Can We All Be Trusted? | Teen Ink

Can We All Be Trusted?

May 23, 2018
By Drew.Corbin BRONZE, Greensburg, Kentucky
Drew.Corbin BRONZE, Greensburg, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Can we all be trusted?

Have you ever trusted someone, then they stabbed you in the back after you helped them or told them no? Or have you ever not trust someone then something happens and you trust them from there on out? Well I have been through both of those situations and boy, they’re not fun. When I crashed, had a family member about die, and some other things I went through were not fun. Some people can always be trusted.


One day when I was younger , my cousin was swimming in a pool with his sisters. When the sisters turned around he was on the bottom of the pool drowned. They rushed him to the hospital. My aunt told my mom that he drowned and they rushed him to the hospital, but I stayed with my other cousins, because I was worried for him and I couldn't bear to see him die. I was texting my mom the whole time. Later that day my mom texted me telling me that he would be okay and I was relieved. But she said the first thing that he said was, “Where’s Drew?” and because of that sentence it made me feel like he couldn't  trust me to be there when he needed me.


Another day when I was around 7 or 8 years old, I was biking on our street with my mom. We have never done that before, it was our first time biking on a road other than the park. We live in Green County, so the road we lived on was very hilly and curvy. We rode for about half an hour to a hour. At one point the neighbors dogs chased us. We came around a turn and we could see our house, but it was down a hill. I told my mom, “Im gonna go down that hill really fast and go up to the house!” Our house had a gravel driveway that is mostly blocked by our neighbors wooden fence. My mom said, “Dont pull into the driveway to fast or you'll crash!” I was thinking “nah I'm not going to crash.” So I started to pedal really fast. I was going down the hill and I could feel the wind in my face. I started to lean to the left and turn the handles. I got into the driveway and a single little piece of gravel made me wipe out. I was surrounded by a dust army and I has really bad scrapes. My mom came down the hill and helped me into the house.She helped me clean my scraps and  I learned I could always trust her.


One time I had a scooter wreck when I was around 10 years old. My sister was with me and we were riding near our house on a one lane road that we walked before. I was on my scooter that my cousin gave me. My sister was on a mountain bike. We came up on a steep hill. So I had flip-flops on and my scooter had a foot brake you press with your foot and cause friction to stop the scooter. I started to go down the hill and my scooter vibrated very violently so  I put my foot on the brake and it wasn't doing anything  except burning my foot. Once the brake plan failed (me being me) I thought I could put my foot on the road and it would stop the scooter. I was very very wrong. When I put my foot on the road I did a full front flip and rolled down the road a little bit. When I tried to get up it was hard to get up and my sister wouldn't help me cause she thought I wasn't hurt. I had to walk all the way back home and I was very hurt. Eventually I got to the house, and my mother was mad at my sister. I learned that I could sometimes trust my sister.


Some people may be trusted. Like I said people can be trusted and others cant. It's just how humans work. Like when my cousin about died, when I crashed my bike, and when I crashed my scooter. Im not trusted by some people and I don't trust some people. I believe it's the same for you to. If you don't trust anyone rethink about who your friends are and who you trust. If someone keeps taking your stuff when you give it to them then they most likely can't be trusted. So rethink about who you can trust and not trust and try to give some people a chance.

The author's comments:

We did a personal essay for my ELA class and I chose to publish it here.

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