Empathy | Teen Ink


December 13, 2016
By Emislayyy BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
Emislayyy BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How strict is your dress code? How do you feel about it? Before i started having empathy i thought the dress code was literal trash. So i will be talking about how i brought empathy into my hatred of the dress code. i personally thought that most schools. Especially mine was very wrong and should be changed. Until i learned about empathy.

So dress codes are pretty strict. Especially in schools. They want to keep all ¨distractions¨ away. I had some strong feelings about it especially being a female, which is the biggest target in school dress coding. So as you can tell i hate it. Most people are against it. A lot of people are with it. Maybe we should make some changes, and try to meet in the middle and make everyone happy.

Now my side of the argument is like everyone else's. Most people just do not agree with the dress code. I just think it should be changed. Many changes could be changed that would make people happy. It also wouldn't make people that angry.

Now you may have figured out that people are against my opinion. They think the dress code should be the same. Some people think we should wear uniforms. The people who think that and i obviously have very different opinions. That’s just how life is. That is why we all should work together so everyone can be happy.

I have learned about empathy. I also have learned that i should be in other people’s shoes and see how they feel. Not everyone is going to agree with something. That’s why we all need to work together as a community to try and make everyone happy. Maybe try and meet in the middle of opinions.

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