No Service | Teen Ink

No Service

January 20, 2017
By joeysica BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
joeysica BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Visiting America’s land of the potatoes.  It was nearing the end of my trip in Idaho to visit family and see my cousin get married.  Being at the wedding was a wonderful experience but being with family and doing the activities that I did was the best of all.  Comparing life here to back home at New Jersey is significantly different. One of the main reasons why is because of the type of service given here.  Since my Aunt lives in a valley cell phone service is hard to get by where at home I can get it anywhere.  The Wi-Fi was also bad with the provider they had.  But without good Wi-Fi/service I learned what life is like in another style.  I got to do different activities that what I would normally do.  I drove an ATV, shot some guns, and got to play some good old-fashioned card games.  I also met my uncle who lived there for the second or third time since he doesn’t like traveling on planes. 

A day or two before the wedding my cousins asked my brother and I if we wanted to go to where they are staying and shoot some guns with them.  Both of us have never shot a gun before and we both really wanted to.  On the way to the house they were staying at we went to the store to get ammo, targets, and some snacks to eat. 


When we first got to the house we put everything away and then checked out the guns we were going to shoot.  Looking at the guns was kind of crazy knowing the power they have.  When we got to pick them up (they weren’t loaded) they were a lot heavier than I thought a gun would be.  After everything was loaded we went to the back and started to shoot some empty beer cans that they drank from the night before.  Before it was my turn to shoot my cousin went over what we needed to know before shooting it.  When it was my turn to shoot the gun it was a completely new feeling for me.  With it being my first shot every of course I missed the can I was aiming at but the recoil was a lot more than I thought it would be like.  We then shot my cousins M16 at a target about 200 yards away where we were getting close to cutting down the tree that it was on. 

Jumping a few days after the wedding I was at my aunts house.  At her house there wasn’t good Wi-Fi/service so she and my uncle let my brother and I drive ATVs around the neighborhood they were in.  Because they lived near a valley the houses were far apart so we drove them for a couple miles.  We rode the ATVs for a couple hours so when we got back to the house it was getting close to dinnertime.  

After we ate dinner the reception for the TV wasn’t really working that well so we played card games instead.  We played many different games before it got late enough for us to go to bed.  Some of them I never played before while others I did play, but only when I was younger in school.  One of the first games we played was war and my aunt and I were playing it for about twenty minutes before we decided that it was going to take all night.  We then got everyone else and played a game called “BS” where you were supposed to put the cards down in number order but they were face down, and the person who got rid of all of their cards first won.  If you thought that someone was lying when they put a card down you would yell “BS”.  If they weren’t lying you would get the stack of cards and if they were, they would get the stack of cards.  We also played about a dozen games of Yahtzee, which were pretty fun.  Throughout the couple of hours we played I didn’t check my phone once to see any updates or texts from friends that were back in New Jersey. 

The next day before we left to go to the airport we played another game of war.  I ended up winning after about 10 minutes of playing and when we finished it was time to go on the hour drive to the airport.

The author's comments:

In this piece I talk about how life was like in Idaho while visiting there. 

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