  He walked back to camp and peered through the bushes because he didn’t want to make too much noise just in case adam was still asleep.He looked at Adam and he was still on the floor knocked out cold from what had happened last night with Julian getting lost and  having to wake up early to help him back to camp. In a sense Julian felt happy that adam was still asleep because he felt like could do more by himself.

Adam woke up from his sleep and saw that julian was gone. He walked up to the side which the brush had been moved a bit and he didn’t think anything of it. He knows that julian probably went out hunting for food or he went to go build a nice shelter that they can live in for a good amount of time if they needed to. He was confident in Julian in his shelter and all  round survival abilities.

      He took it upon himself to go do something for the two of them because he felt like I wasn't doing enough to help them survive and come out alive through this. Adam felt that julian had  been doing more than him and trying to exclude him because thought he could survive He got up from where he was sleeping and went into the jungle to go find some berries or some type of food that they could scavenge from before they decide to go hunting. He walked about a mile before he came up on the walnut tree or that's what he thought because he doesn't know any type of plants in the jungle.

    He picked them not knowing they were poisonous or not he hoped that they were not poisonous so that he and I could scavenge off them. He walked back to camp and saw that there were some fish in the stream he went looking for Julian spear he thought maybe that she had left it near the camp. But to no avail he didn't find the spear so he went looking for some wood and a sharp piece of rock.

   “ How’s it going adam.” Julian stated trying to scare him because  he was not expecting him

   “Good where have you been, for the past hour and a half since i have been awake.” Adam Warned

   “ Nothing just been looking for some more supplies while you were sleeping that’s all.” JUlian replied with honesty

     “ Okay so lets back to camp and see what you’ve found.” Adam shouted because julian was a ways away from him

     They walked back to camp and julian laid out all of his findings from the forest down on a rock for adam to see. He had found some berries another sharp rock that he had sharpened at the tip to be able to cut meat and to make tools with that rock. He had also brought back a rabbit carcass that he was planning on eating at the fire that night. Adam had started to lay out what he had found while julian was off doing other things. Adam pulled out the walnuts from his pocket and put them into a rock that resembled a little bowl to him and made him think of his childhood.

       To when him and his mom used to go out into the tall forest and go pick out nuts from the trees his mom taught him which were good and not god to eat. When they go back to the house his mom but the nuts in a bowl and give him a small antique nutcracker that had been passed on from his grandparents to them he used to sit and crack nuts for hours on end. He had a nice upbringing compared to julian who had a kind of rough upbringing with his father never being there when julian need him most like when his mother was dying and he wouldn't let  Julian  see his mother in her final days. Since then julian has never had a good relationship with his father his father out always resented him and now julian is starting to resent his father as well .

    He can hardly stand living with him because of his financial situation he had to move in with him and put his house up on the market to sell. Ever since then they never spoke you know or even looked at each other even though they live in the same house. Snapback to reality waking them up into a situation that he was in now and very difficult one but she did not know that she was going to get out of for a very long time he would have to think about a long term situation if she and Adam could actually live here.

    He couldn't even stand the thought of living in the forest for the rest of his life she wanted to go back to Fort Lauderdale and see the beaches and the other people and just have a big city instead of miles of trees in front of him. Gathered all the stuff up that he had put on to the rock and put it near camp for both of them to use and Adam followed suit . They both went to the stream and washed up their faces from the long morning they had of trying to gather supplies for them to be able to beat the rainforest .

        They divided supply between them and used what they need to start their day . Julian grabbed from the stock you cut the bamboo and filled the bottom with banana leaves and then went to the stream and grabbed his cup and then dip it in the water and put it over what was left of the fire to heat and then he stuck some of the walnuts so he was making tea for himself and adam.

       Adam when to go skin the rabbit looking thing away from the camp so that any of the other  animals that would be in the area don't come and attack  camp.  They gathered all the stuff they could and brought it back to camp except for Julian he grabbed his cutting tool and grabbed the rabbit looking carcass and brought it to a rock far away from camp.

     So that none of the animals in the area would come and attack the camp for food. He skinned the animal removing all of the organs except the edible ones like the heart. He took all the meat off the bone but he thought about taking the bone marrow since its an edible part of the animal and anything counts in this survival situation. He thought Adam might like to try his first attempt at making bone marrow even though adam wasn’t as adventurous as him.

