Number 302 | Teen Ink

Number 302

May 28, 2018
By Anonymous

I was just a kid, but I did something you can never do. That was an accomplishment you will never know the feeling of. You told me was too slow, you told me I was too weak, but I did something you don’t have the guts to do. It was the proudest day in my life. I couldn’t stop smiling when I crossed that black mat. I walked over to the woman standing with a box of medals. It didn’t matter what the medal said. It didn’t matter that it just said “Participant.” All that mattered is that I got something you will never get. I proved you wrong. I proved everyone wrong. My wet feet sunk into the cold, wet sand as I watched people cross the mat. I looked over at the clock each time and after a few minutes, I walked on the rocky streets to the food stand. I grabbed a bagel and walked over to the bag station and looked around looking for my number. 302. I picked it up and walked over to the table with all my teammates. We waited around for the last couple of people and began eating. I was small but I did something that you could never do. You told me that I was too weak, you told me that I was too slow. You thought I was incapable of doing this, but I showed you wrong. I proved myself wrong.

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