Passed | Teen Ink


May 23, 2017
By Anonymous

The sun was shining, the birds were out early like any other day, but something didn’t feel right. I woke up to my two brothers eating eggs and bacon while talking about the baseball game from the night before. My dad was on the couch watching his favorite show called Breaking Bad while being half asleep and my Mom was in the kitchen listening to the radio cooking more for us all. I sat at the table intrigued in my brothers conversation and wanted to join in. My mom brought us more food and my dad came over to join. As a family, eating together was quite rare with busy schedules including work, sports and friends. We discussed our next family vacation to California which was only several weeks away. This was going to be the first family trip we’ve ever had and was going to be an amazing lifetime experience. When we finished eating and talking about our next trip we all went back to doing our own business of relaxing. Then, a little over an hour after breakfast, our house phone rang. My mom answered the phone thinking it was a sales call or an advertisement but turned out to be her brother. After being on the phone with our uncle for thirty minutes my mom came down from upstairs with tears in her eyes. We asked her what’s going on but she couldn’t talk. My brothers and I were confused and looked at my dad for an explanation but got a blank face in return. My dad told my brothers and I to go to the basement so he and my mom can have a private conversation. What it was about was confusing us. My brothers and I sat in the basement questioning what happened to my mom that made her cry more than we’ve ever seen. After thirty minutes of having all type of suspicions, my dad came downstairs with an expression that looked darker than the night sky, a look that wants you to turn away and run, a look that none of us wanted to see. My dad said with a soft voice that our grandpa had just died due to a heart attack. There was a silence that seemed like an eternity, no one having a single word to say, just in a mental stage of being shocked. Grandpa Petrow was with us all throughout our childhood, leading an example for us of how to be a better person and how to live life. Living with our Grandpa for most of our early lives made the news seem fake and just all a dream, none of us wanted to believe the news was true. We all walked upstairs to check in on our mom who still had tears in her eyes not wanting to believe the truth. We all sat at the dinner table comforting one another trying to keep everyones hopes up. The news for all of us was unexpected and random making it even worse. When dinner came around we ordered chinese food, our family's favorite dish, but none of us were in the mood to eat. There was minimal conversation at the dinner table, each of us remembering the times we had with our Grandpa and how much of an impact he had on all of our lives. The next day was the exact same as the day before, not wanting to believe the news that seemed so fake and unreal. Attending school that day made it easier seeing all your friends and being comforted by them. If my friends weren’t there for me, the situation I was in wouldn’t be bearable. Having friends that are always there for you makes life much simpler and easy. That day alone, I learned from my friends that you can’t think about the memories you had with the person you lost but instead remember the good times and happy moments in your life where that person was apart of it. If you look at it as something you can never get over or something you won’t be able to forget, then you won’t be happy in life and miss out on the good times. My grandpa always said, “live life to the fullest, and be happy with the ones you love”. With the death of my grandpa came a lot of sobbing and grieving, but also came with brining my family and friends closer together. If you don’t surround yourself with the people you love and cherish, then life gets harder as time goes on. Getting over obstacles can’t be done by yourself making life more complicated, and you start to realize you can’t take the little things for granted.

The author's comments:

about my family and a harsh experience we all went through

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