Neighborhood | Teen Ink


September 19, 2017
By Madelyn_m BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Madelyn_m BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In American society, the perfect neighborhood is one in which a white picket fence stands; tall and proud, an arrangement of floral plants engulf a perfectly square house, and everyone is as joyful as they would be living the American dream. But that is not always the case in our nation of freedom. Some neighborhoods represent a desolate life, very dreary and dull. Other neighborhoods are full of laughter and boisterous commotion. My neighborhood can quite frankly apply to all of those things. With the perfect balance of pro and con, it never ceases to amaze me. The welcoming atmosphere of my neighborhood has opened up my personality, as well as given me a multitude of unforgettable experiences.

My neighborhood has played a significant role in my life ever since I can remember. Three identical buildings , lined in a row, and make up my living complex. They were so identical as if they were triplets.  All colors of an oak tree with slightly darker gutters and perfect symmetrical paneling. They stood tall and strong, almost as if they didn’t mind what people thought of their exceptional smell or identical appearance. Additionally, there are so many people in my neighborhood, so many, in fact, they are stacked on top of one another like blocks. The landscape with grass up to the ankles, dull sidewalks, and a set of inviting windowed doors as an entranceway. The entranceway gave a welcoming appearance to all who come to visit. Being an introvert by nature, this atmosphere slowly but surely changed my personality, making me encounter many faces in one day helped me to come out of my shell. Believe it or not, some people in this neighborhood struck my curiosity right away.

In every neighborhood there are quiet and extroverted individuals. Beyond the walls of my room, and up a flight of stairs, was the room of an old Woman. This old woman was a wild free spirit who uttered a greeting to everyone in sight. Furthermore, her spirit; fiery and passionate, made conversations with her amusing. When I went to give her the mail for the day, a whiff of peppermint slapped me in the face as I opened the door to her square living room. As me and this old woman grew closer I realized that she was the most genuine person a neighborhood could have. Talking of life advice,complementing the good and addressing the bad, spending the mornings with her wasn’t half bad. We made homemade cards and talked about our past. It made me realize how much this person in my neighborhood helped me to become more open in conversation as well as in life. When we were done with our morning past-times, a fluorescent colored cuckoo clock on her mantle squawked and out the door I was. Down the blue-carpeted stairs only to return again the next morning to the peppermint smelling room.

Along with the tremendous amount of inviting people the actual land was very peculiar. My neighborhood has two lives, one with much noise and commotion. The other is quiet and permeated with nature’s fresh air. One side of my oak colored building is a busy road. With lights flashing, cars honking, and the industrial feel of commerce, where my mom drives her little white car heading off to work everyday. Notably, the other side of my oak colored building is quiet, serene, and filled with animal and plant life. I love the beauty of nature so as one might guess I am fond of this particular side of the building. As one steps off of the well-groomed sidewalk, birds start chirping, the untouched weeds tickle the leg, and one can start to feel their imagination run wild. Walking down a few minutes from the sidewalk is a gully that’s about five feet wide. With insects, frogs, and much wildlife scattered along its edges. Many of the younger kids from the oak buildings would go to the gully to play hide and seek, tag, or just simply hang out and enjoy ourselves. When the sky dimmed and the commotion of the other side started sounding, we knew the fun had to end for the day. Who ever knew, something as little as going to a quiet, calming place would open your heart to experience the most wonderful thoughts and relationships.

Going on many adventures and having fun in a neighborhood is what living is all about. Experiencing life and all of its wonders is what makes it worth it. The stacked people of my neighborhood or the quiet yet commotion-filled land might not be astounding, but it’s made the biggest impact in my life. It has opened my personality and heart to new adventure and exposed me to different ways of life. Seeing the oak tree colored buildings and the smell of peppermint always bring me back to the perfect memories of my life, my neighborhood.

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