Lucky and Libby | Teen Ink

Lucky and Libby

January 30, 2017
By Anonymous

The favorite part of my life began when I was 17 years old.  I guess I should explain myself.  I am a nineteen year old miniature horse.  17 years ago I was promptly bitten by a Copperhead snake.  My owner at the time was not planning to do anything for me.  If I lived that was fine by him and if I died that was OK also.  Luckily for me an angel of mercy just happened to be in the area.  She saw how sick I was and asked if she could have me.  She nursed me back to health with the help of a veterinarian.  She traveled down on the 4th of July.  I grew up normally with no problems although I would always have a deep scare on my neck under my mane.  I had a good life with my angel.  Although sometimes I tend to be a lot of work.

I am about 37 inches tall, bay in color with a few white spots and I am also ridiculously smart.  I tend to get bored easily because of it and can get into trouble.  My angel called me Houdini because I can escape from practically anywhere.  I tend to always have my nose where it shouldn't be and sometimes cause problems.

I lived happily with my angel for 17 years within a herd of 8 horses.  My angel was a riding instructor and she teaches a lot of little kids.  One little girl name Libby fell in love with horses practically from birth.  She wore "horse clothes everyday", her bedroom is horses, her toys are horses and all she ever asked for from Santa was a horse.

One year when this girl Libby was 8 years old her family decided she was old enough to take care of a horse.  They were looking for a miniature horse big enough for her to ride while she was small enough.  Her mom asked my angel or Libby's riding instructor if she knew of any available horses.  I was brought up.  My angel would have never given me up but she knew how much this girl loved horses and that they would take care of me.  It was decided I would go to live with Libby.  "The Surprise" was planned with great care.  Everyone knew this would be the best gift Libby had ever received (in her opinion). 

My angel loaded me in the trailer that took me to my new home.  They unloaded me and placed me in a large stall.  All the doors and windows in the barn were shut.  Libby's family told her that they needed to search outside and in the barn for a cat they were missing.  Libby opened the barn door and her friends + family yelled surprise.  It took her a few minutes to realize that there was a horse in the stall.  I have never seen such a smile on anyone's face before.  That girl acted like it couldn't be more perfect.  I felt loved right away.  She spent the whole day floating on a cloud.  She never stopped smiling.  She still says that was the best day of her life and it was the best day of mine too. 

From that day me and Libby would grow together for better and worse.  She would love me forever and she still continues to tell me that she wouldn't be the same without me.  I am sure of it too.  Me and her would go through many adventures throughout the years together and we still continue to this day.

A part of Libby changed the day she received me, and I changed too.  The way we felt for each other could not be broken.  We loved each other unconditionally and still feel the same way about each other.  Even though my life started off hard and rough I would go through it again to be right where I am today, with my other half.   

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