Music is Tricking Society | Teen Ink

Music is Tricking Society

April 13, 2023
By Jayden_GIbson BRONZE, Lomira, Wisconsin
Jayden_GIbson BRONZE, Lomira, Wisconsin
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In America 95,000 people die a year from alcohol but this is nothing when compared to the 3 million that die around the world. Many get the wrong idea that alcohol can solve problems through media outlets, specifically country and rap music. Despite the fact that an addiction to this atrocious substance will only make everyday tasks harder, people still continue to abuse alcohol. However, today listeners of country and rap music get the wrong idea that alcohol can solve their problems. Although alcohol will only lead to more problems. Such as a loss of productivity and addiction that can make everyday tasks harder. Throughout the 21st century country and rap music promotes alcohol as a way to solve problems and overall harming society.

Morgan Wallen’s song,  “Whiskey Glasses” from 2018 uses literal language and puns to convey the message to the listeners that alcohol can provide momentary comfort from heartbreak. These lyrics show how alcohol is his go to for heartbreak “Poor me, pour me another drink / ‘Cause I don’t wanna a thing / No more, hell nah / I just wanna sip to ´til pain wears off”  (Burgess 1-4). The writer uses this pun to compare how people pity them self the moment something bad happens to them. While also showing how they instantly resort to something that can comfort them such as a drink from a bartender. Simultaneously the song uses literal lyrics to magnify the idea of heartbreak.  The song uses the lyrics “Two more let's go  / ´Cause I ain't never hurt like this before” (Burgess 7-8). Everyone feels pain no matter what. Whether it's physical or mental pain nonetheless, everyone handles it differently. In this case he uses alcohol while others would do therapy or exercise.  

Another one of Morgan Wallen’s songs, "Whiskey Friends” from 2023 uses standard metaphors to inform listeners that alcohol can bestow ephemeral solace from heartbreak. For example, the lyrics “I dug myself into a hole in a wall / And I gotta drink my way out” (Gorley 8-9). They use this standard metaphor to compare a hole to someone who is at their lowest. While showing this it's trying to explain to listeners that people will do whatever it takes to escape their lowest. In this case he drinks a depressant that is slowing down his body to deal with the pain. The lyrics also include another metaphor which magnifies the effect of heartbreak.  To elaborate, Morgan Wallen sings “Bartender pour me up again / I just took a hook on my heartbreak chain” (Garly 12-13).  This standard metaphor is comparing his heart to a chain that can easily be snapped. Nevertheless, it's also showing how a chain can be fixed gently over time or forcefully. In this case he's forcefully fixing his heart by trying to drink the pain away.

This next song by Dax called “Dear Alcohol” from 2022 uses personification and implied metaphor to portray the idea that alcohol can provide happiness and help soothe thoughts. To start with “My thoughts get drowned until I feel alright” ( Nwosu 2). This lyric compares his thoughts to a person who is getting drowned. Portraying the idea that alcohol is killing his bad thoughts, allowing him to have momentary happiness and the ability to think. The second idea in this song uses an implied metaphor to show the same idea.  Therefore the lyrics “Alcohol ain't my friend but I keep drinking cause these demons roam” (Nwosu 13). This piece of evidence uses the implied metaphor of alcohol to a friend. Making the listener think that the powerful substance, alcohol, is really an ally. Due to the fact it provides quick solutions to problems like a bad friend.  

The last and final song, by Arizona Zervas titled “Drinking Problem” from 2019 uses not only personification but also a pun to trick the listener into thinking that alcohol provides bliss and comfort with thoughts. To begin with, the song uses the lyrics “Demons coming so it's hard to relax” (Jennings 25). This piece of evidence uses personification comparing Demons which don't exist to that of a Human coming. It does this to represent his problems as something that's closing in on him and the only way he knows to escape this is by drinking it away. The lyrics also use a pun to amplify the idea that his drinking too much to solve his problems. “Drinking problem” uses the lines “She said i got a drinking problem / but I don't got no problem drinking tho / I solve my problem with a bottle / and drink until i feel my face no more”( jennings 1-4). These lyrics show how the writers used I got a drinking problem which is unhealthy and bad and tries to turn it into a good thing by saying he doesn't have a drinking problem. Representing two different things with the same meanings although it also represents how the singer denies his problem and continues to drink just so he doesn't have to deal with himself like much of modern society.

From the beginning of the modern world singers promoted that alcohol can cure any problem. Despite this, alcohol kills 3 million people a year. Even though  these songs continue to promote the use of alcohol as a way to work through problems. Severely hurting society and tricking it as a whole eventually leading to the downfall of the modern world as a whole.

The author's comments:

My article talks about how alcohol is often mentioned in modern country and rap. However they only show the good side of alcohol and how it cures your problems. Tricking society into believing alcohol is really this good and great substance. 

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