Eaters | Teen Ink


December 7, 2014
By Zane_McFarlin BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Zane_McFarlin BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have to be odd to be number one.

The beauty of the world is in its diversity. Everyone is unique and has their own specific eating style that makes them who they are. There is a wide variety of types of eaters and a wide variety of categories to classify them under. Some eaters are aggressive and devour their food like it’s going to be there last meal, while others are rather dainty and enjoy every single bite. No matter type of eater you are, you can be classified on the scale of eaters. Ranging from the most delicate individual who will take what seems like hours to finish a plate of food, to the compulsive eater who will inhale any food in their path.

Aggressive Eater:
Everybody knows an “aggressive eater.” They’re the ones that are always seem to be the first to finish any meal. One bite after another quickly gorging down there food to satisfy an insatiable hunger. No matter how much food they shovel into their mouth, a second helping is always an option. The aggressive eater will catch your eye whether you are at a Thanksgiving Day feast or, a casual night out to dinner with your family. An aggressive eater is often categorized by someone who will inhale the food, rather than letting it hit there tong and enjoying there meal.

Average Eater:
The average eater is the normal, somewhat unnoticed eater. They use proper manors at the table and wait the appropriate amount of time between bites. The average eater refrains from gorging their food and has a socially acceptable portioning on the plate. Average eaters escape unjudged by others because of their typical way of dining, a napkin on their lap, the proper balance of protein and vegetables on their plate, and the self-control it takes to pace every last bite they take. Many eaters are envious of the average eater because they are the perfect balance all the eaters. You will never hear the words “I’m stuffed” exit an average eaters mouth. Many strive to be an average eater, but it takes true self-control to accomplish.

Dainty Eaters:
A dainty eater is an unusual breed to tome across in today’s society. A dainty eater can be compared to a bunny in the way that a bunny will nibble on its food for a long time before there is even a dent put in it. A dainty eater is the polar opposite of an aggressive or compulsive eater. They have little portions, enjoy each small bite, and don’t believe in the phrase “second helping.”  Dainty eaters are the epitome of good manners; sit upright, pinky out, small portions, and elbows off the table.

Compulsive Eaters:
The compulsive eater is not hard to come by. If you are not a compulsive eater than I guarantee you know one. Compulsive eaters mindlessly binge on whatever they can get a hold of. They don’t just eat to satisfy hunger, but they also binge out of boredom, restlessness, and sleep deprivation. When someone wakes up in the dead of the night and walks down to the refrigerator to make a sandwich for no apparent reason, chances are they are a compulsive eater. These types of eater seem to never be full. No matter how much you put in front of them they can eat for days and still want more. The compulsive eater will have four square meals a day, and all the snacks you can imagine in between. When it comes to a compulsive eater, it does not matter where they are or who they are with, they will have food on them.

The Bird Eater
Possibly the smartest and most self-disciplined eater out there is the bird eater. These are the people who always have food left on their plates. No matter the meal, no matter the size, these intricate eaters strategically fill up on what seems like simple bites. The bird eater is the one we all envy to be, yet rarely become. Like a bird they tastefully pick at their food and in meager bites they have satisfied there hunger and are ready for something else. The bird eater almost seems as if they don’t enjoy the taste of food, because they eat so little and their meals are few and far between. In America today it quite possibly sounds fictitious to be a bird eater. With all the fating foods and supersized burgers, I commend simplicity of the bird eater.

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