Basketball | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By 2372Dl BRONZE, Foco, Colorado
2372Dl BRONZE, Foco, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Basketball is my favorite sport, I love to be active and run around. It helps me express myself and release energy. I love the way I can use all my energy to run up in down the court. Basketball to me help me relief stress and feel good at the end of the day. I know my day I achieved by my body being tired and weak. Sweat dripping muscle aching, and fatigue is a sign of hard work.

The way I can express myself while playing is being hard headed and competitive. Being competitive to me is the confidence builder for the sport. Also, when being competitive makes the sport fun and hard. Without a competition the game isn’t as fun. I love being cocky when we are winning and I make a play. As a point guard I can control the offense, which make me feel like I’m a king. Although, being gin le the in the game can let you play and have fun. Mess around with the plays and players. My attitude changes when my team is winning, I’m happy and clam. When my team is losing I’m hard headed and get mad real easy. The greatest feeling to me is losing and making a comeback, and winning the game. Great confidence booster.

Basketball is my passon.

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