“ How do you like your bone cooked raw or extra raw.” Julian joked

    “ None of the above.” Adam said seriously

    “Im Just messing with you, i know you won’t eat this stuff you don’t like trying this kind of stuff.” Julian replied with a smile while putting the bone marrow into the lukewarm fire.

      Adam went back into the forest without notice and had decided to see If he could try his “ expert” weaving skills to see if he could try to make a basket or something to keep all the provisions or useful items that they find in the jungle of the floor. He had a banana tree in mind because in his mind he was going to chop down the leaves and any bananas he could find.

      Then he was going to cut the leaves into little strips and weave and reinforce the weaving by cutting some of the bark and adding it in so his basket wouldn’t break as easily. Adam felt like the weight on his shoulder was ten times heavier because he hadn’t done much for the both of them in the past couple days but grab some wild walnut looking things off a tree a few days ago. He thought that julian was doing more work than he was. In his mind he thought julian didn’t want him to be there stranded on the island with him he wanted to be with someone else in the situation that they’re in. Adam was going to make a point that he was to be taken seriously and that he was going to make the best of the situation. Julian on the other hand wasn’t thinking that way at all he was just doing the amount of work he thought was necessary.

          Even though that did help Julian when they had only brought in the pig to eat between the both of them. He started to weave the basket one by one making not adding bark  to reinforce it but then everything's now Adam through a fit of rage threw everything on the floor. he couldn't do it anymore his short temper was kicking in so she sat down and thought for a little bit to calm himself down he got back up and started weave again he figured out if you put more bark in the leaves. The leaves wouldn't break so he did it that way and then he ended up with a basket looking thing that was good enough for holding enough to help them.

     He walked back to camp not knowing that he had forgotten a patch in his basket. so when he got back to camp he was surprised when  he tried to put things in his basket it broke. He threw everything in a fit of rage things landed in the stream his nuts and the rabbit meat hit the water he could still taste the rabbit it tasted somewhat like lamb but a less tastier version. Immediately when the rabbit hit his mouth he thought of the horrible smell of the cafeteria in his old school. He could still taste the frozen pizzas and frozen chicken nuggets that they made for them every day he could not stand the taste of them he said that he tasted like sweat socks. He knew immediately when he saw the red bloody flesh of the rabbit that he would not eat it but yet he still did.

      Then they went to sleep the next morning  Adam  woke up not feeling good so he got up and went to the river straight. To puke he was not happy he thinks he got food poisoning from the rabbit looking thing he sat there for about 30 minutes puking and got up the stomach cringed the clock back to camp lay down granted stomach in pain and sat there cringing and yelling in pain he could not think of what resembles the pain that he has right now but he knew he might have gotten food poisoning net is not good because out here he could die because of it.

       Julian came to his aid went down to the stream got some water for him try to stoke the fire but it wasn't starting so he went into the forest trying to find I'm little branches to start his fire with because you still have wood left over from past nights but they had collected wood. he's got word the forest picking up little twigs as he walked by and soon enough he had a big enough bundle to start a start a fire the night before.

        He is the cold trailer advantage he stuck  in a little piece of wood with a hole in it and then had another piece of wood in the hole and then started to drill  for hours on end without a flame not even smoke but then a smoke and clean ignited in a flash it was quick so he had to throw it in the bundle and then get the bundle to smoke started to blow on the bundle to get air into the bundle then he threw it over the fire and then they had a small campfire going so he put his little bamboo pot  over the fire with the water in it and then let that boil.

        He felt bad that adam got sick and not him because Adam had tried so hard to contribute to what they were doing even when he was out of it she still tried to go gather supplies for them so. Adam had went into the forest to go find him some snacks he didn't know where he was going to make anything to say accidentally turned it seem like everything look the  the same to him he didn't know if he was going to die.

      Or if he was ever going to see his best friend again he has always thought of you and has a brother he had never thought of losing him this quick she has a second chance living in the wild food poisoning he sat down in a little cage feeling his stomach trouble but then is someone you don't know a word it turned out to be true even if she did not decide to go out you ain't jumped in front of the camera and then he saw

     Adam on the floor Julian pick up Adam and brought him back to camp he set him under the shelter he saw the Tea it looked like it had been ready for some time by the way it was boiling he gave Adam the  Adam drink it and he felt immediately better but still she was hurting Adam asked himself if it was hurting that bad that she could not get up tried to get up but he stumbled back to the floor.

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