Team Unity | Teen Ink

Team Unity

May 26, 2009
By Katie Wipijewski SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Katie Wipijewski SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Surgery scares like a fried dried worm are plastered to her flat feet. With a side limp that challenges her every step, patience is her game. Unable to attain MeChelle Lewis speeds she benefits our team’s vision of the field. Flip-flop the scenario and there is a slender figure weaving in and out of sticky situations. Her supersonic strides create a whirling dervish that brews havoc for the opposing team. Master of the studder- step. Pro of the fake out. Guru of the backdoor trick. Footwork that laughs when you trip over your own feet. Attempt to play defense and her steps will leave the thought of, “What just happened?” A short shrimp sprints in the direction of the ground ball. Miniature legs don’t require her to bend. Each game she beats the girl that stuffed her in the face with a basketball, and takes the won ball up the field toward the goal.
Each stride is different from the last, but in combination they create a winning team

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on Jun. 14 2009 at 5:44 pm
elarebadaxe SILVER, Portage, Michigan
7 articles 1 photo 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
OCCUPY MORDOR: because one ring shouldn't be allowed to rule them all.

Very good. Extremely discriptive, and you got your point out well.:)