Sir Kentworth | Teen Ink

Sir Kentworth

March 6, 2011
By LittleBlue GOLD, Simpsonville, South Carolina
LittleBlue GOLD, Simpsonville, South Carolina
13 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He [Jesus Christ] must increase, but I must decrease." - John 3:30
"I'm giving it all--- away--- away. I'm giving it all--- to go--- Your way."- Hillsong United, "Go"
"The littel grey cells..." - Hercule Poirot


In this story a young man named Kentworth, who is a squire in the Middle Ages, training to be a knight. One of the other squires, Brently, brags and brags about his knightly skills is sword fighting, etc. He was indeed quite good. But an enemy lord attacks the castle, and Brently is taken captive. Their side won the battle, however. Kentworth is knighted, younger than most, for his bravery, and goes after Brently, with some other knights and soldiers. But Kentworth, one other knight, and two longbowmen, seperated from the others, are captured and enslaved by the enemy. After several weeks, one of the king's knights comes and wins a tournament, and chooses the four men as his "reward." Casually, as if he wanted them for his slaves, the group head for the outer gate. But, they're found out. Finally, though, they get outside the castle, and succeed against a group of the enemy, and the knight who had come to the four's rescue warns the people of Fraudsworth (the enemy) never to attack their nation again, handing over a wounded knight of theirs. The five men canter away, north, toward home.


Sir Kentworth

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