Love of Soccer | Teen Ink

Love of Soccer

November 4, 2013
By mollyjb22 SILVER, Boulder, Colorado
mollyjb22 SILVER, Boulder, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After the whistle blows,. my mind is focused on the game. On the field I can feel my body tensing, ready for the game to start. My whole body is alert and ready to run hard for an hour and a half. Soccer is a sport that I have always enjoyed playing. I love how exhilarated I feel when I play a game. All week, my team and I work hard to improve ourselves for a weekend filled with games. Come game time I am ready to play. This feeling of excitement and passion is something that only soccer can bring to my body.

The author's comments:
I'v been playing soccer since I was 6 years old and it is such an important part of m life

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