Hockey Games | Teen Ink

Hockey Games

April 1, 2016
By keagan1234 BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
keagan1234 BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Home games bring out a whole new feeling , different than away games as we are on our own turf.  We have spectators, and fans that are at the game to watch and cheer  for us specifically.  The pre-game is the beginning of when the nervousness begins because you realize that the game is looming on the the very close horizon.  The pressure is on as we want to have a win for the fans, a good game for ourselves, and the coaching staff.


The team as a whole is serious during games.  We all come together to make a strong core that supports one another regardless of the score.  Some players do not dress for games, some dress but do not play, and others play during the entire game.  No matter what position we are in during these moments we all encourage each other and hope to get the win.   Some players take it very hard when we lose, and often need to take time to themselves.  Others let it go after the game because in reality it is just that, a game.  We tend to get on each others nerves occasionally, but in the end how we play as a team demonstrates our true respect for one another, and the game we all love.

Practicing everyday can be frustrating especially when we do the same drills again and again. Eventually it is almost as though your body is taking over because you know exactly how the drill will be played out.  If the drill is not played out how our coach would like it then we will end up doing monsters or push ups.  Our breakout drill is the one concept that is the core behind everything we need to do in a game.  During practice we often do this and other drills based off of this concept.  If done correctly during our game we will have the overall advantage. When Sarah has the puck and skates out of our zone flying down the ice with a fierce passion, that changes the entire feeling of a game for us.

Game day, the pressure is on for us to get the win.  You can feel the determination and passion oozing out of us as we pour into the locker room to prepare for our off ice warm-up.  Everyone seems to tense up as our captains Sarah, Hannah, and Emma tell us to get pumped as we begin pulling on gloves and getting ready to go outside.  As we begin  jogging out into the crisp air and light snow fall you can feel the attitude of the entire team begin to shift into “game mode”.  We are quiet except for Emma saying “switch” every few minutes as we begin our jumping jacks.  We all laugh because it is the only way we are able to stop  this feeling of stress. This moment is exciting as we  finally finish and go back inside to officially begin to dress and talk about the game itself.

Inside the locker room we all begin to prepare our equipment, sticks are being taped,  jerseys being put on, skates being laced.  New players ( Asia, Jenna, and Hannah B) are running in and out of the locker room helping with little things such as filling water bottles  for those of us who are dressing.  “Let’s get pumped guys” can be  heard coming through the walls in the locker room.  Coach finally comes in to talk about how she would like to see the game play out.  We are reminded “two hands on our sticks, play the body not the puck, and always play with passion”.  We all say out loud our individual goal for this game, along with one we hope to accomplish with our team.  Next is our team chant, it is now time to take the ice. 

I step out onto the ice, take my first glide and settle in for the warm up.  I hear the skates as they break in the newly cleaned ice, I smell the crisp air and it takes my breath away. I am feeling the adrenaline pump through all of us as we mentally prepare for the drop of the first puck.  Jamie can be heard saying “ We got this guys! This is our game girls, our game!”   As this is being said I recall in the back of my mind the last game against Burr and Burton.  The rival school we had played at the beginning of our season, losing eight to four.  I am feeling a strong desire to win, not just for myself but for the team and our home spectators.

First period Axis has scored after making many good plays to our other players in center Jamie, and Emma.  Now that we have this goal it is an amazing feeling to know that we have the advantage.  Burr and Burton now gets one by me.  “shake it off” can be heard calling to me by my coach. The goal had been a good shot taken by the other team’s defense man.  Second period, new ice and fresh from the ten minute break and coaches evaluation, we are advised that we are doing great and to continue playing strong.  “ Don’t take them lightly now girls, you’ve got this” coach says to us on our way out.  The play is in my zone for much of the second period, I am holding them off with a vengeance.  Pucks can be heard hitting the boards left and right as Sarah and Hannah, my defense men, continously try to break the puck out of our zone.  I am covering pucks left and right, the crowd is going wild.
The hammering of the feet against the boards is encouraging me to stay focused and strong.  I need to be as strong as possible and not let my team down.  My teammates come up to me Emma telling me to stay strong, and no matter what the scoreboard says the game is still, zero to zero.  Others come up to me and whack me in the head or pads saying “good job buddy, you got this!”  I let another  puck in, this one also a good goal by the other team.  Axis now angry skates the puck up and passes to Jamie who scores another goal.  The score is now two to two by the second period, it has come to an end.  Were back in the locker room for another ten minute break.  Our coach is very proud of us and how we are playing and mentions my goaltending.  Coach continues to point out small changes we could make that will improve our play and keep us focused.  “ Keep up the good work goalie” she adds as we head out of the locker room for the final period.

Both teams fiercely want the win, We are all playing aggressively towards the puck.  Many penalties are being called on both our team and the opposing.  Players are skating back and forth, from one end of the ice to the other.  Although to no avail there's no goal in the third period.  This leads to a five minute overtime.  We gather at the bench to listen as coach explains to us how we have a five minute period of time to score another goal with our powerplay line.  This line consisting of some of our stronger players.  She puts in the green line ( our two wings and center) so that we can still go for the win, but give everyone a break.

The moment is finally here.  We have tied the game!  This is a success, as our first game playing Burr and Burton was a loss.  We have improved greatly since the first game.  We have proven to ourselves that we can skate with a higher level team and hold our own.  It is not the win, but to us it is better than a win.  We have proven to ourselves that we are a tough team to beat and can play with passion.  We were challenged and met that challenge head on giving one hundred percent and not giving up.  As a team this experience brought us closer together and helped us to trust each other’s abilities and accept our efforts proudly.  Our coach  took us all out to celebrate our personal victories as well our teams accomplishments of development and stamina.  The moment for me was a wonderful feeling to have everyone proudly hugging me and making me feel that I am a very important member of this team.  It was made clear to me that I kept us in the game and held off Burr and Burton successfully.

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