Dirty | Teen Ink


May 14, 2018
By nxnms BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
nxnms BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a school that says they are so diverse but yet so much tension and hatred.One day people being kind yet the next time discriminate you.For the color of your skin and the parents you have.For the language you speak with you family.For the food you eat,Also the way you act,talk and the different ways of being raised.

The first time I ever felt this was in kindergarten.Me not knowing english and was always quite well there was some kids making fun of it.Speaking gibberish asking me if I understand them.When I was younger I didn't understand now I see that was wrong.

Then again when I was in 8th grade knowing a bit more than then.This was the time elections happen.This boy in math class said
   “Now we can build the wall and get you guys out.”
He said that during the middle of class.He was standing and stating this in class the teacher just made him sit down and stay quite.

The most recent one was a girl in the bus that always acts friendly.She and her friend are talking and she said
   “There’s a lot of dirty beaner in this bus.”
Usually when I hear this word it’s more in a joking matter.But this sounded venomous with the words she said.I then said something bad to changing the beaner to cracker.She turns around saying
   “I heard that you ain’t slick”


My cousin was there and told her we were talking about the cracker in her backpack. I then look at her confused but I turn around.Then our other friend comes into the bus and she tells him what happen.They both start talking and saying they would’ve said something.I just tell them to tell her something they both don’t say anything.I was so baffled at this because they always talk about la raza and how prideful they are of being hispanic. Yet they don’t stand up for themselves and what they believe in rather just staying quiet.

The bus driver also heard this and I if you ever tell me maybe she didn’t she did.She always listens to our conversation always jumping in.I also saw her look up and see what was happening and what was being said.Why didn’t she say anything? Isn’t she the one that should make us feel safe in the bus and get us safely home? Then again sometimes she doesn’t know what she’s doing and doesn’t want to sound mean but still this is something else. There’s also a mini poster saying stop bullying with the bullying hotline.

Maybe one day this hate and discrimination will stop or maybe it won’t. One day we can live in peace without hate. Or this will follow to other generations. Even if it does stop we’ll always find something new to hate and discriminate.

The author's comments:

My inspiration for this is story is when I got discriminated by a girl and realized I've been discriminated most of my life for my skin color.I hope when people read this they learn that they're not alone and many people face this.I hope the people who read this make a change even if it ia little.

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