My First Fight | Teen Ink

My First Fight

December 9, 2016
By Anonymous

August 27, 2016, was the day I won my first boxing match and when I got my favorite golden tank top. That day, I woke up nervous, but excited. I was nervous about the crowd atmosphere more then the actual fight. I got up out of my bed to take a shower and eat breakfast. My mother made eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, and frijoles. I just ate the eggs, fruit and the frijoles with tortilla chips. After that I warmed up, stretched, and mentally prepared myself before the fight. I drank a lot of water to keep myself hydrated. Few hours have passed and I'm gathering my equipment. After that, my family and I left for the fight. We got there early. The fight took place in the parking lot. A fight would last for 1 min and 3 rounds. This fight give us a taste of what it would feel like to fight. I haven't singed up for USA boxing but next near I will. My coach saw me coming out of our vehicle and approached me and said. "Sup champ, go inside that building where everyone else is and we'll talk about whose gonna end up fighting first." So I walked into the building and saw a couple of people who were gonna fight. Few of them were Sixth graders. There were no win or looses for them. It was all for fun. And there were the older kids. Wining and losing was possible. I sat at the back of the room with my dad waiting to know what order the fight will be. My opponent was my sparring partner. Let's call him Arnold. He approached me and said "Hey, you ready?" "Yeah" I said. "No hard feelings."  Our coach walked into the room and yelled. "Alright, here's how it's gonna go." He listed the fights in order. I was the sixth fight after the first intermission. After that he handed out our tank tops to wear. We either get gold or black tank top. I ended up the gold. Which was okay for me, I wanted the color black more for it can match with my shorts. Few fights have passed and I was up next. I quickly put my cup on in the bathroom, my mouth guard, my hand wraps, and my gloves and walked out of the building and next to the ring to wait till my name was called. The announcer announced my name and I walked into the ring. Excitement rushed through my body when the bell rang. After the fight I was announced the winner. I left shortly after that we went home. I took a look at my tank top and I felt proud of what I accomplished that day. I have my tank top in my drawer. I don't wear it because it's too special. When ever I take a look at my golden tank top, I will always remember I won my first fight.

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