Pewaukee Lake | Teen Ink

Pewaukee Lake

April 21, 2015
By highroller28 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highroller28 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pewaukee lake is a true treasure of waukesha county. This is a place that families get together, friends can spend time together, and anglers can fish. There is plenty to do on Pewaukee--from hanging out on the beach, watching the ski show, or fishing--two of those apply to me, fishing and spending time with friends.
Every summer my friends and I are out on Pewaukee from 5 am to 10am or later. Jokes are made, laughs are shared, and tension builds every time we hook a fish. There’s nothing we love more.There is always something to do at Pewaukee lake-which is why Pewaukee Lake is a true treasure of Waukesha County

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