My Championship Race | Teen Ink

My Championship Race

September 28, 2018
By Anonymous

I walked on to the old maroon track, a foreign one at that. It’s the championship invitational for varsity Southern California track athletes. You have to make a certain time to be here, and I had made it. As a freshman I was terrified, not knowing what to expect. I was running against some of the best hurdlers in California. Well, to my relief, at least I was only going against freshman and sophomores. With this thought I was able to calm down. My race was starting soon; I had to go over to the event booth and get my sticker. Upon arrival they asked for my name and event, “Sorry, your name is not on the frosh list”. What?! How could this be, my coach told me that it had made the list. Maybe, no it can’t be I thought to myself. “Wait, can you look on the junior and senior race.” I said with a trembling voice. “Oh, here it is, sorry about that. Good luck on your race.” I grabbed my sticker and walked away from the tent, more anxious then I was when I was approaching it. I now have to race with the best varsity hurdlers in southern California. I look for my coach, not knowing what to do. When I find him at the bleachers I become unnerved, realizing the severity as I speak more and more, “Coach, I - I’ve been put into the varsity race.” My coach looked surprised, “Wow lucky you, congratulations.” I was confused, “What? How is this a good thing.” “Rosie, no freshmen get to run with the seniors, they’ve made a mistake, but it’s a very unique and lucky opportunity for you.” “Yeah I guess you’re right. Thanks coach.” After our conversation, I was a lot less nervous, and as my race was starting soon, I began warming up, preparing myself for the race. “Girls varsity hurdles, please come to the starting line”. Alright, this is it, this is the time to prove that I’m just as good as the juniors and seniors. I Iine up with my heat, which is heat three, and I mentally prepare myself. Like every race, I keep my mind on the hurdles and going fast. That's all I think about, l breathe in and out once very slowly. I’m in my blocks, nothing can distract me. I wait to hear the gun go off, and BOOM I'm sprinting counting my steps as I go over each hurdle, I’m fast ,this is the fastest I’ve ever gone before, I almost feel like I’m going to fall, and then it’s over. I cross the finish line with the title of third place in my heat, and a personal record. All the training I’ve done has led up to this moment, I feel accomplished. Even though I didn’t place, I won in my book.

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