Why Chinese Soccer Failed Again | Teen Ink

Why Chinese Soccer Failed Again

October 29, 2016
By Anonymous

Recently, Chinese soccer failed again in the World Cup Qualifer in Asia. As a Chinese worried about it, I will talk about something from my experience in high school.

I spent my junior and senior high school in China and now have moved to United State of America. I am interested in soccer and play in my school team when I was in China. I am going to talk about my experience in my school team.

In the earlier years, mosr Chinese school didn't care about soccer team just because most don't even have a regular soccer field. That was most hard time. We collected all our funds from team members and paid fields outside school. Even though, we took part in several Teen's tournament in Beijing. Most other teams was in the same condition like us. It was too unformal to help growing new stars for Chinese soccer. So no wonder Gao Hongbo didn't have enough powerful players on his list. 

But at that time I was just entertaining from playing soccer. However, I went to Austria for 2 weeks in an exchanging programme. I still can recall their school and schedule. Students have more sports classes than Chinese, and school offers devices and fields for most common sports. After looking at how they are playing soccer like a teen's club, I suddenly found the different and distance between Chinese soccer and European for Teens. 

So I will never complain about the coach of Chinese soccer, but the whole system instead. Chinese soccer has long time been a joke in the Internet, and still, it needs more developement from teens. 

By the way, a very important factor that influences Chinese teens' soccer is that most girls like boys playing basketball, so many boys go to play basketball!!!!!!!

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