Golfing | Teen Ink


October 7, 2015
By Anonymous

Once said by Arnold Palmer, “Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening - and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.” Golf is a sport that people either really like or they do not like it. Recently, there are more and more people who start the sport. I really enjoy golf. This is because I am an independent person, so I would rather do things by myself, than with others. In golf my score only reflected on me and not on the rest of the team, so it really did not matter how well I did or did not do. Golf has taught me that I can do things by myself and to not be afraid of messing up. As one can see, golf has shaped me as the person I wanted to become.

School. The long hallways, multiple classrooms, the teachers, and all of the students. A place where I get A’s, but sometimes do not do so well. In school I have good days, but along with the good days come the bad days. School has many classes where I learn, study, and take tests. I really do not mind school, it is the place where I met most of my friends and learn how to work as a team. However, sometimes I have to do things independently or all by myself. As one can see, school is a place where I can learn and the results will show on a test.

Similar to school is the sport golf. Golf is played in the best field ever. The grass is bright green; the sun is bright. The sparkly sliver clubs and the white golf balls soaring through the air like birds through the sky. In golf I have learned that there are days that I do great, while there are days I do not do so well. The quote “Practice makes perfect” means something in golf, like in school when I am preparing to take a test then I study and do decent on the tests. It is the same in golf where if I practice often, then it will show in games. Also, in golf I can be independent, but I also have to work with a team. My score only reflects on me and only me. It is nice. I really enjoy golf like school because it is the same concept, but it is something completely different.

At first, I was contemplating whether or not to go out for golf. I talked to Mrs.Huling and my mom. They both told me, “The team needs you. It does not matter how you do because it only reflects back on you.” Mrs. Huling talked to me for a while and told me the positive sides of participating in golf. Of course, one of them was telling me that I will get out of school for a whole day just to go and play golf. I did not like that idea a whole lot, I did not want to miss anything or to begin to struggle in classes. Also, she told me that no matter what my score was, it was only my score, and it did not reflect on how anyone else did. Next, I went and talked to my mom about it. She told me that I should go out for it and try something new, even though I really did not want to.

I finally reached a conclusion and decided that it would not be a terrible idea to play golf. I went out for the sport and really enjoyed it. Every day after school, I would go to the course and practice with my team. The team was the best part. I got to make new friends and they helped me when I was struggling. We also had a meet every so often. The meets were a place where how reasonable I did reflected on how much I did in practice and what I need to work on, to prepare for the next meet.

Participating and going to the golf meets was pleasant. I got to show my hard work pay off. My goal while playing 9 holes was to get a 60 or less. I was not able to achieve that goal, but I tried my hardest to succeed at it. After each meet, we would come up with our final score and see how we are able to better ourselves each time. I had multiple chances where I was able to improve myself. My scores were not always the best, but I kept working harder and harder to improve my score. It was difficult. That was not easy because each time I played my scores were accurate to the time before.

The people that shaped me to the best that I could be in golf were my team and my coaches. They would push me to try to make me better and better. I also helped out when they were struggling. We would give each other positive feedback, or we would just laugh and have a fun time. My coaches were positive influences; they would take their time with us. They would demonstrate how to do something if we were confused or during a meet they would give us positive feedback on how we were doing. My teammates and my coaches shaped me on my improvements in golf.

Golf has shaped the way my attitude is and the way I act. First, it shaped my attitude because in golf there can be stressful moments and there can be positive moments. In life I get stressed out often, this is because if I do not do something to the best that I can do it, then I get irritated. It has also made my attitude more positive. This is because in golf I would have to have a positive attitude if I wanted to do well at something, so in life in order to succeed I need to have a positive attitude. Golf has also shaped the way I act. It has shown me that I am able to work as a team, but I can also do things independently.  It has shown me to work as a team, but when I am on a team I have to try my hardest, so that the whole team can succeed. Also, it has shown me that I can work as an independent person because I am able to complete something all by myself and to be able to complete to the best that I can. Golf showed me that I can work hard for something that I really enjoy and it will pay off. Golf has shaped me to the person that I want to be.

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