Arrowhead Runs the Table | Teen Ink

Arrowhead Runs the Table

May 20, 2013
By Donovan24 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Donovan24 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On Saturday October 20th 2012, a crucial, intense, and important event took place at Arrowhead High School. The that event was the Boys Cross Country Sectionals. The varsity boys race started at 10:30am, while the girls race was at 11:15.

Arrowhead won the sectional with 42 points and in second place West Bend West with 58 points. Arrowhead runner Jake Dubnicka finished second overall with a time of 15:50.
Dubnicka says, “It feels nice finishing first for Arrowhead, our team got the job done today, now we just got to focus for state.”

Senior Will Conley was the next Arrowhead runner to cross the finish line in seventh place with a time of 16:24. Conley was has been battling injuries all season long, is finally back in the swing of things and he says, “Finally…I get back from injury to run with my team; it feels good to be back.”

Senior runner Ben Bierman finished just behind Conley in the Sectional final as Bierman finished ninth overall with a time of 16:26. Bierman who has been a top runner for Arrowhead all season struggled in the Sectional, but still got the job done.
Bierman says, “I didn’t have my best race, but a top 10 finish isn’t bad either, I have to have a good week of practice to get ready for the big race next weekend”.

Sophomore Will Simons, who is just a stud as a sophomore finished fourth overall for Arrowhead and 11th overall in the Sectional with a time of 16:34. Simons has lots of potential for the years to come, and already has boosted the Arrowhead Cross Country program.
Simons says, “I could have done better, but now our team and I especially have to focus on state next weekend.”

Arrowhead’s next runner to cross the finish was Josh Bodnar. Bodnar finished 13th overall with a time of 16:35. Bodnar has been a consistent runner all season long for the Warhawks, and continued that in the Sectional. The next two runners to finish for Arrowhead were Steve Kelly with a time of 16:50 finishing 20th overall and Dillon Reynolds finished with a time of 17:01 and placed 27th.

Arrowhead will be competing in state this weekend up in Madison, Wisconsin. The top seven runners will be competing, with Tim Goggins, Ty Bell, and Drew Renner as alternates. Arrowhead has won back to back state meets and hopes to make it three in a row.

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