Olympics 2014 | Teen Ink

Olympics 2014

February 23, 2014
By thor1 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
thor1 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since the winter Olympics are on, why not write about something that all of us can relate to. Like Shaun White getting fourth in half pipe. Plus there are two teen skaters on the ice representing Russia and America in ice skating.

My favorite sports to watch during the Olympics in the winter are the new slope style, downhill skiing, the sliding sports like skeleton and bobsled, and slalom. For the summer Olympics I like the bike races, the track and field, rowing, kayaking, and wrestling. It flusters me why they would want to get rid of wrestling when it was one of the original disciplines when the ancient Greeks started it why not get rid of table tennis. Of which two sports would you prefer to have in the Olympics, a competitive game of ping pong or a test of strength and skill in an intricate brawl of complex positions to witness who is the greatest wrestler? It makes it easier to make something sound one sided when it is.

One of my newer favorites is ski and snowboard cross. Those races are intense. It's not really who goes fastest it's who doesn't fall violently on a jump or when they run each other over. I saw one crash where the guy just jumped to far and went all the way over the slope and onto the flat stretch in front of the finish line and crumpled to the ground like a tin can but slid into third to qualify.

Slope style is just cool to watch all the flips and crazy stuff they do while the commentators rattle off different stunts and what the judges like to see. There is was a Swedish skier in slope style that had his pants down to his knees, dreadlocks that couldn’t quite reach his dangling pants, and a coat that made him look like an umpalumpa.

In skeleton my sister commented on how one of the American competitors had a bald eagle on her helmet that was painted on by her wood working teacher’s granddaughter’s teacher. Kind of a long chain but I thought that was cool all the same.

In the downhill skiing those guys are going so fast down the hill it doesn’t seem like they are going too far but when I saw the map it was like all the way down this huge mountain. Not that I thought they weren’t already but I kind of realized that these guys are really moving quick. Their coaches were in the trees on stands so they could see their racers and they had walkie-talkies and different outposts so they could see a good portion of the fun and comment and give feedback to their competitor.

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