Women of the World | Teen Ink

Women of the World

May 7, 2019
By tas323 BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
tas323 BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many similarities and differences that can be found between the lives of Julie Stokes and Guo Yuxian. First, one similarity that can be found between the two of them is that they are both very dedicated to their work because they both enjoy working and feel accomplished doing so. Also, both women do not stick to the stereotype that women should be stay-at-home mothers. Guo Yuxian is constantly working very hard farming, and Julie Stokes works tirelessly as a state representative in Louisiana. However, there also differences that can be found between the two women. While Guo Yuxian has a small, more easily achieved goal, being able to buy more pigs, Julie Stokes hopes to leave a legacy of hope and change in her family and her greater community. In addition, they both live drastically different lives because they live in such different countries. Julie Stokes lives in the suburbs of Louisiana while Guo Yuxian lives in a rural part of China. Overall, when comparing and contrasting the lives of Julie Stokes and Guo Yuxian, one can find similarities and differences between the lives of the two women.

Researching Guo Yuxian and learning more about my mother, Julie Stokes, has helped me to figure out the kind of woman that I want to be in society. As women are making strides to get more opportunities, I hope to take advantage of all of the options open to me. I hope to be well educated and have a good job because I want to help continue to break false stereotypes about women. I hope to be a mother, and I wish to continue to show people that women can have children and have a full-time job that requires hard work similar to Guo Yuxian and Julie Stokes. I also desire to be a role model for girls all around the world and to show them that anything they aspire to do, with plenty of work, they can do. I believe it is crucial that all young women are aware of the potential that they have, and they do not need to settle for anything less than what they deserve. Overall, I have been able to get a better idea of the woman I want to be in society by researching Guo Yuxian and Julie Stokes.

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