LEARN | Teen Ink


December 26, 2012
By aepets GOLD, Rochester, New York
aepets GOLD, Rochester, New York
13 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
The lion fell in love with a lamb

Sports, everybody likes to play sports or watch it. I play soccer, basketball and lacrosse. Well in my school district they have this new concussion thing. One time I got hit in the head and I was fine and just wanted some ice. So I ask the nurse for some ice and she told me to come back in a hour, so she could check my head. So a hour later I come back and I had a headache. Okay no dah I would have a headache after I got hit in the head with an elbow. So she told me I had to come back an hour later and I did and I still had a headache. She told me I couldn’t play in my basketball game just cause I had a little headache and guess what the doctor said they didn’t want to see me so what’s the point. I want to say that kids who do get hit in the head won’t go to the nurse because they want to play in their game but kids who don’t want to play in gym might go to the nurse saying that their head hurts. It is not a win for anybody right? First of all kids know that they can’t play if their head hurts and they could have a concussion but then kids who don’t want to play can get out of gym. See it is not fair in any way. The rule should be this you need to be honest but you to understand that it is for your own good. I saw wrong. You can’t keep kids out of sports if they have a headache of course they will they just got hit in the head. It is simple logic. If you get in the head you get ice and then if you don’t feel like yourself you don’t play but if you feel fine and you have a small headache you should be fine is what I think.

The author's comments:
You need to listen but people need to listen to you


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