The Little Rusty Screw | Teen Ink

The Little Rusty Screw

December 2, 2016
By Anonymous

I was walking around backstage during drama practice looking for something out of the ordinary when I passed a very beat up and rusty desk (not pictured). I circled the desk taking it all in then I just started walking away, it wasn't  something I could use for my post. I took a step (without my shoes on because I'm that smart) and stomped my foot down right on this screw. I realized that this screw was what had been holding the lid of the desk up. The desktop had fallen over without it(and most likely other screws not pictured either). I quickly snapped a picture and went off to think.    

Our minorities in this world do play an important role. Take voting for example, you may think that your vote doesn't matter but imagine it like this, the candidate is on a plank leaning off of a cliff and the people are standing on the other end, keeping it from falling. If one person stepped off than another and another till there was only one, the last person could step off and send that candidate far far away. The power of the minorities is  greatly underestimated, with the realization of what we can do there is unlimited possibilities.

Also it got me thinking of how when something is ignored, it falls apart. People and objects alike. A person walking everywhere by themselves without anybody in the world to care about them, looks just like you and me. Inside they can be broken, falling apart, leaving bits of themselves all around where they tried to be noticed and it just didn't work. Objects are easier to notice when they fall apart. You see rusting, damage, parts missing, but with a person they could still be smiling. Walking around with a bright look in their face and a smile that lights up the room, but their eyes are where you will see the truth. The broken bits and damage can be seen in their eyes. While they smile their eyes are dark, vacant, off somewhere else. Maybe you have seen this before but just walked away. Don't walk away. Just like the desk and screw, if it's damaged then go and fix it. You will never be able to make it exactly the same, but the trying is what matters in the end.

The author's comments:

 This is a blog piece that I was inspired to write becuae of it's deep meaning I found.

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