Goals | Teen Ink


May 21, 2013
By katelynduranso SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
katelynduranso SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Olympics is something almost all swimmer dream of from the day they start. Beginning and eight-year-old kid and watching the “big kids” swim, I grew up wanting to be just like that girl I saw win. When I was about ten-years-old, I watched Olympians swim at my meet. Throughout the whole meet, I watched them race,win, and celebrate and I wanted to be just like them when I go older. I heard them talking about college swimming and how it was the best experience aside from the olympics. This made me realize how important college swimming is for me.

Freshman year is the year high school swimming begins. Going into it, I felt nervous, but knew I was one step closer to my goal. Both freshman and sophomore year flew by. Once my junior year hit, it was time for colleges to start contacting me. Every day I would think, “I wonder if I will get any calls today?” I knew it would not be easy to get a D1 college offer,let alone multiple offers, but I did.

Finally, it was decision time. I took my first recruit trip and it turns out, my first trip ended up being my last. It was perfect and everything about it I loved. The coaches were determined and I, as well, was very determined. Florida International University offers everything I want to continue my swimming journey. Now my next step is the Olympic trials, and then the olympics, something almost all swimmer dream of from the day they start.

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