Life of the Rock | Teen Ink

Life of the Rock

March 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Have you ever felt like a certain something changed your life? Well I have, and it was basketball. Basketball changed my life mentally, physically, and emotionally. I am totally dedicated to this sport and I’ll do whatever it takes to succeed. Success for me is not only a goal; it’s a journey.

Basketball changed my life mentally on the court significantly. On the court, my mind is on nothing but a win. I’ll do whatever it takes to get a win in a crunch time situation. Even if it means sitting o the bench or even playing the whole game. No one likes to lose so my only other option is to win. When I’m out on the court; my mind is mentally prepared for every situation.

Basketball changed my life physically also. My dad constantly told me that I needed to be in the weight room and as a typical kid; I ignored him. Eventually I listened to him and I got in there. Working out in the weight room helps you take physical contact on the court such as falls, fouls, etc. I think that the main reason why he wanted me in there so bad is so I wouldn’t get hurt.

Emotionally, basketball has been a huge factor in my life. I have been through everything there is to get to where I am now. I have succeeded so far, but I need to succeed a little more. My journey to greatness is just beginning. I’ve cried so many times, my dad has given up on me so many times, but now I’m better; there’s no worries.

Basketball has changed my life in many ways such as mentally, physically, and emotionally. I still have the drive and I’m going to keep it. This is the life of the rock.

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