The Undefined Beauty | Teen Ink

The Undefined Beauty

March 17, 2014
By MaryamS BRONZE, Woodside, New York
MaryamS BRONZE, Woodside, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can feel the sizzling sun against my skin as I place my bags into the black mercedes. The heat is ridiculous here. I feel as if I am a french fry being dipped into boiling hot water for the first time. I can actually feel the sweat pouring through my body in a matter of seconds. My time here has ended, and I’m not quite sure if I am ecstatic, or in a melancholy mood to be leaving after spending two months here. As I close the trunk of the car, I take a deep breath and take a closer look at my surroundings. You see, I won’t be back here for about more than a year, so I might as well take advantage of this moment. The street is filled with so many cars tooting and honking at each other to move. There’s so much excitement and movement packed in this tiny street. I take a look at my house and my family. It is evident that they all have sadness written in their eyes. This was pretty much goodbye.

I walk over to the car, and touch the blazing silver handle. Taking one last look at everything, I get into the car and away we go.

It is a pretty long car drive to get to the airport. To pass time, I just stare outside the window and think about coming back in a year or so. I open the window about half way, and suddenly a tremendous amount of wind comes flying in. I feel so tranquil and complete. I can feel the wind reach every part in my face. The breeze is magnificent and cool and it feels like I just jumped into a cold shower after soccer practice. Suddenly, I look up, and I see the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. There it is, the longest river in the world right in front of my eyes. It is an exquisite sight for me to see. There are so many different shades of blue intertwined with each other to create the Nile River. I can’t keep my eyes off the glow that is shining off of the river. When I think it can’t get any better, it does. The sun begins to fade away and leaves an orange-pink reflection on the entire river. The colors are so vivid and catch my eye just like any European male tourist that walks in Manhattan. I am living this moment of real happiness that I never want to end.

I turn my head at a 45 degree angle, and collect another image to add onto this amazing experience. The great pyramids of Egypt. Although I have visited them before, this feeling is incredible. Butterflies begin to form in my stomach as I stare at the pyramids from a distance. The accuracy of the formation of the pyramids is shocking. As if they were carved out of the sky and rushed to the heavens. Here I am staring at the Nile River and the pyramids, the half-set sun completing the picture with its flamingo hue. People dream of getting a chance to witness this moment, and I am falling in love with everything about it. I finally recognize a true moment of happiness that I will never forget. I might not be back, but this moment definitely will.

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