The Deer | Teen Ink

The Deer

December 2, 2016
By Floofles BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Floofles BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
An eye for an eye only succeeds in making the whole world blind - Mahatma Gandhi

It almost made me laugh, the first time I saw the deer. It looked so comical, a randomly mounted deer head, with a rainbow flower necklace hung on it. But, the more I thought about it, the more it seemed to be a perfect representation of our world. One day, it was alive, beautiful and powerful, thrumming with energy. They, we killed it. And soon, we regretted it, so we tried as hard as we could to fix it, make it look real again, as it decayed faster and faster. In the end, we made it look so real it almost seemed alive, but it was far from it. It looked so dull, bleak. So, it try to fix it one final time, we splashed on some painfully fake, blindingly vibrant flowers, making a mockery of the fields and blossoms the deer would have been frolicking in, had it still been alive.

It also represents our society, socially. We kill the confidence and beauty of our youth, stuffing them full of lies and fear and demands. We try to make it all perfect again with makeup and dye and harsh chemicals, then, to top it all off, we add in a splash of the color and happiness that was long drained from the minds of this generation. And to top it off, in all three situations, It seems great and perfect on the surface, but has an ugly inside, and looking at it from the outside, it's so ridiculous that it almost made me laugh when I first saw it.

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