HUNTER | Teen Ink


April 27, 2010
By TTGxVOLTAGEx BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
TTGxVOLTAGEx BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I climb up the tree stand at 6:00 am in the morning. I see things because my mind plays tricks on me and because it is so dark outside. I had to call the deer in and I heard something walking from the left side of the deer stand and this big 24 point buck walked out and I shot that deer and it just dropped In front of the tree stand. So after 45 minutes up in the deer stand I got down and got my ranger and came and picked up the deer. And when I got back home and I showed my dad the deer and he got so happy. So then I went back out the next morning and I did not get anything so I had to go back to school the next day. So after that day of school my dad picked me up from school and he took me to get my deer head mounted and hung it up in my room. I was telling everyone at school that I got a 24 point buck and it weighed 450 pounds and all of the kids were like where did you go hunting at. And then the next weekend I went turkey hunting and got the biggest turkey of my life it had a 19 inch beard and its wings from side to side were 5 feet wide. So when I went back to school again and I told all of the kids that I got the biggest turkey of my life and they asked me where I went hunting again. That is when school ended and now my story is going to end to.

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