Concussions in the NFL | Teen Ink

Concussions in the NFL

December 7, 2015
By Rohan.Chinalachaiagari BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Rohan.Chinalachaiagari BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
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In the year of 2014, there were a total 202 concussions that came from the preseason games, practices, and regular-season games combined. This is about one eight of the NFL’s players. The NFL causes many injuries to the players. The NFL also wastes a lot of time to the people who are watching the game. The NFL should be banned.
When playing in the NFL, many players and referees will get many fatal injuries. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the degenerative disease of the brain and is associated with repeated head traumas such as concussions and comas. The disease can lead to depression, aggression, and disorientation. CTE has led to many severe cases such as suicide and murder. On December 1st of 2012, former Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and as a result committed suicide as well. Two years later in September, Dr. Piotr Kozlowski releases a report on former NFL linebacker Jovan Belcher, stating that he likely had CTE when he killed his girlfriend and himself in 2012. CTE will have a negative effect on the human brain leading to poor decisions. Concussions are also very bad because they can give the players symptoms of imbalance, headache, confusion, memory loss, loss of consciousness, vision change, hearing change, mood change, fatigue, and malaise. While injuries are ruining the NFL players’ lives, they are also going to waste spectators’ time. 

Watching football wastes too much time. In one season of football, there is 256 games. Each game may take about two hours for each. This about 21 days’ worth of football. This is too much time wasted. Families could go out shopping and spend time together instead of watching football and going into herd mentality for little things. Another problem is too much food is consumed watching football. This is bad enough since America already is leading in obesity in which this country does not need anymore. Eight million pounds of guacamole is consumed during the Super Bowl which also includes 14,500 tons of chips. This is too much. People need to understand that they can live without this sport.

Football should be banned because of its dangers. Playing the dangerous sports can lead to fatal injuries. When watching football, people waste time and do not do things they could have done. Football should be banned and any practice of the game should lead to fines.

The author's comments:

I hope people understand that football is a greatly loved sport, but there are many dangers from football which includes mental and physical negatives.

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