Unbreakable | Teen Ink


March 8, 2013
By Peter34pond BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
Peter34pond BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I swung my racket on to the ground, the second it touched the ground I heard a tremendous, “CRACK!” That sound didn’t make me feel so excited, not as excited as smelling a whole pot of rotten eggs. When I looked at my racket there was a huge crack going through the frame of my racket.

I knew that I just have made a horrible mistake. My dad was furious and looked like a still tree being ready to get cut down, when he saw that racket. I started playing after that and everytime I swung there was this breaking sound every time. After my dad sorted everything out he made me write the phrase, “I will never break my tennis racket ever again.” 100 times. The paper was excited too feel that somebody is writing on him now. I was not excited to do anything else after that punishment. After that big punishment, I bought a new racket and I promised myself that I will never break my racket again or I shall pay the consequence if I break that promise again.

Now I have started playing tennis with my dad again and I always have fun because I never get frustrated anymore.“Bang,whap,swing!” I’d just hit the straight ace across the court to win the match. That was my first win of the match and I was filled with pure energy to play more tennis.

The author's comments:
Tennis was always one of my favorite sports and my dad lead me the way to victory in tennis. Sometimes I would get furious and hit myself, but today I take tennis seriously and I p;ay for fun and I always beat my father.

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