Sights And Sounds Of Paris | Teen Ink

Sights And Sounds Of Paris

November 7, 2023
By user206 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
user206 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The aroma of the freshly baked croissant filled the room as it sat on the edge of the nightstand with a pair of sleek gray lined headphones. As the curtain opened, it was like a brushstroke of warm tones across a fresh canvas, unveiling the sunset. The clamoring crowds gathered, everyone's excitement palpable, all awaiting the gleaming Eiffel tower. The city's landscape glittered like a chandelier lighting up a room, casting a mesmerizing glow that could be seen by anyone passing by. Taxis hailing across the bustling streets of Paris, the sound of distant car horns and the rhythmic footsteps of Parisians strolling gracefully in timeless attire, made from the finest fabrics with elegant patterns. As they cross, cafes left to right and right to left they view the displays of crêpes, soufflés, macarons, and baguettes with flavors waiting to be savored. Family photos taken, of all observed. Videos where all the city sounds are heard. All the sights and sounds of Paris, for eternity preserved.

The author's comments:

In this piece, I attempted using imagery to describe an evening from my experience when I visited Paris. I played around with using metaphors throughout my writing and tried ending with a poetic rhyme. I personally like where I used metaphor and said, "As the curtain opened, it was like a brushstroke of warm tones across a fresh canvas, unveiling the sunset." Additionally, I like my descriptions when writing about the hustle in the streets.

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