To My Best Friend | Teen Ink

To My Best Friend

June 13, 2018
By Berrypies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
Berrypies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To my best friend,

Why are you still here? Why are you still at this shitty school where teachers take months and months to grade essays when you full well have the brains to transfer to some genius school. Why are you still being held back by people like me? Why are you not at some institute for the gifted? You know that you could be. Stop holding yourself back.

Why are you still my friend? I'm doing nothing but holding you back from your full potential. Don't you see here that my feelings don't matter? You could be friends with the geniuses. You could be discussing world politics at the lunch table, instead of pretending to laugh at every dumb joke I make and helping me stumble through quadratics. Stop being friends with me. You deserve so much better.

Why don't you see how good you are? You act like you're mediocre, like you're just one of us. You act like you don't ace every test and get every award and aren't every teacher's favorite student. I want to shove a mirror at you and then shake you until you realize how amazing you are. Stop pretending to be bad to save my feelings. I'm the mediocre one here. I've already come to terms with that.

Thank you, I guess. Thank you for wasting your time helping me with my schoolwork. Thank you for being my debate partner even though you score ten times as high as me. Thank you for sticking by my side as I second-guess my way through high school. Thank you for clutching my hand and telling me that I'll win the award, even though we both know that it's going to be you winning. It's always been you winning.

Please move on. Move on from this stupid friendship where you're constantly trying to pull me up and I'm constantly dragging you down. You can do so, so much better than a stupid girl like me.

I love you.

Sincerely yours,


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